This repo is a successful example of Mapbox API is working in Microsoft Hololens-2 glasses with Unity UWP.
Deleted sq3lite.dll and some parts of codes working with sq3lite.dll.(sq3lite part is so problematic for Hololens-2)
Reworked all .dll files in Mapbox/Plugins folder.
Some namespaces and libraries deleted from codes and changed with compatible ones with UWP.
Changed some parts of codes for build errors.
1 - You could set the Map Position in the Real World.
2 - You could Increase/Decrease Map Size.
3 - You could travel in the Map.
4 - You could Zoom In/Zoom Out in the Map.
1 - Download the repo.
2 - Here is the main Unity scene for this app I've added. (Assets\Mapbox Hololens2\Scene\Hololens2 Scene.unity)
3 - Configure the Mapbox token value from this section.
4 - Create an account from Mapbox web page and add your free Mapbox token to here. (for creating Mapbox token =>
5- Open the Build Settings , add the main scene and configure the settings like this image.
6- After building the app, deploy it to the Hololens-2 from the .sln file. (Open the .sln file with Visual Studio and deploy it as a package or deployment with Master, ARM settings.)
- Mert Usta - GitHub
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