Releases: mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-j
Releases · mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-j
MariaDB Connector/Java 2.7.7
2.7.7 (Nov 2022)
- CONJ-1021 GSSAPI authentication might result in connection reset
- CONJ-1019 DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys should return real value for PK_NAME column
- CONJ-1016 avoid splitting BULK command into multiple commands in case of prepareStatement.setNull() use
- CONJ-1011 correcting possible NPE when using statement.cancel() that coincide with statement.close() in another thread
- CONJ-1007 only fix socket descriptor issue for unix socket
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.8
3.0.8 (Sept 2022)
Notable Changes
- small performance improvement
- [CONJ-1010] improve client side prepared parameter parameter substitution
Bugs Fixed
- [CONJ-997] regression in 3.x when using option galeraAllowedState resulting in an IndexOutOfBoundsException
- [CONJ-1002] 2nd failover reconnection ignores default database/schema setting when not set by connection string
- [CONJ-1003] replication configuration always use 1st replica on 3.0
- [CONJ-996] BatchUpdateException doesn't inherited the SQLState & vendorCode from the cause SQL exception
- [CONJ-1006] disabling cachePrepStmts with useServerPrepStmts might result in Exception
- [CONJ-1007] Socket file descriptors are leaked after connecting with unix socket if DB is not up running
- [CONJ-1010] improve client side prepare statement parameter substitution
- [CONJ-999] setting createDatabaseIfNotExist option use on read-only server will refuse connection on 3.0
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.7
3.0.7 (Jul 2022)
- [CONJ-993] SQLDataException reading DATA_TYPE on DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() after 3.0.4
- [CONJ-986] Permit specific Statement.setLocalInfileInputStream for compatibility
- [CONJ-987] Version 3.0.0 returns String for VARBINARY instead of byte[] as 2.7.6 did
- [CONJ-989] Binary column read as String
- [CONJ-990] Setting timezone=UTC result in SQLSyntaxErrorException
- [CONJ-991] Regression: binary(16) is returned as String by getObject()
- [CONJ-994] Version 3.x rejects previously accepted boolean string parameter for BOOLEAN field
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.6
3.0.6 (Jun 2022)
- [CONJ-953] PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() returns rows when no keys are generated in insert
- [CONJ-975] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempt to getTime() from ResultSet
- [CONJ-976] Improve use of pipelining when allowLocalInfile is enabled
- [CONJ-979] ResultSet.getObject() returns Byte instead of Boolean for tinyint(1)
- [CONJ-980] Permit setObject with java.util.Date parameter
- [CONJ-984] Permit executing initial command with new option
- [CONJ-985] ResultSet.getObject() returns ByteSet instead of Byte[] for BIT
MariaDB Connector/Java 2.7.6
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.5
3.0.5 (may 2022)
- [CONJ-956] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when alias length > 250
- [CONJ-947] value after milliseconds precision lost when timestamp is encoded
- [CONJ-949] keep clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl and clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl aliases
- [CONJ-950] metadata TEXT/TINYTEXT/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXT wrong column type and length
- [CONJ-954] java.time.OffsetDateTime not supported
- [CONJ-958] compatibility with 2.7: now loop through hosts when multiple host without failover mode
- [CONJ-959] java.time.Instant not supported
- [CONJ-961] LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE was disable by default
- [CONJ-962] resultset for negative TIME value return erronous LocalDateTime values
- [CONJ-965] better error message when not loading serverSslCert file
- [CONJ-967] clearParameters() breaks validity when using output parameters in stored procedures
- [CONJ-969] org.mariadb.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement is missing a toString implementation, useful for logging
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.4
3.0.4 (Mar 2022)
- [CONJ-915] javadoc addition
- [CONJ-921] DatabaseMetadata#getTables with null value for tableNamePattern throws Syntax error
- [CONJ-922] DECIMAL overflow for long/int/short not throwing exception
- [CONJ-924] NULL column type might result in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected datatype NULL
- [CONJ-926] Client restrict authentication to 'mysql_native_password,client_ed25519,auth_gssapi_client' if restrictedAuth parameter is not set
- [CONJ-924] NULL column test correction
- [CONJ-923] correctly return 64 bits generated id / updated rows
- [CONJ-933] load-balancing failover doesn't timeout
- [CONJ-935] Connection.getMetaData() returns MariaDbClob instead of String
- [CONJ-937] metadata getColumnTypeName wrong return type
- [CONJ-934] MariaDbDataSource is sensitive to the order of setting of username and password
- [CONJ-932] Login packet now use recommended length encoded value for connection attributes
- [CONJ-925] missing OSGI infos
- [CONJ-945] ensure retry is limited by retriesAllDown
- [CONJ-940] Permit updating rows when not having primary info on metadata (Xpand)
- [CONJ-939] add Xpand testing
MariaDB Connector/Java 2.7.5
2.7.5 (Jan 2021)
- CONJ-914 remove enabling session_track_schema on connection creation
- CONJ-895 Wrong pattern for detection of aurora
- CONJ-897 Include connection id in certain important log messages
- CONJ-896 Fix regression in pooled connections
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.3
3.0.3 (Jan 2022)
- [CONJ-908] correct Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes/String[] columnNames) to return generated keys
- [CONJ-909] adding createDatabaseIfNotExist option for 2.x compatibility
- [CONJ-910] permit jdbc:mysql scheme when connection string contains "permitMysqlScheme" for compatibility
- [CONJ-913] Avoid executing additional command on connection for faster connection creation
- [CONJ-912] remove security manager code (JEP 411)
- [CONJ-911] enable keep-alive by default
- failover improvement. some specific commands not in transaction are considered to be replayed in case of failover, like PING, PREPARE, ROLLBACK, ...
- CONJ-705 parameter metadata get parameter count even when query cannot be prepared
- prepareStatement.addBatch must initialize with previous set
- Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes/String[] columnNames) must return generated keys
- setting "transaction read only" only for replica
- keeping option interactiveClient for compatibility
- adding option
to control redo cache size - only set skip metadata connection flag when using binary protocol
- permit getString on a binary object
- compression correction for multi-packet
- COM_RESET_CONNECTION expect a response (ERR_Packet or OK_Packet)
- [CONJ-901] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on StandardReadableByteBuf.readByte error
MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.2-rc
3.0.2-rc (31 Aug 2021)
- CONJ-879 Java 9 module full support
- Aws IAM credential now use sdk v2 authentication that support java 9 modularity
- CONJ-896 Ensure pool connections validation when a socket fail
- CONJ-897 Ensure having connection's thread id in Exception / debug logs
- Ensure travis testing for PR/fork