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File metadata and controls

1213 lines (886 loc) · 51.6 KB

x.x.x Release notes (yyyy-MM-dd)

API breaking changes

  • CocoaPods v0.38 or greater is now required to install Realm and RealmSwift as pods.


  • Functionality common to both List and Results is now declared in a RealmCollectionType protocol that both types conform to.
  • Results.realm now returns an Optional<Realm> in order to conform to RealmCollectionType, but will always return .Some() since a Results cannot exist independently from a Realm.
  • Aggregate operations are now available on List: min, max, sum, average.
  • Committing write transactions (via commitWrite / commitWriteTransaction and write / transactionWithBlock) now optionally allow for handling errors when the disk is out of space.


  • None.

0.95.1 Release notes (2015-09-23)


  • Add missing KVO handling for moving and exchanging objects in RLMArray and List.


  • Setting the primary key property on persisted RLMObjects / Objects via subscripting or key-value coding will cause an exception to be thrown.
  • Fix crash due to race condition in RLMRealmConfiguration where the default configuration was in the process of being copied in one thread, while released in another.
  • Fix crash when a migration which removed an object or array property is rolled back due to an error.

0.95.0 Release notes (2015-08-25)

API breaking changes

  • The following APIs have been deprecated in favor of the new RLMRealmConfiguration class in Realm Objective-C:
Deprecated API New API
+[RLMRealm realmWithPath:readOnly:error:] +[RLMRealm realmWithConfiguration:error:]
+[RLMRealm realmWithPath:encryptionKey:readOnly:error:] +[RLMRealm realmWithConfiguration:error:]
+[RLMRealm setEncryptionKey:forRealmsAtPath:] -[RLMRealmConfiguration setEncryptionKey:]
+[RLMRealm inMemoryRealmWithIdentifier:] +[RLMRealm realmWithConfiguration:error:]
+[RLMRealm defaultRealmPath] +[RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
+[RLMRealm setDefaultRealmPath:] +[RLMRealmConfiguration setDefaultConfiguration:]
+[RLMRealm setDefaultRealmSchemaVersion:withMigrationBlock] RLMRealmConfiguration.schemaVersion and RLMRealmConfiguration.migrationBlock
+[RLMRealm setSchemaVersion:forRealmAtPath:withMigrationBlock:] RLMRealmConfiguration.schemaVersion and RLMRealmConfiguration.migrationBlock
+[RLMRealm migrateRealmAtPath:] +[RLMRealm migrateRealm:]
+[RLMRealm migrateRealmAtPath:encryptionKey:] +[RLMRealm migrateRealm:]
  • The following APIs have been deprecated in favor of the new Realm.Configuration struct in Realm Swift for Swift 1.2:
Deprecated API New API
Realm.defaultPath Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration
Realm(path:readOnly:encryptionKey:error:) Realm(configuration:error:)
Realm(inMemoryIdentifier:) Realm(configuration:error:)
Realm.setEncryptionKey(:forPath:) Realm(configuration:error:)
setDefaultRealmSchemaVersion(schemaVersion:migrationBlock:) Realm.Configuration.schemaVersion and Realm.Configuration.migrationBlock
setSchemaVersion(schemaVersion:realmPath:migrationBlock:) Realm.Configuration.schemaVersion and Realm.Configuration.migrationBlock
migrateRealm(path:encryptionKey:) migrateRealm(configuration:)
  • The following APIs have been deprecated in favor of the new Realm.Configuration struct in Realm Swift for Swift 2.0:
Deprecated API New API
Realm.defaultPath Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration
Realm(path:readOnly:encryptionKey:) throws Realm(configuration:) throws
Realm(inMemoryIdentifier:) Realm(configuration:) throws
Realm.setEncryptionKey(:forPath:) Realm(configuration:) throws
setDefaultRealmSchemaVersion(schemaVersion:migrationBlock:) Realm.Configuration.schemaVersion and Realm.Configuration.migrationBlock
setSchemaVersion(schemaVersion:realmPath:migrationBlock:) Realm.Configuration.schemaVersion and Realm.Configuration.migrationBlock
migrateRealm(path:encryptionKey:) migrateRealm(configuration:)
  • List.extend in Realm Swift for Swift 2.0 has been replaced with List.appendContentsOf, mirroring changes to RangeReplaceableCollectionType.

  • Object properties on Object subclasses in Realm Swift must be marked as optional, otherwise a runtime exception will be thrown.


  • Persisted properties of RLMObject/Object subclasses are now Key-Value Observing compliant.
  • The different options used to create Realm instances have been consolidated into a single RLMRealmConfiguration/Realm.Configuration object.
  • Enumerating Realm collections (RLMArray, RLMResults, List<>, Results<>) now enumerates over a copy of the collection, making it no longer an error to modify a collection during enumeration (either directly, or indirectly by modifying objects to make them no longer match a query).
  • Improve performance of object insertion in Swift to bring it roughly in line with Objective-C.
  • Allow specifying a specific list of RLMObject / Object subclasses to include in a given Realm via RLMRealmConfiguration.objectClasses / Realm.Configuration.objectTypes.


  • Subscripting on RLMObject is now marked as nullable.

