Website to manage elementary school courses built with Node.js backend and React frontend. With email features to get list of students as pdf and receive registration password.
- create/read/update/delete courses/teachers/students
- assign teachers/students to courses
- create/read/update/delete course news/assignments
- create/read course chat messages
- request an email with the list of course students as pdf
- read course news/assignments
- create/read course chat messages
- review course teacher
email: string,
password: string
id: string,
email: string,
password: string,
name: string,
lastname: string,
grade: number
id: string,
email: string,
password: string,
name: string,
lastname: string,
ratings: [
student: ObjectId
rating: number
id: string,
name: string,
grade: number,
teacher: ObjectId,
students: [ObjectId],
news: [
title: string,
message: string,
date: string,
schedule: [
day: number,
startHour: number,
startMinutes: number,
endHour: number,
endMinutes: number,
assignments: [
title: string,
description: string,
submitDate: string,
chat: [
user: ObjectId,
message: string,
userType: string,