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- Another command line tool for the OpenAI API - Docs.
- Allows ChatGPT to play through the classic game Zork.
- It will try its best to play through the game. You can continue or stop the game at each step in execution.
- Install the latest version of Python 3.
- Install the OpenAI Python package.
- Install pexpect to control the Zork process.
- Clone the repo.
- Zork can be installed in a number of ways and it depends on your system.
- Easy brew install for Mac (source).
- Infocom downloads of Zork I, II, III are also available and free.
- Info for compiling on OS X from source.
- Add your OpenAI API key to config.ini.
- Ensure Zork command in config.ini is correct or update it for your specific install.
- If Installed on Mac with brew link from above it will work with the default.
- python3 chatgpt_plays_zork.py
- Run default application.
- python3 chatgpt_plays_zork.py -h
- Display help message.
- python3 chatgpt_plays_zork.py -m "gpt-4"
- Use model "gpt-4".