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MATLAB Web App Server on Amazon Web Services - R2024b

Deployment Steps

Follow these steps to deploy the R2024b MATLAB Web App Server reference architecture on AWS. To deploy reference architectures for other releases, see Deploy Reference Architecture for Your Release.

Step 1. Launch Template

Before launching the template, make sure that you have selected one of these supported AWS regions from the top navigation:

  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • Europe (Ireland)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Then, click the appropriate Launch Stack button to launch the stack configuration template for deploying resources onto your AWS account. You can deploy resources onto either a new or existing VPC.

Release New VPC Existing VPC Operating Systems
R2024b Windows Server 2022 or Ubuntu 22.04 VM

The AWS Management Console opens in your web browser.

NOTE: Mulitple versions of MATLAB Runtime are supported. For details, see What versions of MATLAB Runtime are supported?

NOTE: Creating a stack on AWS can take at least 20 minutes.

Step 2. Configure the Stack

  1. Provide values for parameters in the Create Stack page:

    Parameter Name Value
    Stack name Choose a name for the stack. This will be shown in the AWS console.

    Example: Boston

    Settings for Hosting MATLAB Web App Server
    Name of Existing Amazon EC2 Key Pair Choose an existing Amazon EC2 key pair to connect to the EC2 instance hosting MATLAB Web App Server. If you do not have a key pair, create one. For details, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.

    Example: boston-keypair

    IP Address of MATLAB Web App Server Administrator in CIDR Notation Specify the IP address of the administrator using CIDR notation. The administrator can remotely connect to the EC2 instance that hosts MATLAB Web App Server and administer it. The IP address can be a single IP address or a range of IP addresses. The format for this field is IP Address/Mask.

    Example: x.x.x.x/32

    • This is the public IP address which can be found by searching for "what is my ip address" on the web. The mask determines the number of IP addresses to include.
    • A mask of 32 is a single IP address.
    • Use a CIDR calculator if you need a range of more than one IP addresses.
    • You may need to contact your IT administrator to determine which address is appropriate.
    NOTE: Restricting access to the server using an IP address is not a form of authentication. MATLAB Web App Server supports authentication using LDAP and OIDC. For details, see Authentication.

    Do You Want to Use the Same IP Address Range to Access the MATLAB Web App Server Apps Home Page? Select, Yes or No.
    • If you select Yes, the same IP address range specified above is configured to access the MATLAB Web App Server apps homepage. Choose this option if you know that the same set of users will administer the server and access web apps on the apps home page.
    • If you select No, you must specify a new IP address range in the next field. Choose this option if the users accessing web apps on the apps home page are different from the users administering the server.
    IP Addresses Allowed to Access MATLAB Web App Server Apps Home Page Complete this field only if you selected "No" in the previous field. Specify the range of IP addresses that can access the MATLAB Web App Server apps home page in CIDR notation. The format for this field is IP Address/Mask.

    Example: x.x.x.x/24

    EC2 Instance Type Choose the AWS EC2 instance type to use for the server. All AWS instance types are supported. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Instance Types.

    Example: m6a.large

    Operating System Choose between Windows (Windows Server) and Linux (Ubuntu).
    Settings for Network License Manager
    Password for Network License Manager Specify a password for the network license manager. Use this password to log in to the network license manager after the stack has been successfully created.

    Deploying MATLAB Web App Server automatically deploys a network license manager.

    Confirm Password Reenter the password to log in to the network license manager.

    Note: Make sure you select US East (N.Virginia), EU (Ireland) or Asia Pacific (Tokyo) as your region from the navigation panel on top. Currently, US East, EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) are the only supported regions.

  2. Tick the boxes to accept that the template uses IAM roles. For more information about IAM, see IAM FAQ.

  3. Click the Create button. The CloudFormation service starts creating resources for the stack.

Note: Clicking Create takes you to the Stack Detail page for your stack. Wait for the Status to reach CREATE_COMPLETE. This can take up to 20 minutes.

Step 3. Configure Existing VPC

Note: If you are deploying to a new VPC, skip this step.

To deploy MATLAB Web App Server onto an existing VPC, specify these additional parameters.

