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Oh my

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Oh my raddit

HITCON CTF 2018 Web 262
Writeup by Payload, KAIST GoN


This is based on a real world case. If you get the crypto point, it can be sovled in 10 minutes!

Look up

In main page, we can do 4 things.

  • Read hint (/static/
  • Change numbers of topics to be shown
  • Read topic (redirect to outside)
  • Download some .pdf file

Every link except the hint is in format ?s={encrypted_message}
Also says assert ENCRYPTON_KEY.islower()

Guess it!

First, let's see second feature of the site that I mentioned. Drop-down list trigger the below javascript.

function change(t){
    var limit = t.value;
    if (limit == 10) {
        location.href = '?s=06e77f2958b65ffd3ca92540eb2d0a42';
    } else if (limit == 100) {
        location.href = '?s=06e77f2958b65ffd2c0f7629b9e19627';
    } else {
        location.href = '/';

We can see two encrypted blocks which have 32 length in hex-string, which means 16byte block. And we can also see common part 06e77f2958b65ffd and the other parts 3ca92540eb2d0a42 and 2c0f7629b9e19627.
I tried to search 3ca92540eb2d0a42 in whole page source, then it matched 18 times in site. In addition, I found one more interesting fact that 3ca92540eb2d0a42 is only located at the end of message block.

In conclusion, I found two interesting facts about encrypted meesage.

  • 3ca92540eb2d0a42 appears many times!
  • 3ca92540eb2d0a42 only located at the end of meesage block which contains padding!

So I can say three things about this encryption

  • Message block size is 8bytes(64bit)
  • It uses ECB mode.
  • 3ca92540eb2d0a42 is the result of encrypt('\x08' * 8)

Find a Key

The only thing we know is encrypt('\x08' * 8) == 3ca92540eb2d0a42. Also I can guess the encryption method may be DES by its block size. So I tried a brute-force attack using hashcat

Since we know the encryption key only has lower case alphabets, hashcat gave me a cracked key ldgnnaro rapidly.

Wow! Then flag is hitcon{ldgnnaro}!

Find a REAL Key

Oops, I can't auth the flag hitcon{ldgnnaro}. What???? I tried to decrypt a lot of message block in page using key ldgnnaro and it successfully decrypted! Then, what's the problem?

I calmed down and thought about DES once again. Because of DES algorithm, it can have multiple keys to encryption and decryption. Kindly, orange, the author of this problem, wrote the one more thing in page.

P.S. If you fail in submitting the flag and want to argue with author, read the source first

This page has download feature, so maybe we can download arbitrary file in server using this featrue. One of the download links decrypted as m=d&f=uploads/70c97cc1-079f-4d01-8798-f36925ec1fd7.pdf. Got it!

Now we can download arbitrary file! First, I downloaded /proc/self/cmdline using m=d&f=/proc/self/cmdline. It says the main module of this website is Then I tried to download using m=d& And it successfully downloaded and the few lines at beginning of shows

# coding: UTF-8
import os
import web
import urllib
import urlparse
from Crypto.Cipher import DES

web.config.debug = False
ENCRPYTION_KEY = 'megnnaro'

The REAL flag is hitcon{megnnaro}