Supported languages
JavaScript, C++, Python, C, PHP, Go, C#, Rust, TypeScript, and CSS
From the developer
Ruin has come to your repository!
Ever wanted the ancestor from Darkest Dungeon to narrate your development in his eccentric way?
Darkest-PR GitHub app/bot for responding to actions and events in your repository using contextual quotes from Darkest Dungeon.
When certain events occur in the repository, Darkest-PR automatically evaluates the situation and responds with a fitting quote of ancestor from Darkest Dungeon. Making the development more like a dungeon crawler run, a sensational journey, more alive, more sentimental, more thrilling and more depressing...
Imagine such cases:
- Someone is removed from PR assignment and the bot responds with:
"Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock."
- PR is rejected (request change) and the bot responds with:
"Carelessness will find no clemency in this place!"
- PR is closed without merge and the bot responds with:
"A setback, but not the end of things!"
- PR is accepted and merged immediately and the bot responds with:
"A singular strike!"
- Someone is assigned to an issue and the bot responds with:
"More arrive, foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this domain of the damned.",
Pricing and setup
Darkest-PR is completely free and open-source, enjoy it to your hearts content! For the community by the community.
FOSS, enjoy!
Darkest-PR is completely free and open-source, enjoy it to your hearts content! For the community by the community.
Darkest-PR is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation