The RFC says that for COPY/MOVE/DELETE with Depth: Infinity all headers must be applied to all resources. For example, in RFC4918 9.6.1:
Any headers included with DELETE MUST be applied in processing every resource to be deleted.
Currently we do not do this- we do apply the If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, and If headers to the request url, but not recursively.
Should probably disallow that
Right now we check if we hold the locks (if any) for the request url, and paths below it for Depth: Infinity requests. If we don't, the entire request fails. We should really check that for every resource to be MOVEd/DELETEd seperately and only fail those resources.
This does mean that we cannot MOVE a collection by doing a simple rename, we must do it resource-per-resource, like COPY.
During long-running requests like MOVE/COPY/DELETE we should really LOCK the resource so that no other request can race us.
Actually, check if this is true. Isn't the webdav client responsible for this?
- if the resource is locked exclusively and we hold the lock- great, nothing to do
- otherwise:
- lock the request URL exclusively (unless already locked exclusively), Depth: infinite, without checking if any other locks already exist. This is a temporary lock.
- now check if we actually can lock the request URL and paths below
- if not, unlock, error
- go ahead and do the work
- unlock
The temporary lock should probably have a timeout of say 10 seconds, where we refresh it every 5 seconds or so, so that a stale lock doesn't hang around too long if something goes catastrophically wrong. Might only happen when the lock database is seperate from the webdav server.
Do fake locking only for user-agents:
- /WebDAVFS/ // Apple
- /Microsoft Office OneNote 2013/' // MS
- /^Microsoft-WebDAV/ // MS
this is the list that NextCloud uses for fake locking. probably (WebDAVFS|Microsoft) would do the trick.
API: perhaps move filesystem interface to Path/PathBuf or similar and hide WebPath
add documentation
add tests, tests ...
Add support for properties to on XFS. XFS has unlimited and scalable extended attributes. ext2/3/4 can store max 4KB. On XFS we can then also store creationdate in an attribute.
Add support for changing live props like mtime/atime
- atime could be done with Win32LastAccessTime
- allow setting apache "executable" prop
- it appears that there are webdav implementations that allow you to set "DAV:getcontentlength".
we could support (at least return) some Win32FileAttributes:
- readonly: 00000001 (unix mode)
- hidden: 00000002 (if file starts with a "."
- dir: 00000010
- file: 00000020
readonly on dirs means "all files in the directory" so that is best not implemented.
allow setting of some windows live props:
- readonly (on files, via chmod)
- Win32LastAccessTime, Win32LastModifiedTime
implement RFC4437 Webdav Redirectref -- basically support for symbolic links
implement RFC3744 Webdac ACL
- support for compressing responses, at least PROPFIND.
- support for compressed PUT requests
Nice, but no webdav client that I know of uses compression.