0.94.1 Release notes (2015-08-10)

API breaking changes

  • Building for watchOS requires Xcode 7 beta 5.


  • Object.className is now marked as final.


  • Fix crash when adding a property to a model without updating the schema version.
  • Fix unnecessary redownloading of the core library when building from source.
  • Fix crash when sorting by an integer or floating-point property on iOS 7.

0.94.0 Release notes (2015-07-29)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Reduce the amount of memory used by RLMRealm notification listener threads.
  • Avoid evaluating results eagerly when filtering and sorting.
  • Add nullability annotations to the Objective-C API to provide enhanced compiler warnings and bridging to Swift.
  • Make RLMResults and RLMArrays support Objective-C generics.
  • Add support for building watchOS and bitcode-compatible apps.
  • Make the exceptions thrown in getters and setters more informative.
  • Add -[RLMArray exchangeObjectAtIndex:withObjectAtIndex] and List.swap(_:_:) to allow exchanging the location of two objects in the given RLMArray / List.
  • Added anonymous analytics on simulator/debugger runs.
  • Add -[RLMArray moveObjectAtIndex:toIndex:] and List.move(from:to:) to allow moving objects in the given RLMArray / List.


  • Processes crashing due to an uncaught exception inside a write transaction will no longer cause other processes using the same Realm to hang indefinitely.
  • Fix incorrect results when querying for < or <= on ints that require 64 bits to represent with a CPU that supports SSE 4.2.
  • An exception will no longer be thrown when attempting to reset the schema version or encryption key on an open Realm to the current value.
  • Date properties on 32 bit devices will retain 64 bit second precision.
  • Wrap calls to the block passed to enumerate in an autoreleasepool to reduce memory growth when migrating a large amount of objects.
  • In-memory realms no longer write to the Documents directory on iOS or Application Support on OS X.

0.93.2 Release notes (2015-06-12)


  • Fixed an issue where the packaged OS X Realm.framework was built with GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES and GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS enabled.
  • Fix a memory leak when constructing standalone Swift objects with NSDate properties.
  • Throw an exception rather than asserting when an invalidated object is added to an RLMArray.
  • Fix a case where data loss would occur if a device was hard-powered-off shortly after a write transaction was committed which had to expand the Realm file.

0.93.1 Release notes (2015-05-29)


  • Objects are no longer copied into standalone objects during object creation. This fixes an issue where nested objects with a primary key are sometimes duplicated rather than updated.
  • Comparison predicates with a constant on the left of the operator and key path on the right now give correct results. An exception is now thrown for predicates that do not yet support this ordering.
  • Fix some crashes in index_string.cpp with int primary keys or indexed int properties.

0.93.0 Release notes (2015-05-27)

API breaking changes

  • Schema versions are now represented as uint64_t (Objective-C) and UInt64 (Swift) so that they have the same representation on all architectures.


  • Swift: Results now conforms to CVarArgType so it can now be passed as an argument to Results.filter(_:...) and List.filter(_:...).
  • Swift: Made SortDescriptor conform to the Equatable and StringLiteralConvertible protocols.
  • Int primary keys are once again automatically indexed.
  • Improve error reporting when attempting to mark a property of a type that cannot be indexed as indexed.


  • Swift: RealmSwift.framework no longer embeds Realm.framework, which now allows apps using it to pass iTunes Connect validation.

0.92.4 Release notes (2015-05-22)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Swift: Made Object.init() a required initializer.
  • RLMObject, RLMResults, Object and Results can now be safely deallocated (but still not used) from any thread.
  • Improve performance of -[RLMArray indexOfObjectWhere:] and -[RLMArray indexOfObjectWithPredicate:], and implement them for standalone RLMArrays.
  • Improved performance of most simple queries.


  • The interprocess notification mechanism no longer uses dispatch worker threads, preventing it from starving other GCD clients of the opportunity to execute blocks when dozens of Realms are open at once.

0.92.3 Release notes (2015-05-13)

API breaking changes

  • Swift: Results.average(_:) now returns an optional, which is nil if and only if the results set is empty.


  • Swift: Added List.invalidated, which returns if the given List is no longer safe to be accessed, and is analogous to -[RLMArray isInvalidated].
  • Assertion messages are automatically logged to Crashlytics if it's loaded into the current process to make it easier to diagnose crashes.


  • Swift: Enumerating through a standalone List whose objects themselves have list properties won't crash.
  • Swift: Using a subclass of RealmSwift.Object in an aggregate operator of a predicate no longer throws a spurious type error.
  • Fix incorrect results for when using OR in a query on a RLMArray/List<>.
  • Fix incorrect values from [RLMResults count]/Results.count when using != on an int property with no other query conditions.
  • Lower the maximum doubling threshold for Realm file sizes from 128MB to 16MB to reduce the amount of wasted space.

0.92.2 Release notes (2015-05-08)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Exceptions raised when incorrect object types are used with predicates now contain more detailed information.
  • Added -[RLMMigration deleteDataForClassName:] and Migration.deleteData(_:) to enable cleaning up after removing object subclasses


  • Prevent debugging of an application using an encrypted Realm to work around frequent LLDB hangs. Until the underlying issue is addressed you may set REALM_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION=YES in your application's environment variables to have requests to open an encrypted Realm treated as a request for an unencrypted Realm.
  • Linked objects are properly updated in createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue:.
  • List properties on Objects are now properly initialized during fast enumeration.

