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Python Environments

Steve Dower edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 7 revisions

Python Environments

For an overview of managing Python environments in Visual Studio, see this video.

Deep Dive: Python Interpreters

Python comes in many different versions and varieties, such as the various versions of CPython, IronPython for targeting .NET, Jython for the JVM, PyPy for high performance applications, as well as distributions that bundle pre-built packages. While many people never need to use more than one, developers often use multiple Python environments.

Python Tools for Visual Studio provides features to help manage multiple Python environments. This page will provide an overview of these features and how to use them effectively.

The Python Environment

A Python environment consists of an interpreter, a library, and a set of installed packages. When you download and install Python, you will get an environment for a particular platform, such as CPython or IronPython, and a particular version, such as 2.7 or 3.4. These determine which language constructs and syntax are valid, and what OS-level functionality you can access. They will also affect which packages you can use, as most packages are designed for particular environments.

In most cases, the library included will be the Python Standard Library, though potentially limited or augmented depending on what the platform supports. Many downloads will also include packages, which are not part of the standard library (yet), but provide useful functionality. You can also download and install packages into an existing environment whenever you like.

When running a Python script, it must run against a particular environment. Generally, this is determined by the location of the executable used to start it. Because Python Tools for Visual Studio does not require you to type 'python.exe' every time, this option is exposed in a different manner.

Python directory structure

Global Environments

A global (or system-wide) environment is one that is installed on your PC and is available to all of your projects. These are usually installed to your C:\ drive or Program Files, and are automatically detected when Python Tools is running or when it is started. Global environments can be viewed in the Python Environments window (Ctrl+K, ` - Control + K, backtick):

Environments Window

This image shows two environments: Python 2.7 is the current default, which means that all new projects will use it for executing, debugging, checking syntax, displaying import and member completions, and any other tasks that require an environment. Changing the default environment will affect all projects that have not had a project environment added.

The Overview tab is shown in the above image. This displays the location of the interpreter and allows quickly access the Interactive Window or change options associated with the environment.

pip extension

The pip tab allows you to manage your installed packages, including updating or uninstalling, and search for and install new ones. Searching will filter your currently installed packages as well as searching PyPI. You can also enter any pip install command here, including flags such as --user or --no-deps.

IntelliSense extension

The IntelliSense tab shows the current completion DB status. The completion DB stores precomputed results for your installed packages. Packages listed here that are not available may not have any code suggestions when used in the editor.

New environments are typically discovered automatically when you install them onto your machine. However, for one reason or another, not every environment can be found. To add a global environment manually, you can open Environment Options from anywhere in the Python Environments window (or through Tools, Options, Python Tools) and click 'Add Environment'.

Configuration extension

This image shows typical values for Python distributions based on CPython 2.7. Once added, this environment will behave just like one that was automatically detected. To remove the environment, click the "Remove" link on the configuration tab.

For those with only one Python environment, there is little need to continue reading, especially if it already includes a large number of useful packages. However, for those who are writing Python code to be run in multiple environments or have a need for certain, specific packages, global environments are unlikely to be satisfactory.

Project Environments

Global environments are limited in that only one can be made the default at any time, and this will be active for all projects. Depending on the project, not all environments may apply. For example, a project that requires IronPython might not work if the global default environment is CPython. By specifying project environments, you can ensure that your project will always be run in a supported environment - the global default is ignored.

Project environments are listed in Solution Explorer under the Python Environments node. The bold entry is currently active, and will be used for debugging, import and member completions, syntax checking, and any other tasks that require an environment. Another entry can be selected and activated by right-clicking and choosing 'Activate Environment'. The current active environment is saved in the project file and will be stored across sessions.

Project environments displayed in Solution Explorer

Any global environment can be added as a project environment by right-clicking the 'Python Environments' entry and selecting 'Add/Remove Python Environments...'. This will display a list of the known environments and let you select or deselect those that should be available in your project.

Once an environment is displayed in Solution Explorer, it can be expanded to display the installed packages. These packages are not part of the Python standard library but can be imported and used in your code when the environment is active.

As well as using the Python Environments window, new packages can be installed by right-clicking the environment entry ('Python 2.7' in the image below) and selecting 'Install Python Package'. Packages are downloaded from the Python Package Index (PyPI) by specifying the name of the package - visit to search available packages. Once installed, a package can be uninstalled by right-clicking it and selecting 'Remove'. Success or failure is shown in the status bar and the output window, along with the full output from the package manager used to do the installation.

Add/Remove Python Environments dialog

NOTE: Python's package management support is currently under development by the core Python development team. The displayed entries may not always be accurate, and installation and uninstallation may not be reliable or available. Python Tools will use the pip package manager if available, and will download and install it when required. The easy_install package manager is also available to install packages that pip cannot. Packages installed with these tools from the command-line will also be displayed in Python Tools.

