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Akka Java Cluster Persistence Example


This is a Java, Maven, Akka project that demonstrates how to setup an Akka Cluster with an example implementation of Akka Persistence.

This project is one in a series of projects that starts with a simple Akka Cluster project and progressively builds up to examples of event sourcing and command query responsibility segregation.

The project series is composed of the following projects:

Each project can be cloned, built, and runs independently of the other projects.

This project contains an example implementation of Akka persistence. Here we will focus on the implementation details in this project. Please see the Akka documentation for a more detailed discussion about Akka Persistence.

An Example Implementation of Akka Persistence Query

This project builds on the akka-java-cluster-sharding project. The EntityActor in the previous project, which only logged entity messages, is replaced with an EntityPersistenceActor, which adds the persistence of events that are derived from command messages.

The EntityPersistenceActor actor handles the state of a specific bank account. Incoming command messages are either bank account deposits or withdrawals. These commands, which are requests to perform an entity state changing action, are persisted as historical events. Please see the Akka Persistence documentation for more details about Event Sourcing and Akka Persistence. Here we will focus on the specific parts of this example that are related to persisting events.

public Receive createReceive() {
    return receiveBuilder()
            .match(EntityMessage.DepositCommand.class, this::deposit)
            .match(EntityMessage.WithdrawalCommand.class, this::withdrawal)
            .match(EntityMessage.Query.class, this::query)
            .matchEquals(ReceiveTimeout.getInstance(), t -> passivate())

In the createReceive() method, shown above, is the routing of messages sent to the EntityPersistenceActor. Deposit and withdrawal command messages are routed to the appropriate methods.

private void deposit(EntityMessage.DepositCommand depositCommand) {"{} <- {}", depositCommand, sender());
    persist(tagCommand(depositCommand), taggedEvent -> handleDeposit(depositCommand, taggedEvent));

When a deposit command message is received, it is handled by the deposit(...) method; and this method invokes the inherited persist(...) method. The persist method stores events in an event store, such as a Cassandra table. In the above code snippet, the tagCommand(...) method creates events from commands. (Note: tags are covered in the next project that privides an example of Akka persistence query.) A callback lambda is invoked after the event has been persisted. In this case, the handleDeposit(...) method is invoked.

private void handleDeposit(EntityMessage.DepositCommand depositCommand, Tagged taggedEvent) {
    if (taggedEvent.payload() instanceof EntityMessage.DepositEvent) {
        EntityMessage.DepositEvent depositEvent = (EntityMessage.DepositEvent) taggedEvent.payload();
        update(depositEvent);"{} {} {} -> {}", depositCommand, depositEvent, entity, sender());
        sender().tell(EntityMessage.CommandAck.from(depositCommand, depositEvent), self());

The handleDeposit method updates the state of the bank account entity. In this case, the deposit amount is added to the account balance. Also, an acknowledgment message is sent to the command message sender.

BTW - Something is missing from this code, can you see it? Can you fix it?

private void withdrawal(EntityMessage.WithdrawalCommand withdrawalCommand) {"{} <- {}", withdrawalCommand, sender());
    persist(tagCommand(withdrawalCommand), taggedEvent -> handleWithdrawal(withdrawalCommand, taggedEvent));

Withdrawls are handled in the same way that deposits are handled. Incoming withdrawal commands are routed to the withdrawal(...) method, an event is created from the command, and then it is persisted to the event store.

private void handleWithdrawal(EntityMessage.WithdrawalCommand withdrawalCommand, Tagged taggedEvent) {
    if (taggedEvent.payload() instanceof EntityMessage.WithdrawalEvent) {
        EntityMessage.WithdrawalEvent withdrawalEvent = (EntityMessage.WithdrawalEvent) taggedEvent.payload();
        update(withdrawalEvent);"{} {} {} -> {}", withdrawalCommand, withdrawalEvent, entity, sender());
        sender().tell(EntityMessage.CommandAck.from(withdrawalCommand, withdrawalEvent), self());

After withdrawal events are persisted the handleWithdrawal(...) lambda is invoked. The withdrawal event is used to update the state of the bank account entity, and then an acknowledgement message is sent to the withdrawal message sender.

BTW again - the same problem with the deposit handlers exists with the withdrawal handler. Do you know how to fix it?

