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287 lines (228 loc) · 15.7 KB


File metadata and controls

287 lines (228 loc) · 15.7 KB

1.18.1 (2016-03-13)

  • Fixed SlackHandler bug where slack dropped messages randomly
  • Fixed RedisHandler issue when using with the PHPRedis extension
  • Fixed AmqpHandler content-type being incorrectly set when using with the AMQP extension
  • Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler regression

1.18.0 (2016-03-01)

  • Added optional reduction of timestamp precision via Logger->useMicrosecondTimestamps(false), disabling it gets you a bit of performance boost but reduces the precision to the second instead of microsecond
  • Added possibility to skip some extra stack frames in IntrospectionProcessor if you have some library wrapping Monolog that is always adding frames
  • Added Logger->withName to clone a logger (keeping all handlers) with a new name
  • Added FluentdFormatter for the Fluentd unix socket protocol
  • Added HandlerWrapper base class to ease the creation of handler wrappers, just extend it and override as needed
  • Added support for replacing context sub-keys using %context.*% in LineFormatter
  • Added support for payload context value in RollbarHandler
  • Added setRelease to RavenHandler to describe the application version, sent with every log
  • Added support for fingerprint context value in RavenHandler
  • Fixed JSON encoding errors that would gobble up the whole log record, we now handle those more gracefully by dropping chars as needed
  • Fixed write timeouts in SocketHandler and derivatives, set to 10sec by default, lower it with setWritingTimeout()
  • Fixed PHP7 compatibility with regard to Exception/Throwable handling in a few places

1.17.2 (2015-10-14)

  • Fixed ErrorHandler compatibility with non-Monolog PSR-3 loggers
  • Fixed SlackHandler handling to use slack functionalities better
  • Fixed SwiftMailerHandler bug when sending multiple emails they all had the same id
  • Fixed 5.3 compatibility regression

1.17.1 (2015-08-31)

  • Fixed RollbarHandler triggering PHP notices

1.17.0 (2015-08-30)

  • Added support for checksum and release context/extra values in RavenHandler
  • Added better support for exceptions in RollbarHandler
  • Added UidProcessor::getUid
  • Added support for showing the resource type in NormalizedFormatter
  • Fixed IntrospectionProcessor triggering PHP notices

1.16.0 (2015-08-09)

  • Added IFTTTHandler to notify triggers
  • Added Logger::setHandlers() to allow setting/replacing all handlers
  • Added $capSize in RedisHandler to cap the log size
  • Fixed StreamHandler creation of directory to only trigger when the first log write happens
  • Fixed bug in the handling of curl failures
  • Fixed duplicate logging of fatal errors when both error and fatal error handlers are registered in monolog's ErrorHandler
  • Fixed missing fatal errors records with handlers that need to be closed to flush log records
  • Fixed TagProcessor::addTags support for associative arrays

1.15.0 (2015-07-12)

  • Added addTags and setTags methods to change a TagProcessor
  • Added automatic creation of directories if they are missing for a StreamHandler to open a log file
  • Added retry functionality to Loggly, Cube and Mandrill handlers so they retry up to 5 times in case of network failure
  • Fixed process exit code being incorrectly reset to 0 if ErrorHandler::registerExceptionHandler was used
  • Fixed HTML/JS escaping in BrowserConsoleHandler
  • Fixed JSON encoding errors being silently suppressed (PHP 5.5+ only)

1.14.0 (2015-06-19)

  • Added PHPConsoleHandler to send record to Chrome's PHP Console extension and library
  • Added support for objects implementing __toString in the NormalizerFormatter
  • Added support for HipChat's v2 API in HipChatHandler
  • Added Logger::setTimezone() to initialize the timezone monolog should use in case date.timezone isn't correct for your app
  • Added an option to send formatted message instead of the raw record on PushoverHandler via ->useFormattedMessage(true)
  • Fixed curl errors being silently suppressed

1.13.1 (2015-03-09)

  • Fixed regression in HipChat requiring a new token to be created

1.13.0 (2015-03-05)

  • Added Registry::hasLogger to check for the presence of a logger instance
  • Added context.user support to RavenHandler
  • Added HipChat API v2 support in the HipChatHandler
  • Added NativeMailerHandler::addParameter to pass params to the mail() process
  • Added context data to SlackHandler when $includeContextAndExtra is true
  • Added ability to customize the Swift_Message per-email in SwiftMailerHandler
  • Fixed SwiftMailerHandler to lazily create message instances if a callback is provided
  • Fixed serialization of INF and NaN values in Normalizer and LineFormatter

1.12.0 (2014-12-29)

  • Break: HandlerInterface::isHandling now receives a partial record containing only a level key. This was always the intent and does not break any Monolog handler but is strictly speaking a BC break and you should check if you relied on any other field in your own handlers.
  • Added PsrHandler to forward records to another PSR-3 logger
  • Added SamplingHandler to wrap around a handler and include only every Nth record
  • Added MongoDBFormatter to support better storage with MongoDBHandler (it must be enabled manually for now)
  • Added exception codes in the output of most formatters
  • Added LineFormatter::includeStacktraces to enable exception stack traces in logs (uses more than one line)
  • Added $useShortAttachment to SlackHandler to minify attachment size and $includeExtra to append extra data
  • Added $host to HipChatHandler for users of private instances
  • Added $transactionName to NewRelicHandler and support for a transaction_name context value
  • Fixed MandrillHandler to avoid outputing API call responses
  • Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler

