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micnic edited this page Jan 4, 2013 · 12 revisions
var simplet = require('simplet');

New simpleT Instance


config: object

simpleT uses a configuration object which is used to set up the template engine. The configuration is applied on all templates rendered using this instance of simpleT. All templates are cached, to modify some content of the cache .clearCache() and .precache() methods should be used. Example:

var engine = simplet({
    close: '}}', // The close tag of the templates, default is '%>'
    open: '{{', // The open tag of the templates, default is '<%'
    string: true, // Specifies if the provided source is a string or the path of a file, default is false (file path)
    raw: true // Specifies that the engine will return the executable content of the template, not the result, default is false

Template Rendering

.render(source[, imports, id])

source: string

imports: object

id: string

The .render() method is used to render the provided templates, these templates can be as strings or filepaths, provided in the source parameter, simpleT will know how to use the depending on the string attribute in the config object of the engine. It is possible to define some special values inside the template by adding these ass attributes to the imports object. The last parameter is used as identification for caching the template only if the first parameter is used as the whole template string. Example:

var result = engine.render('{{= hello, world}}', {
    hello: 'Hello',
    world: 'World'
}, 'hello');

// Will output:
// HelloWorld

.compile(content[, imports])

content: string

imports: object

Get the content, execute it and returns the result of the execution. Should be used with the content rendered by an engine with config.raw = true. Example:


Cache Management


source: string

If source parameter is defined then the specified source will be removed from the cache. If source is not defined then all the sources will be removed from the cache. Example:


.precache(source, id)

source: string

id: string

The .precache() method is used to refresh the content of the source in the cache or to prepare a template for further usage. Example:

engine.precache('{{="Good Bye World"}}', 'hello');

Template Syntax

The syntax below will be defined only for default open and close tags.

Code Isolation

To isolate the code from the rest of the content of the template the open and the close tags are used, example:

<% if (true) { %>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<% } %>

Data Printing

To print some data it is necessary to use the open tag followed by an = symbol, the data and the close tag or using the print() function inside the code isolation, example:

<%= 'HelloWorld'.toLowerCase() %>


<% print('HelloWorld'.toLowerCase()) %>


To insert another template inside the current template it is necessary to use the open tag followed by an # symbol, the path to the template and the close tag or using the include() function inside the code isolation, example:

<%# 'header.ejs' %>


<% include('header.ejs') %>


On the client-side simpleT can be used from utils/simplet.js file inside the module folder. The only difference from the server-side version is that instead of files HTML elements are used and their id should be provided. Example:

<script src="../utils/simplet.js"></script>
<script id="include" type="text/simplet">
	<%= add + 1 %><br>
<script id="template" type="text/simplet">
	<%# 'include', {add: 1} %>
	<% print(3) %>
	window.onload = function () {
		var engine = simplet({});
		document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = engine.render('template', {});
	// 'result' is the id of an HTML element in which will be added the  result content of the template
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