Visualization of cluster sharding

Figure 1, Visualization of cluster sharding

As previously mentioned, this project is based on Akka Cluster Sharding. The main difference with Akka Persistence is the addition of persisting entity events. What you get with Akka Persistence and Akka Cluster Sharding is an implementation of Event Sourcing. In Figure 1, the entities are visualized as the blue circles shown on the perimeter of the diagram. As commands are sent as messages to entity actors the Akka cluster sharding actors handle the routing of the command messages. The details of the life cycle of entity actors are covered in the Akka Persistence documentation. The entity actors, shown in the diagram, are started when there are commands to be processed, and they shut themselves down when the flow of commands stop.

In the next project, akka-java-cluster-persistence-query, you will see an implementation of Akka Persistence Query, which provides the processing flow of events from the event store to what is typically called the read-side query store.


git clone
cd akka-java-cluster-persistence
mvn clean package

The Maven command builds the project and creates a self contained runnable JAR.

Cassandra Installation and Running

For Cassandra installation please see the Installing Cassandra documentation.

One of the easiest ways to use Cassandra for testing is to download the tar file, uncompress the files, and run a Cassandra process in the background.

tar -xzvf apache-cassandra-3.6-bin.tar.gz
cd apache-cassandra-3.6
./bin cassandra -f

This installs a ready to tun version of Cassandra.

Note: please make sure to use Java 8 to run Cassandra.

Tip: the default location of the database files is data directory within the Cassandra installation directory. To reset with an empty database stop Cassandra, remove the data directory and restart Cassandra.

Run a cluster (Mac, Linux)

The project contains a set of scripts that can be used to start and stop individual cluster nodes or start and stop a cluster of nodes.

The main script ./akka is provided to run a cluster of nodes or start and stop individual nodes. Use ./akka node start [1-9] | stop to start and stop individual nodes and ./akka cluster start [1-9] | stop to start and stop a cluster of nodes. The cluster and node start options will start Akka nodes on ports 2551 through 2559. Both stdin and stderr output is sent to a file in the /tmp directory using the file naming convention /tmp/<project-dir-name>-N.log.

Start node 1 on port 2551 and node 2 on port 2552.

./akka node start 1
./akka node start 2

Stop node 3 on port 2553.

./akka node stop 3

Start a cluster of four nodes on ports 2551, 2552, 2553, and 2554.

./akka cluster start 4

Stop all currently running cluster nodes.

./akka cluster stop

You can use the ./akka cluster start [1-9] script to start multiple nodes and then use ./akka node start [1-9] and ./akka node stop [1-9] to start and stop individual nodes.

Use the ./akka node tail [1-9] command to tail -f a log file for nodes 1 through 9.

The ./akka cluster status command displays the status of a currently running cluster in JSON format using the Akka Management extension Cluster Http Management.

Run a cluster (Windows, command line)

The following Maven command runs a signle JVM with 3 Akka actor systems on ports 2551, 2552, and a radmonly selected port.

mvn exec:java

Use CTRL-C to stop.

To run on specific ports use the following -D option for passing in command line arguements.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2551"

The default no arguments is equilevalant to the following.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2551 2552 0"

A common way to run tests is to start single JVMs in multiple command windows. This simulates running a multi-node Akka cluster. For example, run the following 4 commands in 4 command windows.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2551" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-1.log
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2552" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-2.log
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="0" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-3.log
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="0" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-4.log

This runs a 4 node Akka cluster starting 2 nodes on ports 2551 and 2552, which are the cluster seed nodes as configured and the application.conf file. And 2 nodes on randomly selected port numbers. The optional redirect > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-4.log is an example for pushing the log output to filenames based on the project direcctory name.

For convenience, in a Linux command shell define the following aliases.

alias p1='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster'
alias p2='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster-aware'
alias p3='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster-singleton'
alias p4='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster-sharding'
alias p5='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster-persistence'
alias p6='cd ~/akka-java/akka-java-cluster-persistence-query'

alias m1='clear ; mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2551" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-1.log'
alias m2='clear ; mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="2552" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-2.log'
alias m3='clear ; mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="0" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-3.log'
alias m4='clear ; mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="0" > /tmp/$(basename $PWD)-4.log'

The p1-6 alias commands are shortcuts for cd'ing into one of the six project directories. The m1-4 alias commands start and Akka node with the appropriate port. Stdout is also redirected to the /tmp directory.