diff --git a/files/en-us/web/html/element/video/index.md b/files/en-us/web/html/element/video/index.md
index ca22190198f65ba..9a665820c09ae08 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/html/element/video/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/html/element/video/index.md
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Like all other HTML elements, this element supports the [global attributes](/en-
- : This [enumerated](/en-US/docs/Glossary/Enumerated) attribute indicates whether to use CORS to fetch the related video. [CORS-enabled resources](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_enabled_image) can be reused in the {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} element without being _tainted_. The allowed values are:
- `anonymous`
- - : Sends a cross-origin request without a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header without a cookie, X.509 certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (by not setting the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin:` HTTP header), the image will be _tainted_, and its usage restricted.
+ - : Sends a cross-origin request without a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header without a cookie, X.509 certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (by not setting the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin:` HTTP header), the resource will be _tainted_, and its usage restricted.
- `use-credentials`
- - : Sends a cross-origin request with a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header with a cookie, a certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (through `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:` HTTP header), the image will be _tainted_ and its usage restricted.
+ - : Sends a cross-origin request with a credential. In other words, it sends the `Origin:` HTTP header with a cookie, a certificate, or performing HTTP Basic authentication. If the server does not give credentials to the origin site (through `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:` HTTP header), the resource will be _tainted_ and its usage restricted.
- When not present, the resource is fetched without a CORS request (i.e. without sending the `Origin:` HTTP header), preventing its non-tainted used in {{HTMLElement('canvas')}} elements. If invalid, it is handled as if the enumerated keyword `anonymous` was used. See [CORS settings attributes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/crossorigin) for additional information.
+ When not present, the resource is fetched without a CORS request (i.e. without sending the `Origin:` HTTP header), preventing its non-tainted use in {{HTMLElement('canvas')}} elements. If invalid, it is handled as if the enumerated keyword `anonymous` was used. See [CORS settings attributes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/crossorigin) for additional information.
- {{htmlattrdef("disablepictureinpicture")}} {{experimental_inline}}
- : Prevents the browser from suggesting a Picture-in-Picture context menu or to request Picture-in-Picture automatically in some cases.