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Malwared edited this page Aug 16, 2020 · 6 revisions

BYOB (Build Your Own Botnet) Wiki

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Disclaimer: This project should be used for authorized testing or educational purposes only.

BYOB is an open-source project that provides a framework for security researchers and developers to build and operate a basic botnet to deepen their understanding of the sophisticated malware that infects millions of devices every year and spawns modern botnets, in order to improve their ability to develop counter-measures against these threats.

It is designed to allow developers to easily implement their own code and add cool new features without having to write a RAT (Remote Administration Tool) or a C2 (Command & Control server) from scratch.

The RAT's key feature is that arbitrary code/files can be remotely loaded into memory from the C2 and executed on the target machine without writing anything to the disk.