A drawing game made with socket.io and Node.js that allow users to draw in real time on an html5 canvas. This was an extention of the of my back-end Node.Js development learning.
The goal of the project was to build a HTML 5 Canvas drawing game that used Node.js with Express and Socket.io on the backend to allow two or more user to draw on the canvas and have that updated to all connected users in real time. The game also allowed users to select a pixel size and color of the drawing cursor as well as a reset button to clear the canvas. An additional feature that I added was to have a newly connected users canvas automatically updated with the canvas image from the others users canvases. This was the trickest part and uses the HTML 5 canvases take image function to return an object that was turned into a url and sent to the other users.
-HTML Canvas
The project was one of the first backend projects that I have done. I learned a great deal about Node.Js and SOCKET.io, as well as about how servers get and post data. I had used HTML 5 Canvas and Jquery before, but expanded my knowledge and skills with those technologies.