Parameter Value
Existing VPC ID ID of your existing VPC.
Assign Public IP to EC2 Instance Hosting MATLAB Web App Server Specify whether the deployed EC2 instance must use a public IP address. If you select "No", you must provide a private subnet in the field "Subnet for MATLAB Web App Server".

Note: Even after you select "No", your MATLAB Web App Server apps home page is still accessible over the Internet. However, you cannot remotely connect to the EC2 instance hosting the server from outside the VPC.

Subnet for MATLAB Web App Server Specify the ID of a public or private subnet within the existing VPC that will host the server. If you selected "Yes" in the previous field for assigning a public IP, choose a public subnet. Otherwise, choose a private subnet.
Public Subnet 1 ID of an existing public subnet to host server resources. This subnet can be the same as the one hosting MATLAB Web App Server, as long as the subnet hosting the server is public. If the subnet hosting the server is private, then this subnet must be a different public subnet.
Settings for Network License Manager
Port and IP Address of Existing Network License Manager Optional parameter: Specify the port number and private DNS name or private IP address of the network license manager that has already been deployed to the existing VPC. Specify it in the format port@privateDNSname, for example, 27000@ip-172-30-1-89.ec2.internal or 27000@ By default, the license manager uses port 27000. Leave this field blank if you are deploying a new network license manager.
Security Group of Existing Network License Manager Optional parameter: Specify the security group of the network license manager that has already been deployed to the existing VPC. Leave this field blank if you are deploying a new network license manager.

You will also need to open the following ports in your VPC:

Port Description
443 Required for communicating with MATLAB Web App Server apps home page.
8000, 9988 Required for communication between MATLAB Web App Server controllers and AWS services. These ports do not need to be open to the internet.
27000 Required for communication between the network license manager and MATLAB Web App Server.
3389, 22 Required for Remote Desktop and Secure Connection functionality. This can be used for troubleshooting and debugging MATLAB Web App Server.

Use an existing network license manager in an existing VPC

For complete instructions on deploying the Network License Manager for MATLAB reference architecture, see Network License Manager for MATLAB on Amazon Web Services.

If you want to use an existing network license manager in an existing VPC:

  • Choose No for the Deploy Network License Manager step of the deployment.
  • Specify the IP address of the existing network license manager in the IP Address of Existing Network License Manager step of the deployment. You can find the private IP address in the Outputs tab of the existing network license manager deployment.

To use an existing network license manager, you must add the security group of the server VMs to the security group of the license manager.

  1. In the AWS management console, select the external security group that is nested in the network license manager stack you created. If it is not present in the stack list, ensure the View nested option is enabled.

    For example: mluser-nlm-MWSecurityGroupExternal-8JJX66NUZDD8

  2. In the Stack details for the external security group stack, click Resources.
  3. Look for the Logical ID named SecurityGroup and click the corresponding URL listed under Physical ID. This will take you to the security group details.
  4. Select the security group. Click the Inbound Rules tab, then click Edit Inbound Rules.
  5. Click Add Rule.
  6. In the Type dropdown, select All TCP.
  7. In the Source, search and add the matlab-webapp-server-sg security group.
  8. Click Save Rules.

Step 4. Create Stack

Review or edit your stack details. You must select the acknowledgements to create IAM resources. Otherwise, the deployment produces a Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_IAM] error and fails to create resources. For more information about IAM, see IAM FAQ.

Click the Create button. The CloudFormation service starts creating resources for the stack.

Note: Clicking Create takes you to the Stack Detail page for your stack. Wait for the Status to reach CREATE_COMPLETE. This can take up to 20 minutes.

Step 5. Upload License File

  1. Click Outputs in the Stack details for your stack.
  2. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerLicenseManager and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This will take you to Network License Manager for MATLAB Dashboard login page.
  3. The username is manager. For the password, enter the password you entered in the Password for Network License Manager field while creating the stack in Step 2.
  4. Follow the instructions on the home page of the network license manager to upload your MATLAB Web App Server license.

Note: MATLAB Web App Server automatically starts after succesfully uploading a valid license file.

Step 6. Open the MATLAB Web App Server Apps Home Page

  1. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  2. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerAppsHomePage and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This opens the apps home page.

You are now ready to use MATLAB Web App Server on AWS.

To run applications on MATLAB Web App Server, you need to create web apps using MATLAB Compiler. For details, see Web Apps in the MATLAB Compiler product documentation.

