diff --git a/dotnet/samples/Concepts/Filtering/Legacy_KernelHooks.cs b/dotnet/samples/Concepts/Filtering/Legacy_KernelHooks.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e80c0f8c04..000000000000
--- a/dotnet/samples/Concepts/Filtering/Legacy_KernelHooks.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
-using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.OpenAI;
-namespace Filtering;
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
-public class Legacy_KernelHooks : BaseTest
- ///
- /// Demonstrate using kernel invocation-hooks to monitor usage:
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [Fact]
- public async Task GetUsageAsync()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("\n======== Get Usage Data ========\n");
- // Create kernel instance
- Kernel kernel = Kernel.CreateBuilder()
- .AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: _openAIModelId!,
- apiKey: _openAIApiKey!)
- .Build();
- // Initialize prompt
- const string FunctionPrompt = "Write a random paragraph about: {{$input}}.";
- var excuseFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt(
- FunctionPrompt,
- functionName: "Excuse",
- executionSettings: new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings() { MaxTokens = 100, Temperature = 0.4, TopP = 1 });
- // Define hooks
- void MyPreHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : Pre Execution Handler - Triggered");
- }
- void MyRemovedPreExecutionHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : Pre Execution Handler - Should not trigger");
- e.Cancel = true;
- }
- void MyPostExecutionHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : Post Execution Handler - Usage: {e.Result.Metadata?["Usage"]?.AsJson()}");
- }
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += MyPreHandler;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += MyPostExecutionHandler;
- // Demonstrate pattern for removing a handler.
- // Note: MyRemovedPreExecutionHandler will cancel execution if not removed.
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += MyRemovedPreExecutionHandler;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking -= MyRemovedPreExecutionHandler;
- // Invoke prompt to trigger execution hooks.
- const string Input = "I missed the F1 final race";
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(excuseFunction, new() { ["input"] = Input });
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Result: {result}");
- }
- ///
- /// Demonstrate using kernel-hooks to around prompt rendering:
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [Fact]
- public async Task GetRenderedPromptAsync()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("\n======== Get Rendered Prompt ========\n");
- // Create kernel instance
- Kernel kernel = Kernel.CreateBuilder()
- .AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: _openAIModelId!,
- apiKey: _openAIApiKey!)
- .Build();
- // Initialize prompt
- const string FunctionPrompt = "Write a random paragraph about: {{$input}} in the style of {{$style}}.";
- var excuseFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt(
- FunctionPrompt,
- functionName: "Excuse",
- executionSettings: new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings() { MaxTokens = 100, Temperature = 0.4, TopP = 1 });
- // Define hooks
- void MyRenderingHandler(object? sender, PromptRenderingEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : Prompt Rendering Handler - Triggered");
- e.Arguments["style"] = "Seinfeld";
- }
- void MyRenderedHandler(object? sender, PromptRenderedEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : Prompt Rendered Handler - Triggered");
- Console.WriteLine(e.RenderedPrompt);
- }
- kernel.PromptRendering += MyRenderingHandler;
- kernel.PromptRendered += MyRenderedHandler;
- // Invoke prompt to trigger prompt rendering hooks.
- const string Input = "I missed the F1 final race";
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(excuseFunction, new() { ["input"] = Input });
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Result: {result.GetValue()}");
- }
- ///
- /// Demonstrate using kernel invocation-hooks to post process result:
- ///
- ///
- [Fact]
- public async Task ChangingResultAsync()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("\n======== Changing/Filtering Function Result ========\n");
- // Create kernel instance
- Kernel kernel = Kernel.CreateBuilder()
- .AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: _openAIModelId!,
- apiKey: _openAIApiKey!)
- .Build();
- // Initialize function
- const string FunctionPrompt = "Write a paragraph about Handlers.";
- var writerFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt(
- FunctionPrompt,
- functionName: "Writer",
- executionSettings: new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings() { MaxTokens = 100, Temperature = 0.4, TopP = 1 });
- // Define hook
- static void MyChangeDataHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e)
- {
- var originalOutput = e.Result.ToString();
- //Use Regex to redact all vowels and numbers
- var newOutput = Regex.Replace(originalOutput, "[aeiouAEIOU0-9]", "*");
- e.SetResultValue(newOutput);
- }
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += MyChangeDataHandler;
- // Invoke prompt to trigger execution hooks.