1.11.0 (2014-09-30)

  • Break: The NewRelicHandler extra and context data are now prefixed with extra_ and context_ to avoid clashes. Watch out if you have scripts reading those from the API and rely on names
  • Added WhatFailureGroupHandler to suppress any exception coming from the wrapped handlers and avoid chain failures if a logging service fails
  • Added MandrillHandler to send emails via the API
  • Added SlackHandler to log records to a account
  • Added FleepHookHandler to log records to a account
  • Added LogglyHandler::addTag to allow adding tags to an existing handler
  • Added $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra to LineFormatter to avoid empty [] at the end
  • Added $useLocking to StreamHandler and RotatingFileHandler to enable flock() while writing
  • Added support for PhpAmqpLib in the AmqpHandler
  • Added FingersCrossedHandler::clear and BufferHandler::clear to reset them between batches in long running jobs
  • Added support for adding extra fields from $_SERVER in the WebProcessor
  • Fixed support for non-string values in PrsLogMessageProcessor
  • Fixed SwiftMailer messages being sent with the wrong date in long running scripts
  • Fixed minor PHP 5.6 compatibility issues
  • Fixed BufferHandler::close being called twice

1.10.0 (2014-06-04)

  • Added Logger::getHandlers() and Logger::getProcessors() methods
  • Added $passthruLevel argument to FingersCrossedHandler to let it always pass some records through even if the trigger level is not reached
  • Added support for extra data in NewRelicHandler
  • Added $expandNewlines flag to the ErrorLogHandler to create multiple log entries when a message has multiple lines

1.9.1 (2014-04-24)

  • Fixed regression in RotatingFileHandler file permissions
  • Fixed initialization of the BufferHandler to make sure it gets flushed after receiving records
  • Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler's activation strategies to be more conservative

1.9.0 (2014-04-20)

  • Added LogEntriesHandler to send logs to a LogEntries account
  • Added $filePermissions to tweak file mode on StreamHandler and RotatingFileHandler
  • Added $useFormatting flag to MemoryProcessor to make it send raw data in bytes
  • Added support for table formatting in FirePHPHandler via the table context key
  • Added a TagProcessor to add tags to records, and support for tags in RavenHandler
  • Added $appendNewline flag to the JsonFormatter to enable using it when logging to files
  • Added sound support to the PushoverHandler
  • Fixed multi-threading support in StreamHandler
  • Fixed empty headers issue when ChromePHPHandler received no records
  • Fixed default format of the ErrorLogHandler

1.8.0 (2014-03-23)

  • Break: the LineFormatter now strips newlines by default because this was a bug, set $allowInlineLineBreaks to true if you need them
  • Added BrowserConsoleHandler to send logs to any browser's console via console.log() injection in the output
  • Added FilterHandler to filter records and only allow those of a given list of levels through to the wrapped handler
  • Added FlowdockHandler to send logs to a Flowdock account
  • Added RollbarHandler to send logs to a Rollbar account
  • Added HtmlFormatter to send prettier log emails with colors for each log level
  • Added GitProcessor to add the current branch/commit to extra record data
  • Added a Monolog\Registry class to allow easier global access to pre-configured loggers
  • Added support for the new official graylog2/gelf-php lib for GelfHandler, upgrade if you can by replacing the mlehner/gelf-php requirement
  • Added support for HHVM
  • Added support for Loggly batch uploads
  • Added support for tweaking the content type and encoding in NativeMailerHandler
  • Added $skipClassesPartials to tweak the ignored classes in the IntrospectionProcessor
  • Fixed batch request support in GelfHandler

1.7.0 (2013-11-14)

  • Added ElasticSearchHandler to send logs to an Elastic Search server
  • Added DynamoDbHandler and ScalarFormatter to send logs to Amazon's Dynamo DB
  • Added SyslogUdpHandler to send logs to a remote syslogd server
  • Added LogglyHandler to send logs to a Loggly account
  • Added $level to IntrospectionProcessor so it only adds backtraces when needed
  • Added $version to LogstashFormatter to allow using the new v1 Logstash format
  • Added $appName to NewRelicHandler
  • Added configuration of Pushover notification retries/expiry
  • Added $maxColumnWidth to NativeMailerHandler to change the 70 chars default
  • Added chainability to most setters for all handlers
  • Fixed RavenHandler batch processing so it takes the message from the record with highest priority
  • Fixed HipChatHandler batch processing so it sends all messages at once
  • Fixed issues with eAccelerator
  • Fixed and improved many small things

1.6.0 (2013-07-29)