0.92.1 Release notes (2015-05-06)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • -[RLMRealm inWriteTransaction] is now public.
  • Realm Swift is now available on CoocaPods.


  • Force code re-signing after stripping architectures in

0.92.0 Release notes (2015-05-05)

API breaking changes

  • Migration blocks are no longer called when a Realm file is first created.
  • The following APIs have been deprecated in favor of newer method names:
Deprecated API New API
-[RLMMigration createObject:withObject:] -[RLMMigration createObject:withValue:]
-[RLMObject initWithObject:] -[RLMObject initWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createInDefaultRealmWithObject:] +[RLMObject createInDefaultRealmWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createInRealm:withObject:] +[RLMObject createInRealm:withValue:]
+[RLMObject createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithObject:] +[RLMObject createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createOrUpdateInRealm:withObject:] +[RLMObject createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue:]


  • Int8 properties defined in Swift are now treated as integers, rather than booleans.
  • NSPredicates created using +predicateWithValue: are now supported.


  • Compound AND predicates with no subpredicates now correctly match all objects.

0.91.5 Release notes (2015-04-28)


  • Fix issues with removing search indexes and re-enable it.

0.91.4 Release notes (2015-04-27)


  • Temporarily disable removing indexes from existing columns due to bugs.

0.91.3 Release notes (2015-04-17)


  • Fix Extra argument 'objectClassName' in call errors when building via CocoaPods.

0.91.2 Release notes (2015-04-16)

  • Migration blocks are no longer called when a Realm file is first created.


  • RLMCollection supports collection KVC operations.
  • Sorting RLMResults is 2-5x faster (typically closer to 2x).
  • Refreshing RLMRealm after a write transaction which inserts or modifies strings or NSData is committed on another thread is significantly faster.
  • Indexes are now added and removed from existing properties when a Realm file is opened, rather than only when properties are first added.


  • +[RLMSchema dynamicSchemaForRealm:] now respects search indexes.
  • +[RLMProperty isEqualToProperty:] now checks for equal indexed properties.

0.91.1 Release notes (2015-03-12)


  • The browser will automatically refresh when the Realm has been modified from another process.
  • Allow using Realm in an embedded framework by setting APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY to YES.


  • Fix a crash in CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate.

0.91.0 Release notes (2015-03-10)

API breaking changes

  • attributesForProperty: has been removed from RLMObject. You now specify indexed properties by implementing the indexedProperties method.
  • An exception will be thrown when calling setEncryptionKey:forRealmsAtPath:, setSchemaVersion:forRealmAtPath:withMigrationBlock:, and migrateRealmAtPath: when a Realm at the given path is already open.
  • Object and array properties of type RLMObject will no longer be allowed.


  • Add support for sharing Realm files between processes.
  • The browser will no longer show objects that have no persisted properties.
  • RLMSchema, RLMObjectSchema, and RLMProperty now have more useful descriptions.
  • Opening an encrypted Realm while a debugger is attached to the process no longer throws an exception.
  • RLMArray now exposes an isInvalidated property to indicate if it can no longer be accessed.


  • An exception will now be thrown when calling -beginWriteTransaction from within a notification triggered by calling -beginWriteTransaction elsewhere.
  • When calling delete: we now verify that the object being deleted is persisted in the target Realm.
  • Fix crash when calling createOrUpdate:inRealm with nested linked objects.
  • Use the key from +[RLMRealm setEncryptionKey:forRealmsAtPath:] in -writeCopyToPath:error: and +migrateRealmAtPath:.
  • Comparing an RLMObject to a non-RLMObject using -[RLMObject isEqual:] or -isEqualToObject: now returns NO instead of crashing.
  • Improved error message when an RLMObject subclass is defined nested within another Swift declaration.
  • Fix crash when the process is terminated by the OS on iOS while encrypted realms are open.
  • Fix crash after large commits to encrypted realms.

0.90.6 Release notes (2015-02-20)


  • Improve compatiblity of encrypted Realms with third-party crash reporters.


  • Fix incorrect results when using aggregate functions on sorted RLMResults.
  • Fix data corruption when using writeCopyToPath:encryptionKey:.
  • Maybe fix some assertion failures.

0.90.5 Release notes (2015-02-04)


  • Fix for crashes when encryption is enabled on 64-bit iOS devices.

0.90.4 Release notes (2015-01-29)


  • Fix bug that resulted in columns being dropped and recreated during migrations.

0.90.3 Release notes (2015-01-27)


  • Calling createInDefaultRealmWithObject:, createInRealm:withObject:, createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithObject: or createOrUpdateInRealm:withObject: is a no-op if the argument is an RLMObject of the same type as the receiver and is already backed by the target realm.


  • Fix incorrect column type assertions when the first Realm file opened is a read-only file that is missing tables.
  • Throw an exception when adding an invalidated or deleted object as a link.
  • Throw an exception when calling createOrUpdateInRealm:withObject: when the receiver has no primary key defined.

