Cactus electricity-trade is a sample application for exchanging electricity (which is measured by a device that is logging to a Sawtooth blockchain) for ETH currency on a private Ethereum blockchain. When the measuring device detects power usage, a Sawtooth transaction triggers a Cactus LedgerEvent to pay the device user's currency on the Ethereum blockchain, where the amount paid is proportional to the amount of power usage recorded on the Sawtooth blockchain. In this example, we use the Sawtooth intkey transaction processor as an application for power measurement logging.
Before you begin, you need to check that you have all the prerequisites installed as follows:
- OS: Linux (recommend: Ubuntu18.04 or CentOS7)
- Docker (recommend: v17.06.2-ce or greater)
- Docker-compose (recommend: v1.14.0 or greater)
- node.js v12 (recommend: v12.20.2 or greater)
- The ports 5034, 5050, 5140 are available (If they are already used, the following processes can be done by changing the port number setting)
- Before booting, please modify the following information for your environment
(IP address of the host on the Location header) on/packages/config/default.json
- (Optional) Please modify the following information for your environment if necessary. This procedure should only be performed by users who cannot use port 5034.
(The port number of Routing-interface http server, the default is 5034) on/packages/config/default.json
- Go to the following directory:
cd cactus/examples/electricity-trade/
- Start ledgers:
- (NOTICE: Before executing the above, your account needs to be added to the docker group (
usermod -a -G docker YourAccount
from root user)) - If the following containers are started when displaying the container list with the docker ps command, it will be fine.
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6fe03a6e1716 hyperledger/sawtooth-shell:nightly "bash -c 'sawtooth k…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 4004/tcp, 8008/tcp sawtooth-shell-default c5bbe6ea9904 hyperledger/sawtooth-settings-tp:nightly "settings-tp -vv -C …" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 4004/tcp sawtooth-settings-tp-default 016eaa658ed2 hyperledger/sawtooth-intkey-tp-python:nightly "intkey-tp-python -v…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 4004/tcp sawtooth-intkey-tp-python-default 95b77877b672 hyperledger/sawtooth-xo-tp-python:nightly "xo-tp-python -vv -C…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 4004/tcp sawtooth-xo-tp-python-default 1d7ecbc5b84d hyperledger/sawtooth-rest-api:nightly "sawtooth-rest-api -…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 4004/tcp,>8008/tcp sawtooth-rest-api-default b44ffa3b385f hyperledger/sawtooth-devmode-engine-rust:nightly "devmode-engine-rust…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours sawtooth-devmode-engine-rust-default 8f50d8fbe985 hyperledger/sawtooth-validator:nightly "bash -c 'sawadm key…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours>4004/tcp sawtooth-validator-default b519eb5ed1cd ethereum/client-go:v1.8.27 "geth --rpc --networ…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 8546/tcp,>8545/tcp, 30303/tcp, 30303/udp geth1
- (NOTICE: Before executing the above, your account needs to be added to the docker group (
- Build validators, packages, and the electricity trade app:
- Start validators and the electricity trade app
- Please open three consoles and execute the following:.
- Start the validator for Sawtooth on the first console using the port 5140:
- Start the validator for Ethereum on the second console using the port 5050:
- Start the electricity trade app on the third console using the port 5034:
- The parameters are used on this application
- Source account on Ethereum:
- The privkey of source account on Ethereum:
- Destination account on Ethereum:
- The key name of intkey on Sawtooth:
- Source account on Ethereum:
- Set the intkey script on Sawtooth docker:
- Register on account information:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/electricity-trade/meter/register/ -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"businessLogicID":"h40Q9eMD","meterParams":["MI000001", "06fc56347d91c6ad2dae0c3ba38eb12ab0d72e97", "cb5d48d371916a4ea1627189d8af4f642a5d72746a06b559780c3f5932658207", "9d624f7995e8bd70251f8265f2f9f2b49f169c55"]}'
(Optional) Check the balance on Ethereum accounts using the following script
- Check the balance of the source account as the following:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/balance/06fc56347d91c6ad2dae0c3ba38eb12ab0d72e97
- The result: `{"status":200,"amount":100000}`
- Check the balance of the destination account:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/balance/9d624f7995e8bd70251f8265f2f9f2b49f169c55
- The result: `{"status":200,"amount":0}`
Start the electricity-trade application
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/electricity-trade/ -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"businessLogicID":"h40Q9eMD"}'
- The example response of tradeID: `{"tradeID":"20210220075755506-001"}`
- (Then, the application starts to monitor the Sawtooth blockchain)
Execute the intkey transaction on Sawtooth blockchain
- Open the docker bash:
docker exec -it sawtooth-shell-default bash
- Execute the intkey transaction:
intkey create_batch --key-name MI000001 --value-set 50 --value-inc 24 sawtooth batch submit -f batches.intkey --url http://rest-api:8008
- (In the above, the value of the key
is set as 50, and increased by 24) - After that, exit the docker bash:
- Open the docker bash:
(Optional) Check the balance on Ethereum accounts using the following script
- Check the balance of the source account as the following:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/balance/06fc56347d91c6ad2dae0c3ba38eb12ab0d72e97
- The result: `{"status":200,"amount":99976}`
- Check the balance of the destination account:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/balance/9d624f7995e8bd70251f8265f2f9f2b49f169c55
- The result: `{"status":200,"amount":24}`
- (The result shows that the asset was transferred between Ethereum addresses depending on the value of the change in Sawtooth intkey.)
- Stop the above validators (
) and the electricity trade app (./
).- Press Ctrl+C on the above three consoles.
- Cleanup the docker containers of Ethereum and Fabric
- Run
- Run