These are some potential coding problems for programming interviews and assessments, also very intresting & fun ones to slove 😎
This project is aimed to master Data Structures and Algorithms that are effective in time and space complexity
The aim of the repository is to demonstrate and apply the algorithms in simple and efficient way to slove coding problmes and the concepts as much as possible.
The topics that this project contains are
✅ Arrays
✅ Strings
✅ Linked Lists
✅ Binary Trees
✅ Binary Search Trees
✅ Stacks
✅ Recursion
✅ Sorting
✅ Searching
✅ Dynamic Programming
✅ Graphs
✅ Greedy Algorithms
✅ Heaps
✅ Famous Algorithms
ℹ️ Tries
These problems are taken from the varioues books and platfloms like cracking the coding interview book, algoexpert, leetcode (not limited to this) and some real coding tests and interviews
This repository is open to any kind of contributions. Any kind of suggestions, enhancements are always welcome.