0.90.1 Release notes (2015-01-22)


  • Fix for RLMObject being treated as a model object class and showing up in the browser.
  • Fix compilation from the podspec.
  • Fix for crash when calling objectsWhere: with grouping in the query on allObjects.

0.90.0 Release notes (2015-01-21)

API breaking changes

  • Rename -[RLMRealm encryptedRealmWithPath:key:readOnly:error:] to -[RLMRealm realmWithPath:encryptionKey:readOnly:error:].
  • -[RLMRealm setSchemaVersion:withMigrationBlock] is no longer global and must be called for each individual Realm path used. You can now call -[RLMRealm setDefaultRealmSchemaVersion:withMigrationBlock] for the default Realm and -[RLMRealm setSchemaVersion:forRealmAtPath:withMigrationBlock:] for all others;


  • Add -[RLMRealm writeCopyToPath:encryptionKey:error:].
  • Add support for comparing string columns to other string columns in queries.


  • Roll back changes made when an exception is thrown during a migration.
  • Throw an exception if the number of items in a RLMResults or RLMArray changes while it's being fast-enumerated.
  • Also encrypt the temporary files used when encryption is enabled for a Realm.
  • Fixed crash in JSONImport example on OS X with non-en_US locale.
  • Fixed infinite loop when opening a Realm file in the Browser at the same time as it is open in a 32-bit simulator.
  • Fixed a crash when adding primary keys to older realm files with no primary keys on any objects.
  • Fixed a crash when removing a primary key in a migration.
  • Fixed a crash when multiple write transactions with no changes followed by a write transaction with changes were committed without the main thread RLMRealm getting a chance to refresh.
  • Fixed incomplete results when querying for non-null relationships.
  • Improve the error message when a Realm file is opened in multiple processes at once.

0.89.2 Release notes (2015-01-02)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • None.


  • Fix an assertion failure when invalidating a Realm which is in a write transaction, has already been invalidated, or has never been used.
  • Fix an assertion failure when sorting an empty RLMArray property.
  • Fix a bug resulting in the browser never becoming visible on 10.9.
  • Write UTF-8 when generating class files from a realm file in the Browser.

0.89.1 Release notes (2014-12-22)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Improve the error message when a Realm can't be opened due to lacking write permissions.


  • Fix an assertion failure when inserting rows after calling deleteAllObjects on a Realm.
  • Separate dynamic frameworks are now built for the simulator and devices to work around App Store submission errors due to the simulator version not being automatically stripped from dynamic libraries.

0.89.0 Release notes (2014-12-18)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Add support for encrypting Realm files on disk.
  • Support using KVC-compliant objects without getters or with custom getter names to initialize RLMObjects with createObjectInRealm and friends.


  • Merge native Swift default property values with defaultPropertyValues().
  • Don't leave the database schema partially updated when opening a realm fails due to a migration being needed.
  • Fixed issue where objects with custom getter names couldn't be used to initialize other objects.
  • Fix a major performance regression on queries on string properties.
  • Fix a memory leak when circularly linked objects are added to a Realm.

0.88.0 Release notes (2014-12-02)

API breaking changes

  • Deallocating an RLMRealm instance in a write transaction lacking an explicit commit/cancel will now be automatically cancelled instead of committed.
  • -[RLMObject isDeletedFromRealm] has been renamed to -[RLMObject isInvalidated].


  • Add -[RLMRealm writeCopyToPath:] to write a compacted copy of the Realm another file.
  • Add support for case insensitive, BEGINSWITH, ENDSWITH and CONTAINS string queries on array properties.
  • Make fast enumeration of RLMArray and RLMResults ~30% faster and objectAtIndex: ~55% faster.
  • Added a lldb visualizer script for displaying the contents of persisted RLMObjects when debugging.
  • Added method -setDefaultRealmPath: to change the default Realm path.
  • Add -[RLMRealm invalidate] to release data locked by the current thread.


  • Fix for crash when running many simultaneous write transactions on background threads.
  • Fix for crashes caused by opening Realms at multiple paths simultaneously which have had properties re-ordered during migration.
  • Don't run the query twice when firstObject or lastObject are called on an RLMResults which has not had its results accessed already.
  • Fix for bug where schema version is 0 for new Realm created at the latest version.
  • Fix for error message where no migration block is specified when required.

0.87.4 Release notes (2014-11-07)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • None.


  • Fix browser location in release zip.

0.87.3 Release notes (2014-11-06)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Added method -linkingObjectsOfClass:forProperty: to RLMObject to expose inverse relationships/backlinks.


  • Fix for crash due to missing search index when migrating an object with a string primary key in a database created using an older versions (0.86.3 and earlier).
  • Throw an exception when passing an array containing a non-RLMObject to -[RLMRealm addObjects:].
  • Fix for crash when deleting an object from multiple threads.

