- Check kubectl installation (find its version) and access to cluster. How many nodes/ pods/ deployments/ services/ configmaps/ secrets/ serviceaccounts/ roles are there ?
- Beginner exercise: do the challenges in 01-pods-deployments.md
- Beginner exercise (optional): do the challenges in 02-service-discovery-and-loadbalancing.md
- Create nginx deployment with 3 replicas. Expose via a service of type load balancer and check you can access it from the web browser.
- modify the deployment to attach an empty directory as a volume and mount it at the document root
. What happens when you access the service endpoint now ? - A an init container or side-car container with the shared volume and set it up to create an index.html with message "Hello from "
- Access via web-browser and check if this new index.html is served.
- modify the init container to also append pod name and IP address to the index.html contents. How does this affect the service ?
- extend the init container to also list all deployments in all namespaces and append this to the index.html page. Use the default serviceaccount for this purpose.
- modify the deployment to create an empty config-map on startup with same name as the pod (1 for each pod). Does the defauly service account accomplish this ?
- Create a new service account and bind it to a role that has ability to create, edit and delete configmaps
- associate the deployment with this service account and modify to populate the configmap with the pod name and ip address.
- What happens when you scale the deployment now ?