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Martin@MBP edited this page Apr 13, 2014 · 9 revisions

About Fancytree event handlers.

Functionality can be added (and modified) by defining event handlers (i.e. callback functions).

Every event handler is passed a event and a data argument, that contain information about the event target.


    activate: function(event, data){
      // A node was activated: display its title:
      var node = data.node;
    beforeSelect: function(event, data){
      // A node is about to be selected: prevent this for folders:
      if( data.node.isFolder() ){
        return false;

Some event handlers may return false to prevent default handling.
Return values other than true or false must be passed in the data.result property:

    lazyLoad: function(event, data){
      data.result = [ {"title": "New child 1"}, {"title": "New child 2"} ];

An alternative way to define event handlers is to bind them later to an initialized tree. Note that the event name must be converted to lower case and prefixed with 'fancytree':

  $("#tree").bind("fancytreebeforeselect", function(event, data){
    if( data.node.isFolder() ){
      return false;

For more information see also

To see the event sequence for different operations, open the online sample and have a look at the browser console.


[Howto] Find out source and the clicked region in a click handler
  click: function(event, data) {
    var node = data.node,
        // Only for click and dblclick events:
        // 'title' | 'prefix' | 'expander' | 'checkbox' | 'icon'
        targetType = data.targetType;

    // we could return false to prevent default handling, i.e. generating
    // activate, expand, or select events
[Howto] Retrieve a FancytreeNode in an arbitrary event handler

A standard click event does not have a data argument, so we have to use helper functions.

$(document).click(function(event) {
  var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(event),
      // Only for click and dblclick events:
      // 'title' | 'prefix' | 'expander' | 'checkbox' | 'icon'
      tt = $.ui.fancytree.getEventTargetType(event);
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