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Blazor Components Debounce Input controls

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Blazor components that are rendering HTML <input>, <textarea> elements also extending InputText and InputTextArea Blazor provided components with debounced (delay) event for onChange. All components work with WebAssembly and Server hosted models. For code examples see usage.

You can try it out by using the demo app.

Debounce demo


  • DebounceInput: wraps and renders HTML <input> field with debounced (delay) event for onChange.
  • DebounceInputText: extends InputText Blazor provided component (it supports form validation and @bind-Value=) and adds debounced value changed event notification.
  • DebounceTextArea: wraps and renders HTML <textarea> field with debounced (delay) event for onChange.
  • DebounceInputTextArea: extends InputTextArea Blazor provided component (it supports form validation and @bind-Value=) and adds debounced value changed event notification.

DebounceInput and DebounceTextArea components

Blazor components that are wrapping around standard HTML <input>, <textarea> elements and provide debounced (delay) notification functionality. Can fit for any Blazor app e.g. when making async server calls on user input (search) but you don't want to waste resources by sending requests on each key pressed.

DebounceTextArea and DebounceInputTextArea components

Blazor components that are wrapping around standard exiting Blazor components. Rendered HTML result will be standard <input>, <textarea> as well. Can fit for any Blazor app but use this only when you need Blazor provided FROM validation as well.


All components have exactly the same features only rendering different HTML elements, hence they have the same properties, events and functions as well.

  • Value: string? { get; set; }
    Value of the rendered HTML element. Initial field value can be set to given string or omitted (leave empty). Also control actual value can be read out (useful when MinLenght not reached).
    * Note: in case of DebounceInputText and DebounceInputTextArea this property is inherited from Blazor component and requires slightly different code with @bind, see usage example differences.
  • DebounceTime: int { get; set; } (default: 200)
    Notification debounce timeout in ms. If set to 0 notifications happens immediately. -1 disables automatic notification completely. Notification will only happen by pressing Enter key or onblur, if set.
  • MinLength: int { get; set; } (default: 0)
    Minimal length of text to start notify, if value is shorter than MinLength, there will be notifications with empty value "".
  • ForceNotifyByEnter: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    Notification of current value will be sent immediately by hitting Enter key. Enabled by-default. Notification will obey MinLength rule, if length is less, then empty value "" will be sent back.
  • ForceNotifyOnBlur: bool { get; set; } (default: true)
    Same as ForceNotifyByEnter but notification triggered onblur event, when focus leaves the input field.
  • InnerElementReference: ElementReference { get; }
    Exposes a Blazor ElementReference of the wrapped around HTML element. It can be used e.g. for JS interop, etc.

Arbitrary HTML attributes e.g.: id="input1" class="form-control w-25" will be passed to the corresponding rendered HTML element <input> or <textarea>.

	class="form-control w-25" 
	OnValueChanged="e => { DebounceInputValue = e; }" 
	placeholder="@("Please type in at least: " + @MinCharsLength + " char(s)")"
	... />

Will be rendered to:

<input id="in1" class="form-control w-25" placeholder="Please type in at least: 2 char(s)" ... />


  • OnValueChanged: EventCallback<string> delegate - Required
    Callback function called when value was changed (debounced) with field value passed into.



Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Debounce is available on NuGet.

dotnet add package Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Debounce

Use the --version option to specify a preview version to install.


Add using statement to your Blazor <component/page>.razor file. Or globally reference it into _Imports.razor file.

@using Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Debounce


Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Debounce package depends on other Majorsoft Nuget packages:

DebounceInput and DebounceTextArea usage

Following code example shows how to use DebounceInput component in your Blazor App with model binding on specific OnInput event. So it will enable two way binding between components. You can omit it and use Value directly for one way binding.

Note: using DebounceTextArea component basically the same but it will render HTML <textarea>.

<DebounceInput id="in1" class="form-control w-100" placeholder="@("Please type in at least: " + _minCharsLength + " char(s)")" autocomplete="off"
	@bind-Value="@_debounceInputValue" @bind-Value:event="OnInput"
	OnValueChanged="e => { _notifiedInputValue = e; }"
	ForceNotifyOnBlur="@_forceNotifyOnBlur" />

<div>Notified value: @_notifiedInputValue</div>
<div>Actual value: @_debounceInputValue</div>
<input type="button" class="btn btn-primary" value="Read out actual value" @onclick="(_ => { _debounceInputValue = input1.Value; })" />
@code {
	private string _debounceInputValue = "";
	private string _notifiedInputValue = "";
	private int _debounceMilisec = 1000;
	private int _minCharsLength = 2;
	private bool _forceNotifyByEnter = true;
	private bool _forceNotifyOnBlur = true;
	private DebounceInput input1;

DebounceInputText and DebounceInputTextArea usage

Following code example shows how to use DebounceInputText component with model binding and form validation in your Blazor App.

Note: using DebounceInputTextArea component basically the same but it will render HTML <textarea>.

<EditForm Model="@exampleModel">
 <DataAnnotationsValidator />
 <ValidationSummary />
 <div class="row pb-2">
	<div class="col-12 col-lg-8 col-xl-5">
		<DebounceInputText class="form-control w-100" placeholder="@("Please type in at least: " + _debounceInputTextMinCharsLength + " char(s)")"
			OnValueChanged="e => { _debounceInputTextValue = e; }"
			ForceNotifyOnBlur="@_forceNotifyOnBlur2" />
 <div class="pb-2">
	<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Submit</button>

<div>Notified value: @_debounceInputTextValue</div>
<div>Actual value: @(exampleModel.Name)</div>

@code {
	private string _debounceInputTextValue = "";
	private int _debounceInputTextDebounceMilisec = 1000;
	private int _debounceInputTextMinCharsLength = 2;
	private bool _forceNotifyByEnter2 = true;
	private bool _forceNotifyOnBlur2 = true;
	private DebounceInputText inputText1;
	//Form model
	private ExampleModel exampleModel = new ExampleModel();
	public class ExampleModel
		[StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Name is too long.")]
		public string Name { get; set; }