Note: was previously called prior to this repository's open-sourcing.
Some teams have decided to partner with secret-shield to help protect not only their repositories from accidentally committed secrets, but every other repository on the contributors' machines as well. You need to have secret-shield installed and configured globally if you want to commit to these partner repositories.
Do the following:
npm install -g @mapbox/secret-shield
secret-shield --add-hooks global
Follow these steps:
- Install secret-shield as described above, then try again.
- If that doesn't work, follow the errors that appear on-screen.
- If that doesn't work, take a look here for common issues.
- If that doesn't work and you need to commit right now, run
git commit
with the--no-verify
flag to skip all checks, including the check for secrets. - If you need further help or want to report a bug, open a ticket in secret-shield.
- If you need more immediate help, message us in the #secret-shield slack channel.
You still need to install these global hooks. They won't interfere with the local hooks because the local hooks will take precedence.
You will be required to have secret-shield --pre-commit
somewhere in your global pre-commit hook file, alongside your other hooks.
The easy way: add the following lines inside your hooks file:
# load NVM - this is important for environments are noninteractive e.g. IDEs
# if NVM isn't installed then this won't do anything.
if [ -z "$NVM_DIR" ]; then
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
secret-shield --pre-commit || exit 1
You can also choose to integrate secret-shield however else you want with your pre-commit hooks, as long as you put secret-shield --pre-commit
somewhere in there.