A dashboard for managing the inventory of a fake outdoor store – create, view, update, and delete items and categories.
Click here to view the live site
- Head to the live site on any device (mobile, tablet or desktop – it doesn't matter)
- Browse around the site and perform the following operations:
- Add new items to the inventory
- Create new categories to organize inventory items
- Read/view details about items and categories in the inventory
- Update details about items and categories in the inventory
- Delete items and categories from the inventory
- All the product data is stored in a database, so your changes will persist!
This project was built in order to practice the following skills:
- Create a web app in Node.js using the Express framework
- Use a MongoDB database to store my application's data
- Implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) software design pattern
- Build models to define what data structures my app should contain
- Set up routes for requesting different information and templates (i.e. views) to render the data as HTML to be displayed in the browser
- Build controllers for updating models and/or views in response to input from users of my app
- Perform Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) operations in my app
- Build views and work with forms in Express using the EJS templating engine
- Deploy my application to production
- JavaScript
- EJS – Embedded JavaScript templating engine
- Express
- MongoDB, Mongoose
- Tailwind CSS
- Git (obviously)
- He – for encoding and decoding HTML entities
- Dotenv – for keeping my database connection strings and API keys secret
- Multer – Express middleware for handling user-uploaded images
- Cloudinary – for hosting images
- None of the item images are my own. They were obtained from the websites of their respective brands solely for the educational purpose of building this project.
- SVG icons from Pictogrammers