- Renamed Database-related flags from managed_db* to db* Added alias for backwards compatibility, might not be supported in the future release.
- Require Python 3.9+
- The core_os os_type was removed from the Azure provider as
the image was deleted,
- It will be replaced by Fedora Core OS if a public image is made available.
- The
now requires passing the requested queries with--dpb_sparksql_query_order
- AwsVirtualMachine.IMAGE_OWNER has been changed from a string to a list of strings to support images which have multiple owners e.g. AmazonLinux2 in opt-in regions.
- Remove Ubuntu1710 from
. - Remove Amazon Linux 1 from
. - Changed redis_memtier_benchmark to use redis version 6 and above. Redis versions less than 6 are no longer supported.
- Compressed redis_memtier samples from
into a few time-to-value dictionaries, greatly reducing the number of samples produced - Make Ubuntu 18 the default os_type.
- Deprecate Ubuntu 16 as it is EOL on 2021-05-01.
- Switch to Azure CLI to MSAL. This requires updating the CLI to >= 2.30.0.
- Remove deprecated
flags. Use--zones
instead. - Deprecate CentOS Linux 8 as it is EOL on 2021-12-31.
deprecated in favor of--zone
.- Deprecate Aerospike_YCSB benchmark.
- Remove pkb's --placement_group_style cloud-agnostic values 'cluster'/ 'cluster_if_supported'/'spread'/'spread_if_supported'.
- Replace flag --ibm_azone with --ibm_region.
- Changed the default benchmark to
instead of the standard set. This makes the default behavior for PKB much faster and the standard set of benchmarks was defined many years ago. It's not a reasonable introduction to PKB or something that most people should run by default. - --dpb_export_job_stats is now False by default.
- Validate arguments to IssueCommand.
- Add support for static systems running debian11
- Add ibmcloud as a new provider.
- Add prefix/directory support for object storage service runs.
- Add MaskRCNN and ReXtNet-101 to the horovod benchmark.
- Add Bigtable Benchmarking tutorial.
- Add ycsb_skip_run_stage argument.
- Move PKB static website files from gh-pages branch to master branch.
- Add UDP benchmarking to iPerf.
- Add ability to use Intel package repos.
- Add Ubuntu 20.04 to AWS, Azure, and GCP providers.
- Add support for running DPB Apache Spark benchmarks on PKB provisioned VMs
- Add support for AWS gp3 disks.
- Add ability to use Intel compiled HPCC binaries with --hpcc_use_intel_compiled_hpl
- Add OSU MPI micro-benchmarks benchmark
- Add support for setting virtual NIC type for GCP VMs.
- Add ability to collect /proc/meminfo data with --collect_meminfo
- Add support for setting egress bandwidth tier for GCP VMs.
- Add support for Azure Ultra Disk
- Add
benchmark - Add GPU PingPong benchmark.
- Added lmod linux package.
- Support IntelMPI 2021.x on RedHat.
- Add TensorFlow BigQuery Connector benchmark.
- Add gcsfuse benchmark.
- Add MLPerf multiworker benchmark based on NVIDIA's v0.6 submission
- Add retries to PKB.
- Added GCE networking MTU support with --mtu.
- Add pd extreme support to PKB.
- Add '--delete_samples' to measure VM deletion during benchmark teardown phase
- Add cloudharmony iperf benchmark to pkb.
- Add specjbb2015 benchmark to PKB.
- Add VM stop start benchmark.
- Add suspend_resume benchmark.
- Add AWS support for VM stop start benchmark.
- Add Azure support for VM stop start benchmark.
- Add
support for GCP, AWS and Azure Providers. - Add cURL benchmark for object storage.
- Add vbench video encoding benchmark to PKB.
- Add Kubernetes based DPB Service for Spark
- Add support for creating Dataproc cluster on GKE
- Add support for TPC-DS/H benchmarks on Dataproc Serverless.
- Add support for TPC-DS/H benchmarks on AWS Glue Job.
- Add messaging service latency benchmark (for GCP PubSub, AWS SQS & Azure Service Bus).
- Add Intel perfspect as a new trace
- Add Ubuntu 22.04 support for GCP, AWS, and Azure Providers.
- Add support for Rocky Linux 8 and 9 on GCP, AWS, and Azure Providers.
- Add support for CentOS Stream 8, CentOS Stream 9 on GCP and AWS Providers.
- Add support for chbench using s64da.
- Add sysbench_memory benchmark.
- Add support for RHEL 9 on AWS, Azure, and GCP.
- Add GCP optimized Rocky Linux 8 and 9 OSes.
- Add mtu to os_metadata in linux_virtual_machine.
- Add support for TPC-DS/H benchmarks on AWS EMR Serverless.
- Add dpb_sparksql_serverless_benchmark, which submits one job for each TPC-DS/H query and measures the whole job execution time, instead of only the query run time.
- Add Intel MPI benchmark.
- Add support for Azure ARM VMs.
- Add an HTTP endpoint polling utility & incorporate it into app_service.
- Added support for Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) on Linux VM's to improve networking performance.
