Public Classes
: Global configuration for IOCsepics::carepeater
: Install and run the EPICS Channel Access Repeaterepics::catools
: Install Channel Access command line tools.epics::ioc::software
: Install software needed to build and run EPICS IOCs.
Private Classes
: Install tools to connect to procServ using TCP.epics::ioc::unix_domain_socket
: Install tools to connect to procServ using Unix domain sockets.
Defined types
: Manage an IOC instance.
This class takes care of all system-wide tasks which are needed in order to run a soft IOC. It installs required software and prepares machine-global directories and configuration files.
The following parameters are available in the epics
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
All IOC directories are expected to be located in a central directory. This parameter specifies the path to this base directory. Defaults to '/usr/local/lib/iocapps'.
Note: Keeping all IOC directories in a central place is required to maintain compatibility with sysv-rc-softioc. This restriction might be dropped in the future.
Data type: String
Owner of files/directories shared by all IOC instances (like the log directory). Defaults to 'root'.
Data type: String
Group of files/directories shared by all IOC instances (like the log directory). IOCs are also running under this group. Defaults to 'softioc'.
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Define the group id of the group the IOCs are run as. The gid will be picked automatically if this option is not specified.
Default value: undef
Running the Channel Access Repeater is often useful on workstations and other computers running multiple Channel Access clients. It forwards beacons to multiple clients which allows all clients running on the machine to be notified when IOCs are started or stopped. This often leads to faster reconnects after IOC restarts. See the Channel Access Reference Manual for details.
In some cases installing the package containing the Channel Access Repeater executable might be sufficient to start the Channel Access Repeater service. However, this class provides more fine-grained control allowing users to run the service on a custom port or under a different user. It can also ensure the service is actually running (e.g. if a sysadmin stops it and forgets to start it after the maintenance work is finished).
include epics::carepeater
class { 'epics::carepeater':
ensure => 'stopped',
enable => false,
class { 'epics::carepeater':
port => 5077,
user => 'epics',
The following parameters are available in the epics::carepeater
Data type: Stdlib::Ensure::Service
Specifies whether the Channel Access Repeater service should be running. Valid values are 'running', 'stopped'. Defaults to 'running'.
Data type: Boolean
Whether the Channel Access Repeater service should be enabled. This determines if the service is started on system boot. Valid values are true, false. Defaults to true.
Data type: String
Channel Access Repeater executable. Defaults to '/usr/bin/caRepeater'.
Data type: Stdlib::Port
Port that the Channel Access Repeater will listen on. This is setting the
environment variable. Defaults to
Data type: Enum['present', 'absent', 'file']
EPICS Base comes with a systemd service file that allows Channel Access Repeater to be started. However, by itself it doesn't allow its configuration to be tweaked (e.g. custom port, user name etc.). This class thus augments the systemd service file that comes with EPICS with a drop-in file allowing for additional configuration. This parameter controls whether this drop-in file should exist or not. Please refer to the camptocamp/systemd documentation for details. Defaults to 'present'.
Data type: String
User that the Channel Access Repeater service will run as. Defaults to 'nobody'.
Installs the Channel Access command line tools provided by EPICS Base (caget, cainfo, camonitor, caput, caRepeater, casw).
include epics::catools
The following parameters are available in the epics::catools
Data type: String
What state the package should be in. Valid values include 'installed', 'latest' as well as a version number of the package. See the documentation of resource type 'package' for details.
This class installs software needed to build and run an EPICS IOC. If IOCs are managed by epics::ioc this class is instantiated automatically. You might want to include this class directly if your IOCs are managed by other means.
The following parameters are available in the epics::ioc::software
Data type: String
What state the 'build-essential' package should be in. Valid values include 'installed', 'latest' as well as a version number of the package. See the documentation of resource type 'package' for details.
Data type: String
What state the 'epics-dev' package should be in. Valid values include 'installed', 'latest' as well as a version number of the package. See the documentation of resource type 'package' for details.
Data type: String
What state the 'procserv' package should be in. Valid values include 'installed', 'latest' as well as a version number of the package. See the documentation of resource type 'package' for details.
