Releases: michaelo/sapt
Full Changelog:
- CLI: File/folder-argument handling: discrete file entries are kept in input-order, contents of folder-args are sorted
- CLI: Improved output-handling with regards to --verbose and --silent
- CLI: Added --colors to override whether to use color escape-codes or not
- Code improvements, rearrangements, TODO-resolutions, ...
- FEATURE: Added support for all HTTP-methods
- FEATURE: Added flag --delay=NN where NN is number of ms to sleep between each test step (not for playbooks)
- BUGFIX: Improved handling of payloads which were quite error-prone, now they are slightly less so
- FEATURE: Extraction entries will now also be matched against headers, if not found in body
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc4...v1.0.0-rc5
Bufixes to variable expansions and playbook-includes.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc3...v1.0.0-rc4
- BUGFIX: Fixed so playbooks now can be read from current directory
- BUGFIX: Fixed so variable expansion doesn't fail/stop upon unmatched variables
- FEATURE: Added -e/-early-quit flag to abort on first failing test
- Fixed some minor output-discrepencies
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc2...v1.0.0-rc3
Fixes from v1.0.0-rc1:
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug where extracted entries weren't resolved in later tests
- FEATURE: Added "--insecure" to bypass SSL-checks.
Known issues:
- The extracted variables are not expanded in following requests
- Unable to open playbooks in cwd
The very first release candidate!
The basic feature set is considered complete. Adjustments and bug fixes will likely occur before the proper release.
Run 'sapt --help' to get an overview of the features, or see for more details.
If on platform with prebuilt binaries: grab the appropriate package from this release-page, extract it, and if you'd like: add it to path.
If on other platform, or just want to build it yourself: Grab source-archive or clone repo, then follow the "Build"-section in the
It's coming together! We're almost feature-complete with regards to v1.
Added support for:
- playbooks (-p=...)
- mutlithreaded requests(-m) when using the repetition-indicator inside playbooks
Att: using playbook will discard any tests passed directly as command line arguments
Other news:
- Improved help and documentation.
- Experimenting with colored output for improved readability.
- Fixed bug related to variable-expansion.
- libcurl must be available as a dynamic library.
Next up - most likely:
- Support OS-envs
- Add support for autosense of file-types, rather then relying on .e.g -i and -p for env-files and playbooks.
- Automatically resolve .env in folders, and keep them only scoped for that folder. Possibly also support keeping parent-.envs as well.
- Determine desired behaviour on a couple undefined/unspecified situations, e.g.
- which data to keep/evaluate on from repeated tests.
- shall we support providing both playbook and individual tests? If so - how shall that be ordered?
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-prerelease...v0.2.0
Tentative release for early input.