0.87.0 Release notes (2014-10-21)

API breaking changes

  • RLMArray has been split into two classes, RLMArray and RLMResults. RLMArray is used for object properties as in previous releases. Moving forward all methods used to enumerate, query, and sort objects return an instance of a new class RLMResults. This change was made to support diverging apis and the future addition of change notifications for queries.
  • The api for migrations has changed. You now call setSchemaVersion:withMigrationBlock: to register a global migration block and associated version. This block is applied to Realms as needed when opened for Realms at a previous version. The block can be applied manually if desired by calling migrateRealmAtPath:.
  • arraySortedByProperty:ascending: was renamed to sortedResultsUsingProperty:ascending
  • addObjectsFromArray: on both RLMRealm and RLMArray has been renamed to addObjects: and now accepts any container class which implements NSFastEnumeration
  • Building with Swift support now requires Xcode 6.1


  • Add support for sorting RLMArrays by multiple columns with sortedResultsUsingDescriptors:
  • Added method deleteAllObjects on RLMRealm to clear a Realm.
  • Added method createObject:withObject: on RLMMigration which allows object creation during migrations.
  • Added method deleteObject: on RLMMigration which allows object deletion during migrations.
  • Updating to core library version 0.85.0.
  • Implement objectsWhere: and objectsWithPredicate: for array properties.
  • Add cancelWriteTransaction to revert all changes made in a write transaction and end the transaction.
  • Make creating RLMRealm instances on background threads when an instance exists on another thread take a fifth of the time.
  • Support for partial updates when calling createOrUpdateWithObject: and addOrUpdateObject:
  • Re-enable Swift support on OS X


  • Fix exceptions when trying to set RLMObject properties after rearranging the properties in a RLMObject subclass.
  • Fix crash on IN query with several thousand items.
  • Fix crash when querying indexed NSString properties.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented in-memory Realms from being used accross multiple threads.
  • Preserve the sort order when querying a sorted RLMResults.
  • Fixed an issue with migrations where if a Realm file is deleted after a Realm is initialized, the newly created Realm can be initialized with an incorrect schema version.
  • Fix crash in RLMSuperSet when assigning to a RLMArray property on a standalone object.
  • Add an error message when the protocol for an RLMArray property is not a valid object type.
  • Add an error message when an RLMObject subclass is defined nested within another Swift class.

0.86.3 Release notes (2014-10-09)


  • Add support for != in queries on object relationships.


  • Re-adding an object to its Realm no longer throws an exception and is now a no-op (as it was previously).
  • Fix another bug which would sometimes result in subclassing RLMObject subclasses not working.

0.86.2 Release notes (2014-10-06)


  • Fixed issues with packaging "Realm" for release.

0.86.1 Release notes (2014-10-03)


  • Fix a bug which would sometimes result in subclassing RLMObject subclasses not working.

0.86.0 Release notes (2014-10-03)

API breaking changes

  • Xcode 6 is now supported from the main Xcode project Realm.xcodeproj. Xcode 5 is no longer supported.


  • Support subclassing RLMObject models. Although you can now persist subclasses, polymorphic behavior is not supported (i.e. setting a property to an instance of its subclass).
  • Add support for sorting RLMArray properties.
  • Speed up inserting objects with addObject: by ~20%.
  • readonly properties are automatically ignored rather than having to be added to ignoredProperties.
  • Updating to core library version 0.83.1.
  • Return "[deleted object]" rather than throwing an exception when -description is called on a deleted RLMObject.
  • Significantly improve performance of very large queries.
  • Allow passing any enumerable to IN clauses rather than just NSArray.
  • Add objectForPrimaryKey: and objectInRealm:forPrimaryKey: convenience methods to fetch an object by primary key.


  • Fix error about not being able to persist property 'hash' with incompatible type when building for devices with Xcode 6.
  • Fix spurious notifications of new versions of Realm.
  • Fix for updating nested objects where some types do not have primary keys.
  • Fix for inserting objects from JSON with NSNull values when default values should be used.
  • Trying to add a persisted RLMObject to a different Realm now throws an exception rather than creating an uninitialized object.
  • Fix validation errors when using IN on array properties.
  • Fix errors when an IN clause has zero items.
  • Fix for chained queries ignoring all but the last query's conditions.

0.85.0 Release notes (2014-09-15)

API breaking changes

  • Notifications for a refresh being needed (when autorefresh is off) now send the notification type RLMRealmRefreshRequiredNotification rather than RLMRealmDidChangeNotification.


  • Updating to core library version 0.83.0.
  • Support for primary key properties (for int and string columns). Declaring a property to be the primary key ensures uniqueness for that property for all objects of a given type. At the moment indexes on primary keys are not yet supported but this will be added in a future release.
  • Added methods to update or insert (upsert) for objects with primary keys defined.
  • [RLMObject initWithObject:] and [RLMObject createInRealmWithObject:] now support any object type with kvc properties.
  • The Swift support has been reworked to work around Swift not being supported in Frameworks on iOS 7.
  • Improve performance when getting the count of items matching a query but not reading any of the objects in the results.
  • Add a return value to -[RLMRealm refresh] that indicates whether or not there was anything to refresh.
  • Add the class name to the error message when an RLMObject is missing a value for a property without a default.
  • Add support for opening Realms in read-only mode.
  • Add an automatic check for updates when using Realm in a simulator (the checker code is not compiled into device builds). This can be disabled by setting the REALM_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECKER environment variable to any value.
  • Add support for Int16 and Int64 properties in Swift classes.


  • Realm change notifications when beginning a write transaction are now sent after updating rather than before, to match refresh.
  • -isEqual: now uses the default NSObject implementation unless a primary key is specified for an RLMObject. When a primary key is specified, -isEqual: calls -isEqualToObject: and a corresponding implementation for -hash is also implemented.

