To use this tool, add dd_check_plugin
with a version number greater than or equal to 3.0.4
dd_check_plugin: ^3.0.4
void main() {
initHost: '', //Replace it with your PC's native IP
port: 9999, //Replace it with your dio listening port, which defaults to 9999
projectName: "app project name",
extend: [
///Here, add your box list here
///It needs to implement the DdPluginHiveBox interface
HiveToolManager(boxList: [
class DemoHiveBox implements DdPluginHiveBox<String> {
String get boxName => 'demo_box';
Future<Box<String>> get getBox => Hive.isBoxOpen(boxName) ? Future.value( : Hive.openBox(boxName);
class Logger with _$Logger {
const factory Logger({
@JsonKey(name: 'log') @Default('') String log,
}) = _Logger;
factory Logger.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LoggerFromJson(json);
///It will appear in the content display text box
String toString() {
return jsonEncode({
"my-log": log