- An existing code repository that will be tested in a container
- Deploy Azure Functions that orchestrate the testing workflow
- PullRequestChanged
- Confirm
- CleanupAndCompletePR
- auth file
- Add a dockerfile to existing repository
- Create container registry (in Azure portal)
- enable admin user
- use admin user & password to generate auth (base64 encode username:password)
- Create container build pipeline
- Required variables:
- aciResourceGroup (resource group of ACI in Azure)
- acrAuth (auth token for ACR [see above])
- acrRegistry (name of Azure Container Registry [see above])
- acrRepository (repository where container images are stored in the container registry)
- does not have to be created in Azure first
- cleanupCallbackUrl (url to the CleanupAndCompletePR function)
- cleanupUrl (url to the Confirm function)
- PAT (used to access AzDO; needs Code & Work Item scopes)
- slackWebhook (Slack webhook url to send notification to)
- Push image to ACR
- ACR auth token
- Create instance in ACI
- Required variables:
- Set up policy on target branch
- Create Webhook for pull request event (created/changed)
- Link to PullRequestChanged function
- Add headers:
- BuildId (System.DefinitionId of container build pipeline)
- PAT (requires build scope)
- BuildAgent (must match Agent Specification of container build pipeline)
- Philly CodeCamp 2019.1
- CodePaLOUsa 2019
- BaltoMSDN September 2019