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(writerFunction);
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Result: {result.GetValue()}");
- }
- ///
- /// Demonstrate using kernel invocation-hooks to cancel prior to execution:
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [Fact]
- public async Task BeforeInvokeCancellationAsync()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("\n======== Cancelling Pipeline Execution - Invoking event ========\n");
- // Create kernel instance
- Kernel kernel = Kernel.CreateBuilder()
- .AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: _openAIModelId!,
- apiKey: _openAIApiKey!)
- .Build();
- // Initialize prompt
- const string FunctionPrompt = "Write a paragraph about: Cancellation.";
- var writerFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt(
- FunctionPrompt,
- functionName: "Writer",
- executionSettings: new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings() { MaxTokens = 1000, Temperature = 1, TopP = 0.5 });
- // Adding new inline handler to cancel/prevent function execution
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"{e.Function.Name} : FunctionInvoking - Cancelling before execution");
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Technically invoked will never be called since the function will be cancelled
- int functionInvokedCount = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- functionInvokedCount++;
- };
- // Invoke prompt to trigger execution hooks.
- try
- {
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(writerFunction);
- }
- catch (KernelFunctionCanceledException fcex)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(fcex.Message);
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Invocation Times: {functionInvokedCount}");
- }
- ///
- /// Demonstrate using kernel invocation-hooks to cancel post after execution:
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [Fact]
- public async Task AfterInvokeCancellationAsync()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("\n======== Cancelling Pipeline Execution - Invoked event ========\n");
- // Create kernel instance
- Kernel kernel = Kernel.CreateBuilder()
- .AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: _openAIModelId!,
- apiKey: _openAIApiKey!)
- .Build();
- // Initialize prompts
- int functionInvokingCount = 0;
- int functionInvokedCount = 0;
- var firstFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt("Write a phrase with Invoke.", functionName: "InvokePhrase");
- var secondFunction = kernel.CreateFunctionFromPrompt("Write a phrase with Cancellation.", functionName: "CancellationPhrase");
- // Adding new inline handler to count invoking events
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- functionInvokingCount++;
- };
- // Invoked will never be called twice (for the secondFunction) since Invoked from the first is cancelling.
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- functionInvokedCount++;
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Invoke prompt to trigger execution hooks.
- try
- {
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(secondFunction);
- }
- catch (KernelFunctionCanceledException fcex)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(fcex.Message);
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Invoked Times: {functionInvokedCount}");
- Console.WriteLine($"Function Invoking Times: {functionInvokingCount}");
- }
- private readonly string? _openAIModelId;
- private readonly string? _openAIApiKey;
- public Legacy_KernelHooks(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)
- {
- this._openAIModelId = TestConfiguration.OpenAI.ChatModelId;
- this._openAIApiKey = TestConfiguration.OpenAI.ApiKey;
- if (this._openAIModelId is null || this._openAIApiKey is null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("OpenAI credentials not found. Skipping example.");
- return;
- }
- }
diff --git a/dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs b/dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs
index c65c2eb92209..116f3995c0ff 100644
--- a/dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs
+++ b/dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs
@@ -37,61 +37,6 @@ public async Task ObservabilityWithFiltersAsync()
Console.WriteLine(await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("How many days until Christmas? Explain your thinking.", new(settings)));
- ///
- /// Shows how to observe the execution of a instance with hooks.
- ///
- [Fact]
- [Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters.")]