Common Tasks

Upload Web Apps to AWS S3 Bucket

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack that you deployed.
  2. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerAppsS3Bucket, and click the corresponding URL listed under value.
  4. In the S3 console, click apps.
  5. Click Upload > Add Files to select and upload web apps (.ctf files).

NOTE 1: If you enable OIDC authentication, you can upload web apps from the apps home page. Any apps you upload via the apps home page are not synchornized with S3 bucket. To enable OIDC authentication, see Configure OIDC Authentication. NOTE 2: Only folders created within the APPS root level folder are supported. Subfolders within those folders are not supported.

Get Password to EC2 Instance Hosting MATLAB Web App Server

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack you deployed.
  2. In the Stack Detail for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerEC2Instance and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This will take you to the server instance (matlab-webapp-server-vm) page.
  4. Click the Connect button at the top.
  5. In the Connect to instance dialog, click the RDP client tab and then click Get Password.
  6. Click Choose File to navigate and select the private key file (.pem file) for the key pair that you used while creating the stack in Step 2.
  7. Click Decrypt Password. The console displays the password for the instance in the Connect to instance dialog.
  8. Copy the password to the clipboard.

Connect to EC2 Instance Hosting MATLAB Web App Server Using Remote Desktop

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack you deployed.
  2. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerEC2Instance and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This will take you to the server instance (matlab-webapp-server-vm) page.
  4. Click the value under Instance ID to view the instance summary.
  5. Click the Connect button at the top.
  6. In the Connect to instance dialog, click the RDP client tab.
  7. Click the Download remote desktop file button to download a .rdp file.
  8. Use the .rdp file to remotely connect to EC2 instance using the following credentials:

Connect to EC2 Instance Hosting MATLAB Web App Server Using SSH

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack you deployed.
  2. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerEC2Instance and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This will take you to the server instance (matlab-webapp-server-vm) page.
  4. Click the value under Instance ID to view the instance summary.
  5. Click the Connect button at the top.
  6. In the Connect to instance dialog, click the SSH client tab.
  7. Follow the instructions on the page to SSH to the EC2 instance.

Find Setup and Configuration Files

Task Relevant Files Details
Server Administration webapps-start, webapps-stop, webapps-restart, webapps-status Command-Line Scripts Documentation
Authentication webapps_authn.json Authentication Documentation
Role-Based Access webapps_app_roles.json Role-Based Access Documentation
Policy-Based Access webapps_acc_ctl.json Policy-Based Access Documentation

Configure OIDC Authentication

  1. Connect to the EC2 instance hosting MATLAB Web App Server. For details, see:
  2. Follow the instructions on the Authentication page in the MathWorks documentation.

    NOTE: SSL is enabled when you deploy the stack.

  3. For the redirectUrl, use the URL created as part of your stack.
    • In the AWS management console, select the stack you deployed.
    • In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
    • Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerOIDCRedirectUrl and copy the corresponding URL listed under value.
    • Use this URL in the webapps_authn.json file.

View Logs

Logs are available in AWS CloudWatch.

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack you deployed.
  2. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. To view logs related to the cloud console and the MATLAB Web App Server workers, look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerLogGroup, and click the corresponding URL listed under value.

Get Network License Manager MAC Address

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack that you deployed.
  2. In the Stack details for your stack, click the Outputs tab.
  3. Look for the key named MATLABWebAppServerLicenseManager, and click the corresponding URL listed under value.
  4. Log in to the Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard using the following credentials:
    Username: manager
    Password: Enter the password you provided while creating the stack.
  5. Click Administration > Manage License.
  6. Copy the license server MAC address displayed at the top.

When you deploy the MATLAB Web App Server reference architecture, a network license manager is automatically deployed. You can also use an existing license manager that is located in the same VPC and the security group of the MATLAB Web App Server EC2 instance. For details, see Network License Manager for MATLAB.

NOTE: The license manager MAC address is available only after the stack creation is complete.

Delete Your Stack

To delete the stack:

  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Go to the CloudFormation page and select the stack you created.
  3. Click Delete.

Enhancement Request

Provide suggestions for additional features or capabilities using the following link:

Technical Support

If you require assistance or have a request for additional features or capabilities, please contact MathWorks Technical Support.