The original Tutorial video can find in
- Building two .NET Microservices using the REST API pattern
- Working with dedicated persistence layers for both services
- Deploying our services to Kubernetes cluster
- Employing the API Gateway pattern to route to our services
- Building Synchronous messaging between services (HTTP & gRPC)
- Building Asynchronous messaging between services using an Event Bus (RabbitMQ)
To create the docker image
docker build -t mariobot/platformservice .
docker build -t mariobot/commandservice .
To publish the docker image
docker publish mariobot/platformservice
docker publish mariobot/commandservice
To list deployments
kubectl get deployments
To list pods
kubectl get pods
To list services
kubectl get services
To restart deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment commands-depl
To deploy
kubectl apply -f platforms-depl.yaml