0.84.0 Release notes (2014-08-28)

API breaking changes

  • The timer used to trigger notifications has been removed. Notifications are now only triggered by commits made in other threads, and can not currently be triggered by changes made by other processes. Interprocess notifications will be re-added in a future commit with an improved design.


  • Updating to core library version 0.82.2.
  • Add property deletedFromRealm to RLMObject to indicate objects which have been deleted.
  • Add support for the IN operator in predicates.
  • Add support for the BETWEEN operator in link queries.
  • Add support for multi-level link queries in predicates (e.g. = 5).
  • Switch to building the SDK from source when using CocoaPods and add a Realm.Headers subspec for use in targets that should not link a copy of Realm (such as test targets).
  • Allow unregistering from change notifications in the change notification handler block.
  • Significant performance improvements when holding onto large numbers of RLMObjects.
  • Realm-Xcode6.xcodeproj now only builds using Xcode6-Beta6.
  • Improved performance during RLMArray iteration, especially when mutating contained objects.


  • Fix crashes and assorted bugs when sorting or querying a RLMArray returned from a query.
  • Notifications are no longer sent when initializing new RLMRealm instances on background threads.
  • Handle object cycles in -[RLMObject description] and -[RLMArray description].
  • Lowered the deployment target for the Xcode 6 projects and Swift examples to iOS 7.0, as they didn't actually require 8.0.
  • Support setting model properties starting with the letter 'z'
  • Fixed crashes that could result from switching between Debug and Relase builds of Realm.

0.83.0 Release notes (2014-08-13)

API breaking changes

  • Realm-Xcode6.xcodeproj now only builds using Xcode6-Beta5.
  • Properties to be persisted in Swift classes must be explicitly declared as dynamic.
  • Subclasses of RLMObject subclasses now throw an exception on startup, rather than when added to a Realm.


  • Add support for querying for nil object properties.
  • Improve error message when specifying invalid literals when creating or initializing RLMObjects.
  • Throw an exception when an RLMObject is used from the incorrect thread rather than crashing in confusing ways.
  • Speed up RLMRealm instantiation and array property iteration.
  • Allow array and objection relation properties to be missing or null when creating a RLMObject from a NSDictionary.


  • Fixed a memory leak when querying for objects.
  • Fixed initializing array properties on standalone Swift RLMObject subclasses.
  • Fix for queries on 64bit integers.

0.82.0 Release notes (2014-08-05)

API breaking changes

  • Realm-Xcode6.xcodeproj now only builds using Xcode6-Beta4.


  • Updating to core library version 0.80.5.
  • Now support disabling the autorefresh property on RLMRealm instances.
  • Building Realm-Xcode6 for iOS now builds a universal framework for Simulator & Device.
  • Using NSNumber properties (unsupported) now throws a more informative exception.
  • Added [RLMRealm defaultRealmPath]
  • Proper implementation for [RLMArray indexOfObjectWhere:]
  • The default Realm path on OS X is now ~/Library/Application Support/[bundle identifier]/default.realm rather than ~/Documents
  • We now check that the correct framework (ios or osx) is used at compile time.


  • Fixed rapid growth of the realm file size.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a crash during RLMArray destruction after a query.
  • Fixed bug related to querying on float properties: floatProperty = 1.7 now works.
  • Fixed potential bug related to the handling of array properties (RLMArray).
  • Fixed bug where array properties accessed the wrong property.
  • Fixed bug that prevented objects with custom getters to be added to a Realm.
  • Fixed a bug where initializing a standalone object with an array literal would trigger an exception.
  • Clarified exception messages when using unsupported NSPredicate operators.
  • Clarified exception messages when using unsupported property types on RLMObject subclasses.
  • Fixed a memory leak when breaking out of a for-in loop on RLMArray.
  • Fixed a memory leak when removing objects from a RLMArray property.
  • Fixed a memory leak when querying for objects.

0.81.0 Release notes (2014-07-22)

API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Updating to core library version 0.80.3.
  • Added support for basic querying of RLMObject and RLMArray properties (one-to-one and one-to-many relationships). e.g. [Person objectsWhere:@" == 'Alfonso'"] or [Person objectsWhere:@"ANY == 'Alfonso'"] Supports all normal operators for numeric and date types. Does not support NSData properties or BEGINSWITH, ENDSWITH, CONTAINS and other options for string properties.
  • Added support for querying for object equality in RLMObject and RLMArray properties (one-to-one and one-to-many relationships). e.g. [Person objectsWhere:@"dog == %@", myDog] [Person objectsWhere:@"ANY dogs == %@", myDog] [Person objectsWhere:@"ANY == %@", dog] Only supports comparing objects for equality (i.e. ==)
  • Added a helper method to RLMRealm to perform a block inside a transaction.
  • OSX framework now supported in CocoaPods.


  • Fixed Unicode support in property names and string contents (Chinese, Russian, etc.). Closing #612 and #604.
  • Fixed bugs related to migration when properties are removed.
  • Fixed keyed subscripting for standalone RLMObjects.
  • Fixed bug related to double clicking on a .realm file to launch the Realm Browser (thanks to Dean Moore).

