Programming language interpreter created in Haskell. Project made in the Programming Languages subject of the Computer Science course - UFFS
Generating the Parser
The Parser.y source code contains the definitions accepted by Happy for generating the lexical and syntactic analyzer.
To generate, just run the following command:
happy parser.y
Whenever you add/change any information in the Parser.y file, you need to run the above command again.
If the system displays an error message informing you that the Happy command does not exist, you must install it on your system. To do this, just run the command:
stack install happy
Running the Interpreter
To run/test the developed interpreter, we will use the runghc
program, as seen below.
stack runghc Interpreter.hs
When executing this command, the program waits for the user's input, who can type the expression to be interpreted. As an example, let's type the expression 2 + 4
and press ENTER. For the result to be displayed, we still need to use the key combinations CTRL + Z (CTRL + D in Linux). These commands in sequence are shown below.
2 + 4 <enter>
<CTRL + Z> <enter>
After this procedure, the result of the interpreter processing will be displayed on the screen.
Just (Number 6)
More details on the functions and adjustments needed for the final work can be found in comments in the Parser.y and Interpreter.hs files.