When filing bugs, try to be as thorough as possible:
- What version did you use?
- What did you try to do? Please post the relevant parts of your code.
- What went wrong? Please include error messages, if any.
- What was the expected result?
Bug fixes and general improvements to the existing codebase are always welcome. New features are also welcome, but will be judged on an individual basis. If you'd rather not risk wasting your time implementing a new feature only to see it turned down, please start the discussion by opening an issue.
Don't forget to add your changes to the changelog.
Please include tests for every change or addition to the code. To run the complete test suite:
When submitting a new pull request, please make sure that that the test suite passes (Travis CI will run it & report back on your pull request.)
All code must follow PSR-2. Just make sure to run php-cs-fixer before submitting the code, it'll take care of the formatting for you:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests
Document the code thoroughly!
Note that ci-sniffer is MIT-licensed, which basically allows anyone to do anything they like with it, without restriction.