Quick notes & guidelines on how to keep the repo neat & tidy
Dependabot is set up to assist with package-lock updates.
- SDK packages will be update weekly on Mondays via a PR from dependabot.
- Samples packages will be updated monthly.
- Wherever possible, security updates should be done asap.
Human action: If you notice there are PR's from dependabot, please assist with the following:
- Approving the PR and getting another approver is checks are passing
- Rebasing and/or fixing merge conflicts if there are any
- Merging the update once checks are passing & there are 2 approvals
- After a round of updates, it is a good idea to test the samples again.
Please keep an eye on incoming bugs / requests. When a new issue comes in, we should check for the following.
- Verify we have all information required to reproduce the problem / continue with feature planning (Are all of the questions from the templates answered?)
- Delete the 'Please review' section of the issue, especially when the issue is filed by a Live Share team member:
- If needed, bring the newly filed topic up in scrum for discussion:
- Timeline
- Assignee
- Migrate to internal kanban as needed
- Remove the
new submission
tag. This is for a visible indication that the topic is acknowledged by the team.
Note: if the issue is filed by a Live Share team-member, you can delete
new submission
immediately after submitting.
After a new release, we should verify that a post is made to the Discussions center about the release.