0.80.0 Release notes (2014-07-15)

API breaking changes

  • Rename migration methods to -migrateDefaultRealmWithBlock: and -migrateRealmAtPath:withBlock:
  • Moved Realm specific query methods from RLMRealm to class methods on RLMObject (-allObjects: to +allObjectsInRealm: ect.)


  • Added +createInDefaultRealmWithObject: method to RLMObject.
  • Added support for array and object literals when calling -createWithObject: and -initWithObject: variants.
  • Added method -deleteObjects: to batch delete objects from a Realm
  • Support for defining RLMObject models entirely in Swift (experimental, see known issues).
  • RLMArrays in Swift support Sequence-style enumeration (for obj in array).
  • Implemented -indexOfObject: for RLMArray

Known Issues for Swift-defined models

  • Properties other than String, NSData and NSDate require a default value in the model. This can be an empty (but typed) array for array properties.
  • The previous caveat also implies that not all models defined in Objective-C can be used for object properties. Only Objective-C models with only implicit (i.e. primitives) or explicit default values can be used. However, any Objective-C model object can be used in a Swift array property.
  • Array property accessors don't work until its parent object has been added to a realm.
  • Realm-Bridging-Header.h is temporarily exposed as a public header. This is temporary and will be private again once rdar://17633863 is fixed.
  • Does not leverage Swift generics and still uses RLM-prefix everywhere. This is coming in #549.

0.22.0 Release notes

API breaking changes

  • Rename schemaForObject: to schemaForClassName: on RLMSchema
  • Removed -objects:where: and -objects:orderedBy:where: from RLMRealm
  • Removed -indexOfObjectWhere:, -objectsWhere: and -objectsOrderedBy:where: from RLMArray
  • Removed +objectsWhere: and +objectsOrderedBy:where: from RLMObject


  • New Xcode 6 project for experimental swift support.
  • New Realm Editor app for reading and editing Realm db files.
  • Added support for migrations.
  • Added support for RLMArray properties on objects.
  • Added support for creating in-memory default Realm.
  • Added -objectsWithClassName:predicateFormat: and -objectsWithClassName:predicate: to RLMRealm
  • Added -indexOfObjectWithPredicateFormat:, -indexOfObjectWithPredicate:, -objectsWithPredicateFormat:, -objectsWithPredi
  • Added +objectsWithPredicateFormat: and +objectsWithPredicate: to RLMObject
  • Now allows predicates comparing two object properties of the same type.

0.20.0 Release notes (2014-05-28)

Completely rewritten to be much more object oriented.

API breaking changes

  • Everything


  • None.


  • None.

0.11.0 Release notes (not released)

The Objective-C API has been updated and your code will break!

API breaking changes

  • RLMTable objects can only be created with an RLMRealm object.
  • Renamed RLMContext to RLMTransactionManager
  • Renamed RLMContextDidChangeNotification to RLMRealmDidChangeNotification
  • Renamed contextWithDefaultPersistence to managerForDefaultRealm
  • Renamed contextPersistedAtPath: to managerForRealmWithPath:
  • Renamed realmWithDefaultPersistence to defaultRealm
  • Renamed realmWithDefaultPersistenceAndInitBlock to defaultRealmWithInitBlock
  • Renamed find: to firstWhere:
  • Renamed where: to allWhere:
  • Renamed where:orderBy: to allWhere:orderBy:


  • Added countWhere: on RLMTable
  • Added sumOfColumn:where: on RLMTable
  • Added averageOfColumn:where: on RLMTable
  • Added minOfProperty:where: on RLMTable
  • Added maxOfProperty:where: on RLMTable
  • Added toJSONString on RLMRealm, RLMTable and RLMView
  • Added support for NOT operator in predicates
  • Added support for default values
  • Added validation support in createInRealm:withObject:


  • None.

0.10.0 Release notes (2014-04-23)

TightDB is now Realm! The Objective-C API has been updated and your code will break!

API breaking changes

  • All references to TightDB have been changed to Realm.
  • All prefixes changed from TDB to RLM.
  • TDBTransaction and TDBSmartContext have merged into RLMRealm.
  • Write transactions now take an optional rollback parameter (rather than needing to return a boolean).
  • addColumnWithName: and variant methods now return the index of the newly created column if successful, NSNotFound otherwise.


  • createTableWithName:columns: has been added to RLMRealm.
  • Added keyed subscripting for RLMTable's first column if column is of type RLMPropertyTypeString.
  • setRow:atIndex: has been added to RLMTable.
  • RLMRealm constructors now have variants that take an writable initialization block
  • New object interface - tables created/retrieved using tableWithName:objectClass: return custom objects


  • None.

0.6.0 Release notes (2014-04-11)

API breaking changes

  • contextWithPersistenceToFile:error: renamed to contextPersistedAtPath:error: in TDBContext
  • readWithBlock: renamed to readUsingBlock: in TDBContext
  • writeWithBlock:error: renamed to writeUsingBlock:error: in TDBContext
  • readTable:withBlock: renamed to readTable:usingBlock: in TDBContext
  • writeTable:withBlock:error: renamed to writeTable:usingBlock:error: in TDBContext
  • findFirstRow renamed to indexOfFirstMatchingRow on TDBQuery.
  • findFirstRowFromIndex: renamed to indexOfFirstMatchingRowFromIndex: on TDBQuery.
  • Return NSNotFound instead of -1 when appropriate.
  • Renamed castClass to castToTytpedTableClass on TDBTable.
  • removeAllRows, removeRowAtIndex, removeLastRow, addRow and insertRow methods on table now return void instead of BOOL.


