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Seeking for new maintainers

sphinxcontrib-mermaid is actively seeking new maintainers. As the original creator, I’m no longer able to dedicate the time and attention needed. If you’re interested in contributing and helping to drive this project forward, please see this issue.

This extension allows you to embed Mermaid graphs in your documents, including general flowcharts, sequence diagrams, gantt diagrams and more.

It adds a directive to embed mermaid markup. For example:

.. mermaid::

      participant Alice
      participant Bob
      Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
      loop Healthcheck
          John->John: Fight against hypochondria
      Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail...
      John-->Alice: Great!
      John->Bob: How about you?
      Bob-->John: Jolly good!

By default, the HTML builder will simply render this as a div tag with class="mermaid", injecting the external javascript, css and initialization code to make mermaid works.

For other builders (or if mermaid_output_format config variable is set differently), the extension will use mermaid-cli to render as to a PNG or SVG image, and then used in the proper code.

.. mermaid::

      participant Alice
      participant Bob
      Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
      loop Healthcheck
          John->John: Fight against hypochondria
      Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail...
      John-->Alice: Great!
      John->Bob: How about you?
      Bob-->John: Jolly good!

You can also embed external mermaid files, by giving the file name as an argument to the directive and no additional content:

.. mermaid:: path/to/mermaid-gantt-code.mmd

As for all file references in Sphinx, if the filename is not absolute, it is taken as relative to the source directory.

In addition, you can use mermaid to automatically generate a diagram to show the class inheritance using the directive autoclasstree. It accepts one or more fully qualified names to a class or a module. In the case of a module, all the class found will be included.

Of course, these objects need to be importable to make its diagram.

If an optional attribute :full: is given, it will show the complete hierarchy of each class.

The option :namespace: <value> limits to the base classes that belongs to this namespace. Meanwhile, the flag :strict: only process the classes that are strictly defined in the given module (ignoring classes imported from other modules).

For example:

.. autoclasstree:: sphinx.util.DownloadFiles sphinx.util.ExtensionError
.. autoclasstree:: sphinx.util.DownloadFiles sphinx.util.ExtensionError

Or directly the module:

.. autoclasstree:: sphinx.util
.. autoclasstree:: sphinx.util


You can install it using pip

pip install sphinxcontrib-mermaid

Then add sphinxcontrib.mermaid in extensions list of your project's

extensions = [

Directive options

:name:: determines the image's name (id) for HTML output.

:alt:: determines the image's alternate text for HTML output. If not given, the alternate text defaults to the mermaid code.

:align:: determines the image's position. Valid options are 'left', 'center', 'right'

:caption:: can be used to give a caption to the diagram.

:zoom:: can be used to enable zooming the diagram. For a global config see mermaid_d3_zoom` bellow.

A preview after adding :zoom: option only to the first diagram example above:

:config:: JSON to pass through to the mermaid configuration

:title:: Title to pass through to the mermaid configuration

Config values


The output format for Mermaid when building HTML files. This must be either 'raw' 'png' or 'svg'; the default is 'raw'. mermaid-cli is required if it's not raw


Optional path to a local installation of mermaid.esm.min.mjs. By default, we will pull from jsdelivr.


The version of mermaid that will be used to parse raw output in HTML files. This should match a version available on The default is "11.2.0".
.. versionchanged:: 0.7
    The init code doesn't include the `<script>` tag anymore. It's automatically added at build time.


Optional path to a local installation of mermaid-layout-elk.esm.min.mjs. By default, we will pull from jsdelivr.


The version of mermaid ELK renderer that will be used. The default is "0.1.4". Leave blank to disable ELK layout.


Optional path to a local installation of d3.min.js. By default, we will pull from jsdelivr.


The version of d3 that will be used to provide zoom functionality on mermaid graphs. The default is "7.9.0".


Mermaid initialization code. The Default initialization is set to

mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true})
.. versionchanged:: 0.7
    The init code doesn't include the `<script>` tag anymore. It's automatically added at build time.


The command name with which to invoke mermaid-cli program. The default is 'mmdc'; you may need to set this to a full path if it's not in the executable search path. If a string is specified, it is split using shlex.split to support multi-word commands. To avoid splitting, a list of strings can be specified. Examples:

mermaid_cmd = 'npx mmdc'
mermeid_cmd = ['npx', '--no-install', 'mmdc']


When set to true, the shell=True argument will be passed the process execution command. This allows commands other than binary executables to be executed on Windows. The default is false.


For individual parameters, a list of parameters can be added. Refer to Examples:

mermaid_params = ['--theme', 'forest', '--width', '600', '--backgroundColor', 'transparent']

This will render the mermaid diagram with theme forest, 600px width and transparent background.


Allows overriding the sequence diagram configuration. It could be useful to increase the width between actors. It needs to be a json file Check options in the documentation


Use the verbose mode when call mermaid-cli, and show its output in the building process.


If using latex output, it might be useful to crop the pdf just to the needed space. For this, pdfcrop can be used. State binary name to use this extra function.


Enables zooming in all the generated Mermaid diagrams.

Markdown support

You can include Mermaid diagrams in your Markdown documents in Sphinx. You just need to setup the markdown support in Sphinx via myst-parser . See a minimal configuration from the tests

Then in your .md documents include a code block as in reStructuredTexts:


      participant Alice
      participant Bob
      Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?

For GitHub cross-support, you can omit the curly braces and configure myst to use the mermaid code block as a myst directive. For example, in

myst_fence_as_directive = ["mermaid"]

Building PDFs on

In order to have Mermaid diagrams build properly in PDFs generated on, you will need a few extra configurations.

  1. In your .readthedocs.yaml file (which should be in the root of your repository) include a post-install command to install the Mermaid CLI:

      os: ubuntu-20.04
        python: "3.8"
        nodejs: "16"
          - npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli

Note that if you previously did not have a .readthedocs.yaml file, you will also need to specify all targets you wish to build and other basic configuration options. A minimal example of a complete file is:

# .readthedocs.yaml
# Read the Docs configuration file
# See for details

# Required
version: 2

# Set the version of Python and other tools you might need
  os: ubuntu-20.04
    - libasound2
    python: "3.8"
    nodejs: "16"
      - npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli

# Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx
   configuration: docs/

# If using Sphinx, optionally build your docs in additional formats such as PDF
  - epub
  - pdf

   - requirements: docs/requirements.txt
  1. In your documentation directory add file puppeteer-config.json with contents:

      "args": ["--no-sandbox"]
  2. In your documentation file, add:

    mermaid_params = ['-p' 'puppeteer-config.json']