- public async Task ObservabilityWithHooksAsync()
- {
- // Create a kernel with OpenAI chat completion
- IKernelBuilder kernelBuilder = Kernel.CreateBuilder();
- kernelBuilder.AddOpenAIChatCompletion(
- modelId: TestConfiguration.OpenAI.ChatModelId,
- apiKey: TestConfiguration.OpenAI.ApiKey);
- kernelBuilder.Plugins.AddFromType();
- Kernel kernel = kernelBuilder.Build();
- // Handler which is called before a function is invoked
- void MyInvokingHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Invoking {e.Function.Name}");
- }
- // Handler which is called before a prompt is rendered
- void MyRenderingHandler(object? sender, PromptRenderingEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Rendering prompt for {e.Function.Name}");
- }
- // Handler which is called after a prompt is rendered
- void MyRenderedHandler(object? sender, PromptRenderedEventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Rendered prompt: {e.RenderedPrompt}");
- }
- // Handler which is called after a function is invoked
- void MyInvokedHandler(object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Result.Metadata is not null && e.Result.Metadata.ContainsKey("Usage"))
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Token usage: {0}", e.Result.Metadata?["Usage"]?.AsJson());
- }
- }
- // Add the handlers to the kernel
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += MyInvokingHandler;
- kernel.PromptRendering += MyRenderingHandler;
- kernel.PromptRendered += MyRenderedHandler;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += MyInvokedHandler;
- // Invoke the kernel with a prompt and allow the AI to automatically invoke functions
- OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings settings = new() { FunctionChoiceBehavior = FunctionChoiceBehavior.Auto() };
- Console.WriteLine(await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("How many days until Christmas? Explain your thinking.", new(settings)));
- }
/// A plugin that returns the current time.
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Functions/KernelFunction.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Functions/KernelFunction.cs
index 07dce1c402ce..cc2d260b48a7 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Functions/KernelFunction.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Functions/KernelFunction.cs
@@ -240,16 +240,6 @@ public async Task InvokeAsync(
// Quick check for cancellation after logging about function start but before doing any real work.
- // Invoke pre-invocation event handler. If it requests cancellation, throw.
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- var invokingEventArgs = kernel.OnFunctionInvoking(this, arguments);
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- if (invokingEventArgs?.Cancel is true)
- {
- throw new OperationCanceledException($"A {nameof(Kernel)}.{nameof(Kernel.FunctionInvoking)} event handler requested cancellation before function invocation.");
- }
var invocationContext = await kernel.OnFunctionInvocationAsync(this, arguments, functionResult, isStreaming: false, async (context) =>
// Invoking the function and updating context with result.
@@ -259,22 +249,6 @@ public async Task InvokeAsync(
// Apply any changes from the function filters context to final result.
functionResult = invocationContext.Result;
- // Invoke the post-invocation event handler. If it requests cancellation, throw.
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- var invokedEventArgs = kernel.OnFunctionInvoked(this, arguments, functionResult);
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- if (invokedEventArgs is not null)
- {
- // Apply any changes from the event handlers to final result.
- functionResult = new FunctionResult(this, invokedEventArgs.ResultValue, functionResult.Culture, invokedEventArgs.Metadata ?? functionResult.Metadata);
- }
- if (invokedEventArgs?.Cancel is true)
- {
- throw new OperationCanceledException($"A {nameof(Kernel)}.{nameof(Kernel.FunctionInvoked)} event handler requested cancellation after function invocation.");
- }
logger.LogFunctionInvokedSuccess(this.PluginName, this.Name);
this.LogFunctionResult(logger, this.PluginName, this.Name, functionResult);
@@ -370,16 +344,6 @@ public async IAsyncEnumerable InvokeStreamingAsync(
// Quick check for cancellation after logging about function start but before doing any real work.
- // Invoke pre-invocation event handler. If it requests cancellation, throw.