- Added delay_time support for delete operations in object storage service.
- Added horovod_synthetic option for synthetic input data in ResNet/ReXtNet models.
- Added support for A100 GPUs.
- Added cuda_tookit 11.0 support.
- Updated
to false on all cluster_boot runs. - Add ability to apply HPC optimized script to GCE VMs with --gce_hpc_tools
- Update the nginx benchmark.
- Added
flag for debugging during benchmark development. - Report CPU vulnerabilities as a sample via the --record_cpu_vuln flag.
- Add retry when calling MountDisk.
- Measure time to running status of a VM in large_scale_boot benchmark.
- SpecCPU2017 runs on Redhat, Centos7
- Aerospike YCSB can have multiple server nodes and different client/server machine types.
- HPL's configuration file customizable with flags.
- Added Intel MPI to linux_packages.
- Added ability to use MKL 2018.2 from Intel repos via --mkl_install_from_repo
- Added ability to install gfortran 9 with --fortran_version=9
- Added MSS support to netperf with
. - Added nfs_service.NfsExport(vm, path) to easily NFS export a directory.
- AWS EFA works for Ubuntu1604.
- Added support for MySQL 8.0 on VMs and minimal innodb tuning.
- Add ability to specify version of Intel MKL with --mkl_version
- Added intelmpi.NfsExportIntelDirectory to NFS export /opt/intel
- Modify cloud_datastore_ycsb benchmark to execute YCSB on the same db entries each run instead of emptying and preloading the db every time. Can set flag google_datastore_repopulate=True to empty & repopulate.
- Enhance the cpu metric collection feature for cloud bigtable benchmark: as long as there is a real workload (table loading is not counted), the cpu metrics will be collected.
- Support wiring properties into DPB clusters with
in addition to--dpb_job_properties
. - Add support for GCS and S3 I/O in PKB managed Spark and Hadoop clusters.
- Update FIO workload to support extraction of common benchmark parameters from the scenario string.
- Added Intel oneAPI BaseKit to packages.
- Upgrade default CUDA version to 11.0.
- Add support for AWS IO2 EBS instances.
- Add support for Postgres 13 on VMs.
- Add support to compile GCC versions on non Debian systems.
- Add additional customization options to SPEC CPU 2017.
- Add average utilization to the metadata of cpu metrics for Cloud Bigtable benchmark.
- Add flag --ycsb_log_remote_command_output to allow enabling/disabling the logging of stdout & stderr from wait_for_command.
- Add support for NFS
mount option. - Add support for custom compilation of OpenJDK.
- Add support for configuring the HBase binding to use with
. - Enhance the cpu utilization metrics for cloud bigtable ycsb benchmark: collect the cpu data for each workload (differentiated by workload_index); the time window estimation is also more accurate.
- Support default subnets in --aws_subnet with
as value passed. - Add Unsupported config failure substatus for runs that are not supported by the cloud.
- Add support for nodepools to
benchmark spec. - Expose GCS FUSE disk type to allow using GCS buckets as a data_disk.
- Add support for 5th gen Azure VMs.
- Support multiple Redis instances on the same VM and multiple client VMs.
- Support creating autoscaled Bigtable instances.
- Added support to allow deleting a static table in Cloud Bigtable benchmarks via --google_bigtable_delete_static_table.
- Support downloading data twice in object_storage_service_benchmark.
- Add memtier reported percentile latencies to Memtier samples metadata.
- Add support for building multiarch Docker images.
- Add latency capped throughput measurement mode to memtier.
- Add Unsupported config failure substatus for Azure runs.
- Add support for Windows 2022 and Sql server 2019 on Windows 2022
- Add support for Redis Enterprise clustered database.
- Support regional GKE clusters.
- Support zonal node placement in regional Kubernetes clusters.
- Uses the regular version of gcloud for Bigtable commands instead of beta.
- Support logging the start timestamp of each stage.
- Support for building GCC on Debian
- Support for Postgres 13 on Debian
- Add OSProvisioningTimedOut as a recognized failure mode in Azure.
- Add support for providing initialization actions into DPB clusters with
- Add sandbox configuration fields for GKE nodepools.
- Fetch Redis benchmark live migration times from GCP metadata server.
- Retry table deletions in Cloud Bigtable benchmarks against a user managed instance and fail if the benchmark eventually fails to delete a table.
- Add support for Snowflake on Azure External Tables
- Fetch memtier benchmark runtime information
- Support installing the Google Cloud Bigtable client by a given version via --google_bigtable_client_version and simplify dependency management.
- Support setting --dpb_dataflow_additional_args and --dpb_dataflow_timeout for dpb_dataflow_provider.
- Add support for T2A (ARM) VMs on GCE.
- Add
flag to control job polling frequency in DPB benchmarks. - Add support for more readings in nvidia_power tracking.
- Add 'runcpu --update' and 'runcpu --version' commands to install phase.
- Set the command to download preprovisioned data to be robust and have a five minute timeout.
- Make Speccpu17 fail if there are compilation errors that will cause missing results.