One common situation where pip will fail to install a package is when the package include source code for native components (*.pyd files). Without the required version of Visual Studio installed (typically VS 2008 for Python versions earlier than 3.3), pip will not be able to compile these components. The error message displayed in this situation is error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat. easy_install is often able to download pre-compiled binaries, and you can download a suitable compiler for older versions of Python from

Installed Python packages

Virtual Environments

Because packages installed into a global environment are available to all projects that use it, conflicts may occur. For example, two projects may require incompatible packages or different versions of the same package. To avoid this issue, projects that require particular packages should use a virtual environment.

Like any other Python environment, a virtual environment consists of a Python interpreter, a library and a set of packages. However, the interpreter and library are actually shared with a base interpreter, which you can select from your global environments. This minimizes the number of files in the virtual environment, making it not much bigger than the packages that are installed. In effect, a virtual environment is like having a private folder of packages in your project.

To create a virtual environment, right-click the Python Environments item in Solution Explorer and select 'Add Virtual Environment...'.

Creating a virtual environment

Specify a name to create the virtual environment in your project path, or a full path to create it elsewhere. Environment names should be letters and numbers only to ensure maximum compatibility with other tools. Select a global environment to act as the base interpreter (you cannot use another virtual environment for this), and click 'Create'. If pip and virtualenv or venv packages are not available, they will be downloaded and installed.

If the provided path is an existing virtual environment, the base interpreter will be detected and the create button will change to 'Add':

Adding an existing virtual environment

Alternatively, an existing virtual environment can be added by right-clicking the Python Environments item in Solution Explorer and selecting 'Add Existing Virtual Environment...'. We will detect the base interpreter automatically from the orig-prefix.txt file in the environment's lib directory.

Once a virtual environment is added to your project, it can be activated like any other environment, and packages can be installed or uninstalled. It will appear in the Python Environments window. Right-clicking it and selecting 'Remove' will allow you to either remove the reference to the environment, or delete the environment and all the files on disk.

Managing Required Packages

If you are sharing your project with others or planning to publish it to Microsoft Azure, you will need to specify the external packages it requires. The simplest way to do this is to include an entire virtual environment with your project. As long as every user has the same base interpreter installed in the same path as the machine where the virtual environment was created, this will largely work fine.

(This restriction is due to how virtual environments are implemented. In general the base interpreter must be installed at the same location on each machine and the virtual environment should be located at the same path. PTVS includes some transparent workarounds for virtual environments that have been moved or published to Microsoft Azure, which is why some tasks will succeed through the IDE but fail at the command line.)

An alternative approach is to use a requirements.txt file. This file contains a list of commands for pip that will install the required versions of dependent packages. Any filename may be used, and specifying -r "<full path to file>" in the Install Python Package dialog will install it. However, for files named requirements.txt in the root directory of the project, there is specific support in the IDE.

The 'Install from requirements.txt' command will use pip to install the packages listed in the requirements.txt file. When you have installed all the packages required, you can use 'Generate requirements.txt' to update the file. If it already exists, the dialog below will allow you to select how to update the contents of the file.

Install from requirements.txt

Replacing the entire file will remove all items, comments, and options that exist. Refreshing existing entries will detect package requirements and update the version specifiers to match the version you currently have installed. Updating and adding entries refreshes any requirements that are found, and adds all other packages to the end of the file.

Update requirements.txt options

Because requirements.txt files are intended to "freeze" the requirements of your project, all installed packages are written with precise versions. This ensures you can easily reproduce your environment on another machine. Packages are included even if they were installed with a version range, as a dependency of another package, or with an installer other than pip.

When adding a new virtual environment, if a requirements.txt file exists, the Add Virtual Environment dialog will display an option to install the packages automatically. This is the easiest way to recreate an environment on another machine.

Create virtual environment with requirements.txt

If a package cannot be installed by pip and it appears in a requirements.txt file, this will cause the entire installation to fail. In this case, you can manually edit the file to exclude this package or to use pip's options to refer to an installable version of the package. For example, you may prefer to use pip wheel to compile a dependency and add the --find-links <path> option to your requirements.txt:

C:\Project>pip wheel azure
Downloading/unpacking azure
  Running (path:C:\Project\env\build\azure\ egg_info for package azure

Building wheels for collected packages: azure
  Running bdist_wheel for azure
  Destination directory: c:\project\wheelhouse
Successfully built azure
Cleaning up...

C:\Project>type requirements.txt
--find-links wheelhouse

C:\Project>pip install -r requirements.txt -v
Downloading/unpacking azure==0.8.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3))
  Local files found: C:/Project/wheelhouse/azure-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: azure
Successfully installed azure
Cleaning up...
  Removing temporary dir C:\Project\env\build...

Known Issues

  • Changing the active environment may cause VS to freeze briefly as the IntelliSense database is loaded. Environments with lots of packages may freeze for longer.
  • While the system-site-packages option will be respected, there is no way to set or change this from within VS.
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