Add a web hook that will get called when a PR is changed:
- Click on project settings (gear icon in lower left)
- Click on 'Service Hooks'
- Click the 'Create subscription' button
- Scroll down to 'Web Hooks'
- Click 'Next'
Set up the web hook Trigger:
- Choose the event type
- Choose the repository
- Choose the target branch
- Optionally set the Change type, Requester group, and/or Reviewer
Set up the web hook Action:
- Enter the URL of the Pull Request Changed function (including the function key)
- Put the Build ID in the header (instructions below)
- Put an Azure PAT with build permissions in the header (instructions below)
How to find the build ID:
- Open the build pipeline editor
- Click on the variables tab
- The build ID is the system.definitionid
How to set up a personal access token (PAT):