  • A TDBTable can now be queried using where: and where:orderBy: taking NSPredicate and NSSortDescriptor as arguments.
  • Added find: method on TDBTable to find first row matching predicate.
  • contextWithDefaultPersistence class method added to TDBContext. Will create a context persisted to a file in app/documents folder.
  • renameColumnWithIndex:to: has been added to TDBTable.
  • distinctValuesInColumnWithIndex has been added to TDBTable.
  • dateIsBetween::, doubleIsBetween::, floatIsBetween:: and intIsBetween:: have been added to TDBQuery.
  • Column names in Typed Tables can begin with non-capital letters too. The generated addX selector can look odd. For example, a table with one column with name age, appending a new row will look like [table addage:7].
  • Mixed typed values are better validated when rows are added, inserted, or modified as object literals.
  • addRow, insertRow, and row updates can be done using objects derived from NSObject.
  • where has been added to TDBViewand TDBViewProtocol.
  • Adding support for "smart" contexts (TDBSmartContext).


  • Modifications of a TDBView and TDBQuery now throw an exception in a readtransaction.

0.5.0 Release notes (2014-04-02)

The Objective-C API has been updated and your code will break! Of notable changes a fast interface has been added. This interface includes specific methods to get and set values into Tightdb. To use these methods import <Tightdb/TightdbFast.h>.

API breaking changes

  • getTableWithName: renamed to tableWithName: in TDBTransaction.
  • addColumnWithName:andType: renamed to addColumnWithName:type: in TDBTable.
  • columnTypeOfColumn: renamed to columnTypeOfColumnWithIndex in TDBTable.
  • columnNameOfColumn: renamed to nameOfColumnWithIndex: in TDBTable.
  • addColumnWithName:andType: renamed to addColumnWithName:type: in TDBDescriptor.
  • Fast getters and setters moved from TDBRow.h to TDBRowFast.h.


  • Added minDateInColumnWithIndex and maxDateInColumnWithIndex to TDBQuery.
  • Transactions can now be started directly on named tables.
  • You can create dynamic tables with initial schema.
  • TDBTable and TDBView now have a shared protocol so they can easier be used interchangeably.


  • Fixed bug in 64 bit iOS when inserting BOOL as NSNumber.

0.4.0 Release notes (2014-03-26)

API breaking changes

  • Typed interface Cursor has now been renamed to Row.
  • TDBGroup has been renamed to TDBTransaction.
  • Header files are renamed so names match class names.
  • Underscore (_) removed from generated typed table classes.
  • TDBBinary has been removed; use NSData instead.
  • Underscope (_) removed from generated typed table classes.
  • Constructor for TDBContext has been renamed to contextWithPersistenceToFile:
  • Table findFirstRow and min/max/sum/avg operations has been hidden.
  • Table.appendRow has been renamed to addRow.
  • getOrCreateTable on Transaction has been removed.
  • set*:inColumnWithIndex:atRowIndex: methods have been prefixed with TDB
  • *:inColumnWithIndex:atRowIndex: methods have been prefixed with TDB
  • addEmptyRow on table has been removed. Use [table addRow:nil] instead.
  • TDBMixed removed. Use id and NSObject instead.
  • insertEmptyRow has been removed from table. Use insertRow:nil atIndex:index instead.


  • Added firstRow, lastRow selectors on view.
  • firstRow and lastRow on table now return nil if table is empty.
  • getTableWithName selector added on group.
  • getting and creating table methods on group no longer take error argument.
  • [TDBQuery parent] and [TDBQuery subtable:] selectors now return self.
  • createTable method added on Transaction. Throws exception if table with same name already exists.
  • Experimental support for pinning transactions on Context.
  • TDBView now has support for object subscripting.


  • None.

0.3.0 Release notes (2014-03-14)

The Objective-C API has been updated and your code will break!

API breaking changes

  • Most selectors have been renamed in the binding!
  • Prepend TDB-prefix on all classes and types.


  • Return types and parameters changed from size_t to NSUInteger.
  • Adding setObject to TightdbTable (t[2] = @[@1, @"Hello"] is possible).
  • Adding insertRow to TightdbTable.
  • Extending appendRow to accept NSDictionary.


  • None.

0.2.0 Release notes (2014-03-07)

The Objective-C API has been updated and your code will break!

API breaking changes

  • addRow renamed to addEmptyRow


  • Adding a simple class for version numbering.
  • Adding get-version and set-version targets to
  • tableview now supports sort on column with column type bool, date and int
  • tableview has method for checking the column type of a specified column
  • tableview has method for getting the number of columns
  • Adding methods getVersion, getCoreVersion and isAtLeast.
  • Adding appendRow to TightdbTable.
  • Adding object subscripting.
  • Adding method removeColumn on table.


  • None.