- Tuned entity cleanup parameters.
- Fix wrong unit in MLPerf benchmark.
- Disabled TF_CUDNN_USE_AUTOTUNE for horovod benchmarks.
- Updated default NCCL version.
- Use a deletion task to cleanup leftover entities to avoid hitting batch limit.
- Updated object storage service deleteObjects API to also return back object_sizes of deleted objects.
- Fixed a bug in leftover entity deletion logic.
- Fixed string encoding bug in netperf_pps benchmark.
- Fix installing RedHat EPEL on GCP (rhel8,centos8) and AWS (rhel7,rhel8, centos8, amazonlinux2)
- Fixed a bug in leftover entity deletion logic.
- Use absl parameterized test case.
- Error out if AWS EFA install fails (centos8,rhel8)
- Added
as a--gcp_min_cpu_platform
option. - Move CoreOS from EOL Container Linux CoreOS to Fedora CoreOS on AWS and GCP.
- Update files to use absl/flags.
- Tries alternate command to get boot time, fixing continuous checking for new time on rebooted system.
- Correctly handle ARM processors in netperf.
- Added --always_teardown_on_exception to allow pkb to perform teardown when there is exception at the provision|prepare|run|cleanup stage.
- Updates crcmod, boto, and awscli installation to pip3.
- Consolidates adding Ubuntu toolchain repo.
- Moved stress_ng installation to a package.
- Switch to using Google Cloud Build for continuous integration.
- Fix PrettyPrintStreamPublisher to make "cpu_utilization_per_minute" show up in the PKB results summary for cloud bigtable benchmark.
- Added an option to install GCP NCCL plugins.
- Updated hbase binding (from hbase10 to hbase12) for cloud bigtable ycsb benchmark and hbase ycsb benchmark.
- Added retries around spurious InvalidPlacementGroup.InUse on AWS VM create.
- Support Redis version 6 on managed Redis datastores.
- Updated Aerospike server release version to
- Updated Aerospike client release version to 4.6.21.
- Install zlib1g-dev dependency for Aerospike client.
- Use OMB version 4.7.1 and parse new min/max columns.
- Added --application_default_credential_file as an alternative way to authenticate with Bigquery.
- Only install pip and pip3 when they are not already installed with Python.
- Install pip and pip3 from get-pip.py to avoid issues with old packages.
- Fix parsing Dstat 0.7.3
- Update hadoop version to 3.3.1
- Updated required numpy and six versions.
- Added
flag to allow overrides for Hadoop downloads. - Make RunBenchmark handle KeyboardInterrupt so that benchmark specific resources can be cleaned up on cancellation.
- Added --ycsb_fail_on_incomplete_loading flag to allow the test to fail fast in the case of table loading failures. --ycsb_insert_error_metric can be used to determine which metric indicates that loading failed (defaults to 'insert Return=ERROR').
- Enable the aggregation for "Return=NOT_FOUND" errors.
- Added no_proxy flag for proxy settings
- Stop attempting to delete PKB resources that failed to create.
- Added a new user guide for bigtable walkthrough.
- Sanitize the shell code in bigtable walkthrough doc: removing dollar sign and using variable expansion.
- Added
flag for querying a different endpoint than monitoring.googleapis.com. Used bycloud_bigtable_ycsb
. - Update Go language binary to version 1.17.2
- Broadens Azure quota detection parsing
- AWS disk attaches now wait for attach, supporting io2 block express
- Update the performance results of Bigtable testing which used a more proper client setup.
- Update the runner's AWS CLI to 1.19.75.
- Upgrade from AWS ecr get-login to ecr get-login-password.
- Minor fix of the Bigtable benchmarking user guide.
- Enable icelake and milan as --gcp_min_cpu_platform options.
- Update the bigtable tutorial readme with the content of batch_testing.md. Unneeded files are removed.
- Fix fio_write_against_multiple_clients additional samples and metadata.
- Use real URLs as the links in Bigtable walkthrough doc.
- Add option to publish to a subfolder in cloud storage publisher.
- Parse resulting output matrix by indexing from the bottom up instead of top down.
- Double build time for all cloud's docker images, for a more complex build script.
- Add required dataflow option --gcpTempLocation and --region to gcp_dpb_dataflow provider.
- Support taking FLAGS.dpb_jar_file and FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_additional_args when running wordcount benchmark.
- Add some required types to BaseAppServiceSpec.
- Uses nic type of GVNIC by default (instead of VIRTIO_NET) on GCE
- Rename pkb's --placement_group_style values to reflect their cloud-specific CLI arguments (GCP - 'COLLOCATED'/'AVAILABILITY-DOMAIN'; AWS - 'cluster'/'spread'/'partition'; Azure - 'proximity-placement-group'/'availability-set'). Cloud-agnostic value 'closest_supported' will choose the most tightly-coupled placement policy supported.
- Fix how the CBT client is installed for the cloud_bigtable_ycsb_benchmark
(when --google_bigtable_client_version is set) and use the
CLI instead of the hbase shell to create and delete tables.