This guide describes how to build a 32 bit TDE live system.
The main difference is the build container usage, so you can prepare source and target directories
just like the amd64
Create the container for the build enviroment:
$ sudo podman build --arch=i386 --build-arg \
--file=/<source-path>/Containerfile --tag=tdebuild:i386
Initialize the container by running an interactive shell:
$ sudo podman run --arch=i386 --privileged --network=host -it \
--volume=/<source-path>:/live/source:ro --volume=/<target-path>:/live/target \
--name=tdebuild-i386 --hostname=tdebuild-i386 tdebuild:i386 /usr/bin/bash
Exit from the build container. To enter again into the build container:
$ sudo podman start -ia tdebuild-i386
First, start the build container if not running:
$ sudo podman start tdebuild-i386
Build the .iso image by running the kiwi-ng
$ sudo podman exec tdebuild-i386 linux32 kiwi-ng --profile=Workstation-l10n --type=iso \
--debug --color-output --shared-cache-dir=/live/target/cache system build \
--description=/live/source/kiwi-descriptions --target-dir=/live/target
The resulting image is not bootable. In order to get it bootable, run the following command:
$ sudo podman exec tdebuild-i386 xorriso -indev /live/target/TDE-Remix.ix86-<version>.iso \
-outdev /live/target/TDE-Remix.i386.iso -publisher TDE_Remix \
-boot_image grub bin_path=boot/ix86/loader/eltorito.img \
-boot_image grub grub2_mbr=/lib/grub/i386-pc/boot_hybrid.img \
-boot_image any grub2_boot_info=on -boot_image any boot_info_table=on \
-boot_image any platform_id=0x00 -boot_image any emul_type=no_emulation \
-joliet on -commit_eject all