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App Requirements

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 7 revisions

The password app lists official clients, third party apps and programming libraries in the included "Apps & Extensions" section. Apps are also listed in the readme, libraries are also listed in the developer handbook. If you have developed an app or library and want it to be listed there, this page contains the requirements and process to do so.


Your app must meet all of the following requirements to be listed:

  • Apps must be Open Source

    The source code of your app must be public. Since security and trust are very important to our users, they must be able to check the source code of the applications they use.

    Note: This does not mean that your app must be free or that others must be allowed to use your source code.

  • Apps must not contain Ads

    Any app must not contain any ads. Any tracking must be optional and opt-in and compliant with the EU GDPR.

  • Any third party service must be optional

    If your app contacts any server other than the Nextcloud instance of the user, this action should be optional. The user must also be aware if data is sent to another service.

  • Apps must not be branded as "Official"

    Apps must not use wording that makes them appear to the user as if they are developed by the developer(s) of the Passwords app for Nextcloud.

  • Apps must not use the legacy api

    Apps must not use the legacy api for ocPasswords. Support for this api will be dropped in january 2022.

  • (2022) Apps must support client side encryption

    Starting january 2022, new apps must support client side encryption. Already listed apps must support client side encryption from january 2023.

How to list your app

If you want to have your app listed, please create a ticket in our issue tracker.

The ticket must contain the following:

  • Name of your app
  • Short description of your app (max ~160 characters, optionally in multiple languages)
  • Logo of your app (SVG, PNG or JPG, ca 400x400px) (only apps, not libraries)
  • Link to the website/store where users can get your app
  • Link to the sources
  • Supported Systems/Browsers etc.
  • Information how we can test your app

Removing apps

Apps will be removed if one or more of the following issues appear

  • They do not or no longer meet requirements
  • The author wants them removed
  • The app is not working and no longer maintained
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