[2024-02-29 01:59:48] Unknown log level 'DEBUG' for logger 'general' [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [marian] Marian v1.12.14 2d067afb 2024-02-16 11:44:13 -0500 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [marian] Running on 4fa5e83c0932 as process 34835 with command line: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [marian] /marian-dev/marian-decoder --force-decode -i prefixes.txt src.txt -c decoder.yml --cpu-threads 1 -n1 --quiet-translation -w 100 --mini-batch 100 --maxi-batch 1000 --maxi-batch-sort src --max-length 500 --max-length-crop -b 6 --log-level DEBUG --log log.txt [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] alignment: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] allow-special: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] allow-unk: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] authors: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] beam-size: 6 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-class-symbol: "[CLS]" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-mask-symbol: "[MASK]" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-masking-fraction: 0.15 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-sep-symbol: "[SEP]" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-train-type-embeddings: true [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] bert-type-vocab-size: 2 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] best-deep: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] build-info: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] check-nan: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] cite: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-augment-bad: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-dropout: 0.1 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-final-sigmoid: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-mix: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-mix-norm: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-mixup: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-mixup-reg: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-pooler-ffn: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - 2048 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - 1024 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-prepend-zero: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] comet-stop-grad: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] cpu-threads: 1 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] data-threads: 8 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dec-cell: gru [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dec-cell-base-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dec-cell-high-depth: 1 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dec-depth: 6 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] devices: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dim-emb: 512 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dim-rnn: 1024 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dim-vocabs: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - 65000 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - 65000 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] dump-config: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] enc-cell: gru [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] enc-cell-depth: 1 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] enc-depth: 6 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] enc-type: bidirectional [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] factors-combine: sum [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] factors-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] force-decode: true [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] gemm-type: float32 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] ignore-model-config: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] input: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - prefixes.txt [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - src.txt [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] input-types: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] interpolate-env-vars: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] layer-normalization: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] lemma-dependency: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] lemma-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] log: log.txt [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] log-level: DEBUG [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] log-time-zone: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] max-length: 500 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] max-length-crop: true [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] max-length-factor: 3 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] maxi-batch: 1000 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] maxi-batch-sort: src [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] mini-batch: 100 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] mini-batch-words: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] model-mmap: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] models: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.transformer-align.model1.npz.best-perplexity.npz [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] n-best: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] no-spm-decode: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] no-spm-encode: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] normalize: 1 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] optimize: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] output: stdout [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] output-approx-knn: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] output-omit-bias: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] output-sampling: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] precision: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - float32 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] quantize-range: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] quiet: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] quiet-translation: true [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] relative-paths: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] right-left: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] seed: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] shortlist: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] skip: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] skip-cost: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] stat-freq: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] tied-embeddings: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] tied-embeddings-all: true [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] tied-embeddings-src: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-aan-activation: swish [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-aan-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-aan-nogate: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-decoder-autoreg: self-attention [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-decoder-dim-ffn: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-decoder-ffn-depth: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-depth-scaling: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-dim-aan: 2048 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-dim-ffn: 2048 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-ffn-activation: swish [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-ffn-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-guided-alignment-layer: last [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-heads: 8 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-no-affine: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-no-bias: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-no-projection: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-pool: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-postprocess: dan [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-postprocess-emb: d [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-postprocess-top: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-preprocess: "" [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-rnn-projection: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-tied-layers: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] transformer-train-position-embeddings: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] tsv: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] tsv-fields: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] type: transformer [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] ulr: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] ulr-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] ulr-trainable-transformation: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] version: v1.9.1 95c65bb 2020-03-17 03:30:49 +0000 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] vocabs: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] weights: [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] [] [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] word-penalty: 0 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] word-scores: false [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] workspace: 100 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [config] Loaded model has been created with Marian v1.9.1 95c65bb 2020-03-17 03:30:49 +0000 [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 01:59:48] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 01:59:49] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 01:59:49] Loading model from /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.transformer-align.model1.npz.best-perplexity.npz [2024-02-29 01:59:50] [memory] Extending reserved space to 128 MB (device cpu0) [2024-02-29 01:59:50] Loaded model config [2024-02-29 01:59:50] Loading scorer of type transformer as feature F0 [2024-02-29 01:59:51] [memory] Reserving 295 MB, device cpu0 [2024-02-29 01:59:51] Force-decoding with given prefixes [2024-02-29 02:01:09] Unknown log level 'DEBUG' for logger 