I will work on this driver as long as hubitat do not support the devices I use if/or hubitat release an official support
You will need:
- deCONZ https://www.phoscon.de/en/conbee2/install
- the 6 drivers
to install
- add the devices to your Phoscon-GW
- add the 6 driver to your hub
- create a virtual driver with the parent driver
- on the device page click discover that will set the ip of the pi then refresh the page you will see the ip
- now you need the api key go to the hub page http://you_Phoscon_ip
- click the hamburger
- Select gateway then advance then click on Authenticate app
- go back to your hubitat hub on the device page click Get Api Key refresh page you will se api key
- click get configuration then connect Finally press the any keys on the device and the parent driver will create a child per device press all the buttons on the devices and the parent will adjust how many button the device have. If you encounter any issue please post it no the habitat community page
NOTE: if your deCONZ instace is on a doker you will need to enter the ip and port manualy discover wont work