  • Added HipChatHandler to send logs to a HipChat chat room
  • Added ErrorLogHandler to send logs to PHP's error_log function
  • Added NewRelicHandler to send logs to NewRelic's service
  • Added Monolog\ErrorHandler helper class to register a Logger as exception/error/fatal handler
  • Added ChannelLevelActivationStrategy for the FingersCrossedHandler to customize levels by channel
  • Added stack traces output when normalizing exceptions (json output & co)
  • Added Monolog\Logger::API constant (currently 1)
  • Added support for ChromePHP's v4.0 extension
  • Added support for message priorities in PushoverHandler, see $highPriorityLevel and $emergencyLevel
  • Added support for sending messages to multiple users at once with the PushoverHandler
  • Fixed RavenHandler's support for batch sending of messages (when behind a Buffer or FingersCrossedHandler)
  • Fixed normalization of Traversables with very large data sets, only the first 1000 items are shown now
  • Fixed issue in RotatingFileHandler when an open_basedir restriction is active
  • Fixed minor issues in RavenHandler and bumped the API to Raven 0.5.0
  • Fixed SyslogHandler issue when many were used concurrently with different facilities

1.5.0 (2013-04-23)

  • Added ProcessIdProcessor to inject the PID in log records
  • Added UidProcessor to inject a unique identifier to all log records of one request/run
  • Added support for previous exceptions in the LineFormatter exception serialization
  • Added Monolog\Logger::getLevels() to get all available levels
  • Fixed ChromePHPHandler so it avoids sending headers larger than Chrome can handle

1.4.1 (2013-04-01)

  • Fixed exception formatting in the LineFormatter to be more minimalistic
  • Fixed RavenHandler's handling of context/extra data, requires Raven client >0.1.0
  • Fixed log rotation in RotatingFileHandler to work with long running scripts spanning multiple days
  • Fixed WebProcessor array access so it checks for data presence
  • Fixed Buffer, Group and FingersCrossed handlers to make use of their processors

1.4.0 (2013-02-13)

  • Added RedisHandler to log to Redis via the Predis library or the phpredis extension
  • Added ZendMonitorHandler to log to the Zend Server monitor
  • Added the possibility to pass arrays of handlers and processors directly in the Logger constructor
  • Added $useSSL option to the PushoverHandler which is enabled by default
  • Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler issue when multiple instances are used simultaneously
  • Fixed header injection capability in the NativeMailHandler

1.3.1 (2013-01-11)

  • Fixed LogstashFormatter to be usable with stream handlers
  • Fixed GelfMessageFormatter levels on Windows

1.3.0 (2013-01-08)

  • Added PSR-3 compliance, the Monolog\Logger class is now an instance of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  • Added PsrLogMessageProcessor that you can selectively enable for full PSR-3 compliance
  • Added LogstashFormatter (combine with SocketHandler or StreamHandler to send logs to Logstash)
  • Added PushoverHandler to send mobile notifications
  • Added CouchDBHandler and DoctrineCouchDBHandler
  • Added RavenHandler to send data to Sentry servers
  • Added support for the new MongoClient class in MongoDBHandler
  • Added microsecond precision to log records' timestamps
  • Added $flushOnOverflow param to BufferHandler to flush by batches instead of losing the oldest entries
  • Fixed normalization of objects with cyclic references

1.2.1 (2012-08-29)

  • Added new $logopts arg to SyslogHandler to provide custom openlog options
  • Fixed fatal error in SyslogHandler

1.2.0 (2012-08-18)

  • Added AmqpHandler (for use with AMQP servers)
  • Added CubeHandler
  • Added NativeMailerHandler::addHeader() to send custom headers in mails
  • Added the possibility to specify more than one recipient in NativeMailerHandler
  • Added the possibility to specify float timeouts in SocketHandler
  • Added NOTICE and EMERGENCY levels to conform with RFC 5424
  • Fixed the log records to use the php default timezone instead of UTC
  • Fixed BufferHandler not being flushed properly on PHP fatal errors
  • Fixed normalization of exotic resource types
  • Fixed the default format of the SyslogHandler to avoid duplicating datetimes in syslog

1.1.0 (2012-04-23)

  • Added Monolog\Logger::isHandling() to check if a handler will handle the given log level
  • Added ChromePHPHandler
  • Added MongoDBHandler
  • Added GelfHandler (for use with Graylog2 servers)
  • Added SocketHandler (for use with syslog-ng for example)
  • Added NormalizerFormatter
  • Added the possibility to change the activation strategy of the FingersCrossedHandler
  • Added possibility to show microseconds in logs
  • Added server and referer to WebProcessor output

1.0.2 (2011-10-24)

  • Fixed bug in IE with large response headers and FirePHPHandler

1.0.1 (2011-08-25)

  • Added MemoryPeakUsageProcessor and MemoryUsageProcessor
  • Added Monolog\Logger::getName() to get a logger's channel name

1.0.0 (2011-07-06)

  • Added IntrospectionProcessor to get info from where the logger was called
  • Fixed WebProcessor in CLI

1.0.0-RC1 (2011-07-01)

  • Initial release