This online voting application (E-POLLER) is used to create polls online for people to vote. It runs using flask (python based web framework) primarily. It uses Heroku Postgres Database.
If you are not familiar with heroku , follow these steps:
- Navigate to Heroku|Sign Up and create an account. Login after you created the account.
- Create new app. The app name can be of your choice.
- Navigate to "Resources" tab in the header of heroku dashboard. Then type "Heroku Postgres" into the Add-ons search field. Select "Heroku Postgres" from the dropdown.
- Select "Hobby Dev-Free" plan and click "Provision". Your free postgreSQL Database is created
- Navigate to "Heroku Postgres"-->"Settings"-->"View Credentials" to see your credentials
- Follow the link for more info.
DATABASE_URL Set DATABASE_URL environment variable to the value of URI in your Heroku Credentials.
FLASK_APP Set FLASK_APP environment variable to value ""
MAIL_USERNAME Set MAIL_USERNAME environment variable to the gmail address you want to use for sending mail
MAIL_PASSWORD Set MAIL_PASSWORD environment variable to the password of the gmail address provided above
- Open cmd and navigate to your repository location.
- Type following command to install all the requirements. (Make sure you have python 3.0+ version installed)
>>pip install -r requirements.txt
- Type following command to create tables in your database. (Make sure to set environment variables)
- Lastly, type following command to run your application.
>>flask run
Navigate to your localhost address in your browser to see the application in action !!!!
- Flask - The web framework used
- PostgreSQL - Database Used
You can contribute by sending pull requests to the code.
- Mansi Agnihotri - (
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project was inspired by Votr