Data type: String
What state the 'sysv-rc-softioc' package should be in. Valid values include 'installed', 'latest' as well as a version number of the package. See the documentation of resource type 'package' for details. On machines using other service providers like systemd this parameter is ignored.
This type configures an IOC instance. It creates configuration files, populates them with the correct values, builds the IOC code (if desired) and ensures the IOC instance can be started as a service. The top-level IOC directory of the IOC is expected to be $iocbase/<ioc_name> where <ioc_name> is the title specified when instantiating the 'epics::ioc' resource.
IOCs are run in procServ to ease maintenance. They are started as a system service. On systems that use systemd as init system a systemd service file will be created for each IOC process. On systems using System-V-style init scripts this module relies on sysv-rc-softioc for creating the init scripts. It is possible to transition from one init system to another without modifying any Puppet code (just make sure to run Puppet after rebooting the machine to give the module the opportunity to make the required adjustments).
In contrast to libraries and regular applications which are installed from packages, IOCs applications are build on the target machine. This allows IOC engineers to fix problems in the EPICS run-time database quickly in the field without waiting for a potentially long-running CI pipeline. Of course this power comes with the responsibility to push these changes to the version control system before they are lost due to a broken drive.
Some parameters of this class result in environment variables being set. Please refer to the following table for a list:
Parameter | Sets Environment Variable |
ca_addr_list |
ca_auto_addr_list |
ca_max_array_bytes |
log_port |
log_server |
ca_sec_file |
file { '/usr/local/lib/iocapps/vacuumioc':
source => 'puppet:///vacuumioc',
recurse => true,
epics::ioc { 'vacuumioc':
subscribe => File['/usr/local/lib/iocapps/vacuumioc'],
package { 'epics-autosave-dev':
ensure => 'latest',
tag => 'epics_ioc_pkg',
# Stick with v4.38 until we found time to test the latest version:
package { 'epics-asyn-dev':
ensure => '4.38',
tag => 'epics_ioc_pkg',
package { 'epics-stream-dev':
ensure => 'latest',
tag => 'epics_ioc_pkg',
vcsrepo {
ensure => 'latest',
provider => 'git',
group => 'softioc',;
source => 'git://',
owner => 'softioc-llrf',;
source => 'git://',
owner => 'softioc-cryo',;
epics::ioc {
# Settings for all IOC instances (often distributed in form of
# facility-wide Hiera data instead):
manage_autosave_dir => true,
autosave_base_dir => '/mnt/autosave',
log_server => '',;
# For this IOC we always want the latest and greatest so we let Puppet
# rebuild and restart it whenever new IOC code is pulled from the Git repo
# or when a new version of a support package is installed:
console_port => 4051,
subscribe => [
Package['epics-autosave-dev'], # rebuild and restart when package is updated
Package['epics-asyn-dev'], # rebuild and restart when package is updated
Vcsrepo['/usr/local/lib/iocapps/llrf'], # rebuild and restart when package is updated
# For this IOC we can't afford any unplanned downtime so we rebuild but
# do not automatically restart this IOC. Rebuilding the IOC ensures that
# even in case the IOC crashes we always have a binary that is ready to
# run (we don't want to end up starting an IOC executable that has been
# linked against an old version of a library which has been removed from
# the system).
console_port => 4052,
auto_restart_ioc => false,
subscribe => [
The following parameters are available in the epics::ioc
defined type.
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Ensure::Service]
Ensures the IOC service is running/stopped. Valid values are 'running', 'stopped', and undef. If not specified Puppet will not start/stop the IOC service.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
Whether the IOC service should be enabled to start at boot. Valid values are true, false, and undef. If not specified (undefined) Puppet will not enable/disable the IOC service.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Whether to automatically populate the AUTOSAVE_DIR
environment variable.
Valid values are true and false. If true the specified directory will be
created (users need to ensure the parent directory exists) and permissions
will be set appropriately. The AUTOSAVE_DIR
environment variable will be
set to <autosave_base_dir>/softioc-<ioc_name>. Also see the
'autosave_base_dir' parameter.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::manage_autosave_dir', Boolean)
Data type: Boolean
Whether to restart the IOC after recompiling. If set to true the IOC will
be restarted automatically after recompiling the source code (see
). This ensures the latest code is being used. Defaults to true.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::auto_restart_ioc', Boolean)
Data type: String
The path to the base directory for the EPICS 'autosave' module. Defaults to '/var/lib'.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::autosave_base_dir', String)
Data type: String
Path to the directory containing the IOC start script. This path is relative to the IOC's top directory (/<ioc_name>). Defaults to 'iocBoot/ioc${{HOST_ARCH}}'.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::bootdir', String)
Data type: Optional[String]
Allows to configure the EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST
environment variable for the
IOC. Defaults to undefined (environment variable not set).
