MACH-Aero is a framework for performing gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimization. It consists of the following core modules:
- :doc:`baseClasses <baseclasses:index>` defines Python classes used by the other packages
- :doc:`pySpline <pyspline:index>` is a B-spline implementation used by the other packages
- :doc:`pyGeo <pygeo:index>` is a module for geometry manipulation and constraint formulation
- :doc:`IDWarp <idwarp:index>` performs mesh warping using an inverse distance method
- :doc:`ADflow <adflow:index>` is a 2nd-order finite volume CFD solver with an efficient adjoint implementation
- :doc:`pyOptSparse <pyoptsparse:index>` is an optimization framework which provides a unified interface to several popular optimizers
And the following optional modules:
- :doc:`pyHyp <pyhyp:index>` is a hyperbolic mesh generation tool used as a preprocessing step
- :doc:`multiPoint <multipoint:index>` facilitates distributed multipoint optimization and handles the parallel communication using MPI
- cgnsUtilities is a command-line tool that allows carrying out several simple mesh manipulation operations on CGNS grids
- DAFoam provides efficient adjoint implementations for OpenFOAM to be used for CFD instead of ADflow
More detail for the framework can be found in :ref:`mach-aero`. If you use any of our codes, please :ref:`cite us <cite-us>`.
.. toctree:: :caption: Overview :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: machFramework/MACH-Aero.rst machFramework/citeUs.rst machFramework/contribute.rst
.. toctree:: :caption: Installation :maxdepth: 1 installInstructions/dockerInstructions installInstructions/installFromScratch installInstructions/install3rdPartyPackages
.. toctree:: :caption: Tutorials :maxdepth: 2 machAeroTutorials/intro machAeroTutorials/aero_overview machAeroTutorials/opt_overview machAeroTutorials/airfoilopt_overview machAeroTutorials/overset_overview machAeroTutorials/intersection_overview machAeroTutorials/faq