A tiny NPM package providing a minimal Consul KV store client.
const Consul = require('consul-kv');
const consul = new Consul({
host: 'my-consul.com', // required
token: 'my-acl-token', // optional
tlsCert: '<your-cert>', // optional
tlsKey: '<your-cert-key>', // optional
ca: '<your-ca-cert>', // optional
port: '8500', // optional; defaults to '8500'
protocol: 'https', // optional; defaults to 'https'
Create or update a key:
const resp = await consul.set('my/key', 'my-key-value');
Read a key:
const result = await consul.get('my/key');
console.log(result.value); // the key's value; undefined if it doesn't exist
console.log(result.responseStatus); // the HTTP status code of the Consul response
console.log(result.responseBody); // the HTTP body of the Consul response
Read a the full subtree below a key (this adds a ?recurse
query to the request, per Consul documentation):
const result = await consul.get('my/key', { recurse: true });
console.log(result); // the entire 'my/key' subtree
console.log(result.responseStatus); // the HTTP status code of the Consul response
console.log(result.responseBody); // the HTTP body of the Consul response
Delete a key:
const resp = await consul.delete('my/key');
Bonus: issue your own requests & get the raw response:
const resp = await consul.request({
key: 'my/key',
body: 'my-value-or-optional-request-body',
method: 'put'
Install dependencies & run unit tests:
npm install
npm test
Run end-to-end tests against a local Consul using docker-compose:
docker-compose up --detach
npm run test:e2e