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
Allows to configure the EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST
environment variable for
the IOC. Valid values are true and false. Defaults to undefined (environment
variable not set).
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Allows to configure the EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES
environment variable for
the IOC. Defaults to undefined (environment variable not set).
Default value: undef
Data type: String
Base file name of the IOC start script. Defaults to 'st.cmd'.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::startscript', String)
Data type: Boolean
If set to true (the default) procServ will listen on the port specified by 'console_port' for connections to the IOC shell. If this flag is true for at least one IOC telnet is being installed.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::enable_console_port', Boolean)
Data type: Stdlib::Port
Specify the port number procServ will listen on for connections to the IOC
shell. You can connect to the IOC shell using
telnet localhost <portnumber>
. Defaults to 4051.
Note that access is not possible if 'enable_console_port' is set to false.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::console_port', Stdlib::Port)
Data type: Boolean
If set to true (the default) procServ will create a unix domain socket for connections to the IOC shell. If this flag is true for at least one IOC the BSD version of netcat is installed.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::enable_unix_domain_socket', Boolean)
Data type: String
Specify the Unix domain socket file procServ will create for connections
to the IOC shell. The file name has to be specified relative to the run-time
directory ('/run'). You can connect to the IOC shell using
nc -U <unix_domain_socket>
. Defaults to
Note that the unix domain socket will not be created if 'enable_unix_domain_socket' is set to false.
Default value: "softioc-${name}/procServ.sock"
Data type: Integer
The maximum size (in Bytes) of a core file that will be written in case the IOC crashes. Defaults to 2147483647 (2 GiB).
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::coresize', Integer)
Data type: Array[String]
Allows to set additional variables in the IOC's config file in '/etc/iocs/'. This is not used on machines that use systemd.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::cfg_append', Array[String])
Data type: Hash[String, Data, default, default]
Specify a hash of environment variables that shall be passed to the IOC. Defaults to {}.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::env_vars', Hash[String, Data, default, default])
Data type: Stdlib::Port
Allows to configure the EPICS_IOC_LOG_PORT
environment variable for the
IOC. Defaults to 7004 (the default port used by iocLogServer).
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::log_port', Stdlib::Port)
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Host]
Allows to configure the EPICS_IOC_LOG_INET
environment variable for the
IOC. Defaults to undef (environment variable not set).
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::log_server', { 'value_type' => Optional[Stdlib::Host], 'default_value' => undef })
Data type: Optional[String]
Allows to configure the EPICS_CA_SEC_FILE
environment variable for the
IOC. Defaults to undef (environment variable not set). Used this with
in the IOC start-up script.
Default value: undef
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
The log file that procServ uses to log activity on the IOC shell. Defaults to '/var/log/softioc-<ioc_name>/procServ.log'.
Default value: "/var/log/softioc-${name}/procServ.log"
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether procServ prefixes log messages with a timestamp when logging activity on the IOC shell. Defaults to true.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::procserv_log_timestamp', Boolean)
Data type: Optional[String]
The timestamp format procServ uses when logging activity on the IOC shell. Defaults to undef (use procServ's default timestamp format).
Note that procServ versions <2.8.0 are affected by a
bug which causes
procServ's --logstamp command-line parameter to behave incorrectly when no
format string is specified. Upgrade or specify procserv_log_timestampfmt
along with procserv_log_timestamp => true
to work around the problem.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::procserv_log_timestampfmt', { 'value_type' => Optional[String], 'default_value' => undef })
Data type: Boolean
Whether to compress the IOC's log files when rotating them. Defaults to true.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::logrotate_compress', Boolean)
Data type: Integer
The time in days after which a the log file for the procServ log will be rotated. Defaults to 30.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::logrotate_rotate', Integer)
Data type: String
If the log file for the procServ log reaches this size the IOC log will be rotated. Defaults to '10M'.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::logrotate_size', String)
Data type: String
The time format used by procServ for printing its own messages. See the
documentation of strftime
for details. Defaults to '%c'.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::procserv_timefmt', String)
Data type: Boolean
Whether to compile the IOC when its source code changes. If set to true the
code in the IOC directory will be compiled automatically by running make
This ensures the IOC executable is up to date. Defaults to true.