'general' [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [marian] Marian v1.12.14 2d067afb 2024-02-16 11:44:13 -0500 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [marian] Running on 4fa5e83c0932 as process 34864 with command line: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [marian] /marian-dev/marian-decoder --force-decode -i prefixes.txt src.txt -c decoder.yml --cpu-threads 1 -n1 --quiet-translation -w 100 --mini-batch 100 --maxi-batch 1000 --maxi-batch-sort src --max-length 500 -b 6 --log-level DEBUG --log log.txt [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] alignment: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] allow-special: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] allow-unk: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] authors: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] beam-size: 6 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-class-symbol: "[CLS]" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-mask-symbol: "[MASK]" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-masking-fraction: 0.15 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-sep-symbol: "[SEP]" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-train-type-embeddings: true [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] bert-type-vocab-size: 2 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] best-deep: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] build-info: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] check-nan: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] cite: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-augment-bad: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-dropout: 0.1 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-final-sigmoid: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-mix: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-mix-norm: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-mixup: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-mixup-reg: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-pooler-ffn: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - 2048 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - 1024 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-prepend-zero: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] comet-stop-grad: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] cpu-threads: 1 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] data-threads: 8 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dec-cell: gru [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dec-cell-base-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dec-cell-high-depth: 1 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dec-depth: 6 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] devices: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dim-emb: 512 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dim-rnn: 1024 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dim-vocabs: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - 65000 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - 65000 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] dump-config: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] enc-cell: gru [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] enc-cell-depth: 1 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] enc-depth: 6 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] enc-type: bidirectional [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] factors-combine: sum [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] factors-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] force-decode: true [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] gemm-type: float32 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] ignore-model-config: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] input: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - prefixes.txt [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - src.txt [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] input-types: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] interpolate-env-vars: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] layer-normalization: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] lemma-dependency: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] lemma-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] log: log.txt [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] log-level: DEBUG [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] log-time-zone: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] max-length: 500 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] max-length-crop: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] max-length-factor: 3 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] maxi-batch: 1000 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] maxi-batch-sort: src [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] mini-batch: 100 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] mini-batch-words: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] model-mmap: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] models: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.transformer-align.model1.npz.best-perplexity.npz [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] n-best: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] no-spm-decode: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] no-spm-encode: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] normalize: 1 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] optimize: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] output: stdout [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] output-approx-knn: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] output-omit-bias: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] output-sampling: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] precision: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - float32 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] quantize-range: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] quiet: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] quiet-translation: true [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] relative-paths: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] right-left: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] seed: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] shortlist: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] skip: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] skip-cost: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] stat-freq: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] tied-embeddings: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] tied-embeddings-all: true [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] tied-embeddings-src: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-aan-activation: swish [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-aan-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-aan-nogate: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-decoder-autoreg: self-attention [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-decoder-dim-ffn: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-decoder-ffn-depth: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-depth-scaling: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-dim-aan: 2048 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-dim-ffn: 2048 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-ffn-activation: swish [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-ffn-depth: 2 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-guided-alignment-layer: last [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-heads: 8 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-no-affine: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-no-bias: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-no-projection: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-pool: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-postprocess: dan [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-postprocess-emb: d [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-postprocess-top: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-preprocess: "" [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-rnn-projection: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-tied-layers: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] transformer-train-position-embeddings: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] tsv: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] tsv-fields: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] type: transformer [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] ulr: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] ulr-dim-emb: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] ulr-trainable-transformation: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] version: v1.9.1 95c65bb 2020-03-17 03:30:49 +0000 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] vocabs: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] - /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] weights: [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] [] [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] word-penalty: 0 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] word-scores: false [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] workspace: 100 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [config] Loaded model has been created with Marian v1.9.1 95c65bb 2020-03-17 03:30:49 +0000 [2024-02-29 02:01:09] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 02:01:10] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 02:01:10] [data] Loading vocabulary from JSON/Yaml file /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.vocab.yml [2024-02-29 02:01:11] Loading model from /marian-dev/examples/marian-testing/kor-eng/opus.spm32k-spm32k.transformer-align.model1.npz.best-perplexity.npz [2024-02-29 02:01:11] [memory] Extending reserved space to 128 MB (device cpu0) [2024-02-29 02:01:11] Loaded model config [2024-02-29 02:01:12] Loading scorer of type transformer as feature F0 [2024-02-29 02:01:12] [memory] Reserving 295 MB, device cpu0 [2024-02-29 02:01:12] Force-decoding with given prefixes