💡 All files for the exercise are found in the
- Look at the nginx deployment yaml file in
- Look at the service file in
Now go ahead and apply
the deployment and the service:
- Apply the nginx deployment:
$ kubectl apply -f rolling-updates/nginx-deployment.yaml
- Apply the service:
$ kubectl apply -f rolling-updates/nginx-svc.yaml
💡 Remember that it might take a few minutes for the cloud infrastructure to deploy the load balancer, i.e. the external IP might be shown as
- Note down the loadbalancer IP from the services command:
$ kubectl get service
- Increase the replicas to four in the deployment yaml file:
replicas: 4
- Apply the service again to increase the replica count of your deployment.
From another terminal check which version is currently running and to see changes when rollout is happening:
$ while true; do curl --connect-timeout 1 -m 1 -sI <loadbalancerIP> | grep Server; sleep 0.5; done
Now we will try to roll out an update to the image.
- Set image tag to
- image: nginx:1.9
Apply the new version of your deployment.
Check the rollout status:
$ kubectl rollout status deployment nginx
Investigate rollout history:
$ kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
Try rolling out other image version by repeating the commands from above. Suggested image versions are
. -
Try also rolling out a version that does not exist:
- image: nginx:not-a-version
name: nginx
What happened - do the curl operation still work?
- Investigate the running pods with:
$ kubectl get pods
The rollout above using a non-existing image version caused some pods to be non-functioning. Next, we will undo this faulty deployment.
Investigate rollout history:
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
Undo the rollout and restore the previous version:
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx
Investigate the running pods:
kubectl get pods
Delete deployments and services as follow:
kubectl delete deployment nginx
kubectl delete service nginx