Note: This module runs make --question
to determine whether it needs to
rebuild the code by running make. Some Makefiles run a command on every
invocation. This can cause make --question
to always return a non-zero
exit code. Beware that this will cause Puppet to rebuild your IOC on every
run. Depending on the 'auto_restart_ioc' setting this might also cause the
IOC to restart on every Puppet run! Please verify that your Makefiles are
behaving correctly to prevent surprises.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::run_make', Boolean)
Data type: Boolean
If this option is activated the IOC will be recompiled whenever a 'package' resource tagged as 'epics_ioc_pkg' is refreshed. This can be used to rebuild IOCs when facility-wide installed EPICS modules like autosave are being updated. Defaults to true.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::run_make_after_pkg_update', Boolean)
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Defines the system user id the IOC process is supposed to run as. The corresponding user is created automatically. If this is left undefined an arbitrary user id will be picked. This argument is only used if 'manage_user' is true.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Defines the directory where the IOC code is located. This needs to be an absolute path. Defaults to '/<ioc_name>'.
Note: This parameter is usually only needed in some rare corner cases (for example if the TOP directory of an IOC is not the top directory of the revision-control repository). Avoid its use if you can and clean up your directory layout instead. Think of having all IOC directories in a well known place not as a restriction but as a best practice allowing IOC engineers to quickly find their way around - even if they are not the primary maintainer of that IOC machine. Also note that this parameter cannot be used on machines using System-V-style init scripts due to limitations of the sysv-rc-softioc tools used to manage them.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The user name the IOC will run as. By default 'softioc-<ioc_name>' is being used.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::username', { 'default_value' => "softioc-${name}" })
Data type: Boolean
Whether to create the user account the IOC is running as. Set to false to use a user account that is managed by Puppet code outside of this module. Disable if you want multiple IOCs to share the same user account. Defaults to true.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::manage_user', Boolean)
Data type: Array[String]
Ensures the IOC service is started after the specified systemd units have been activated. Please specify an array of strings. Defaults to ['']. This parameter is ignored on systems that are not using systemd.
Note: This enforces only the correct order. It does not cause the specified targets to be activated. Also see 'systemd_requires'. See the systemd documentation for details.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::systemd_after', Array[String])
Data type: Boolean
Configures systemd to wait for the IOC start to complete. The IOC process has to notify systemd either by calling sd_notify() or by running systemd-notify from the st.cmd file. For most use cases adding 'system '/usr/bin/systemd-notify --ready --status "IOC initialized"'' as the last line of the st.cmd file should be sufficient. Defaults to false.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::systemd_notify', Boolean)
Data type: Array[String]
Ensures the specified systemd units are activated when this IOC is started. Defaults to ['']. This parameter is ignored on systems that are not using systemd.
Note: This only ensures that the required services are started. That generally means that systemd starts them in parallel to the IOC service. Use this parameter together with 'systemd_after' to ensure they are started before the IOC is started. See the systemd documentation for details.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::systemd_requires', Array[String])
Data type: Array[String]
Ensures the specified paths are accessible (e.g. the corresponding file systems are mounted) when this IOC is started. Specify an array of strings. Defaults to []. This parameter is ignored on systems that are not using systemd.
See the systemd documentation for details.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::systemd_requires_mounts_for', Array[String])
Data type: Array[String]
Tries to start the specified systemd units when this IOC is started. Defaults to []. This parameter is ignored on systems that are not using systemd.
Note: systemd will only try to start the services specified here when the IOC service is started. That generally means that systemd starts them in parallel to the IOC service. Use this parameter together with 'systemd_after' to ensure systemd has tried starting them before the IOC is started. See the systemd documentation for details.
Default value: lookup('epics::ioc::systemd_wants', Array[String])