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- var invokingEventArgs = kernel.OnFunctionInvoking(this, arguments);
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- if (invokingEventArgs?.Cancel is true)
- {
- throw new OperationCanceledException($"A {nameof(Kernel)}.{nameof(Kernel.FunctionInvoking)} event handler requested cancellation before function invocation.");
- }
FunctionResult functionResult = new(this, culture: kernel.Culture);
var invocationContext = await kernel.OnFunctionInvocationAsync(this, arguments, functionResult, isStreaming: true, (context) =>
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Kernel.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Kernel.cs
index 5a44a4dffd6a..f275eca325d3 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Kernel.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Abstractions/Kernel.cs
@@ -110,10 +110,6 @@ public Kernel(
public Kernel Clone() =>
new(this.Services, this._plugins is { Count: > 0 } ? new KernelPluginCollection(this._plugins) : null)
- FunctionInvoking = this.FunctionInvoking,
- FunctionInvoked = this.FunctionInvoked,
- PromptRendering = this.PromptRendering,
- PromptRendered = this.PromptRendered,
_functionInvocationFilters = this._functionInvocationFilters is { Count: > 0 } ? new NonNullCollection(this._functionInvocationFilters) : null,
_promptRenderFilters = this._promptRenderFilters is { Count: > 0 } ? new NonNullCollection(this._promptRenderFilters) : null,
_autoFunctionInvocationFilters = this._autoFunctionInvocationFilters is { Count: > 0 } ? new NonNullCollection(this._autoFunctionInvocationFilters) : null,
@@ -609,6 +605,7 @@ private static bool IsNotEmpty(IEnumerable enumerable) =>
#region Obsolete
+#pragma warning disable CS0067 // The event is never used
/// Provides an event that's raised prior to a function's invocation.
@@ -636,58 +633,7 @@ private static bool IsNotEmpty(IEnumerable enumerable) =>
[Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters. Example in dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs of Semantic Kernel repository.")]
public event EventHandler? PromptRendered;
- [Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters. Example in dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs of Semantic Kernel repository.")]
- internal FunctionInvokingEventArgs? OnFunctionInvoking(KernelFunction function, KernelArguments arguments)
- {
- FunctionInvokingEventArgs? eventArgs = null;
- if (this.FunctionInvoking is { } functionInvoking)
- {
- eventArgs = new(function, arguments);
- functionInvoking.Invoke(this, eventArgs);
- }
- return eventArgs;
- }
- [Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters. Example in dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs of Semantic Kernel repository.")]
- internal FunctionInvokedEventArgs? OnFunctionInvoked(KernelFunction function, KernelArguments arguments, FunctionResult result)
- {
- FunctionInvokedEventArgs? eventArgs = null;
- if (this.FunctionInvoked is { } functionInvoked)
- {
- eventArgs = new(function, arguments, result);
- functionInvoked.Invoke(this, eventArgs);
- }
- return eventArgs;
- }
- [Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters. Example in dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs of Semantic Kernel repository.")]
- internal PromptRenderingEventArgs? OnPromptRendering(KernelFunction function, KernelArguments arguments)
- {
- PromptRenderingEventArgs? eventArgs = null;
- if (this.PromptRendering is { } promptRendering)
- {
- eventArgs = new(function, arguments);
- promptRendering.Invoke(this, eventArgs);
- }
- return eventArgs;
- }
- [Obsolete("Events are deprecated in favor of filters. Example in dotnet/samples/GettingStarted/Step7_Observability.cs of Semantic Kernel repository.")]
- internal PromptRenderedEventArgs? OnPromptRendered(KernelFunction function, KernelArguments arguments, string renderedPrompt)
- {
- PromptRenderedEventArgs? eventArgs = null;
- if (this.PromptRendered is { } promptRendered)
- {
- eventArgs = new(function, arguments, renderedPrompt);
- promptRendered.Invoke(this, eventArgs);
- }
- return eventArgs;
- }
+#pragma warning disable CS0067 // The event is never used
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPrompt.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPrompt.cs
index 8652cfa1cbfe..367e5e7a2553 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPrompt.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPrompt.cs
@@ -241,13 +241,6 @@ protected override async ValueTask InvokeCoreAsync(
isStreaming: false,
-#pragma warning disable CS0612 // Events are deprecated
- if (promptRenderingResult.RenderedEventArgs?.Cancel is true)
- {
- throw new OperationCanceledException($"A {nameof(Kernel)}.{nameof(Kernel.PromptRendered)} event handler requested cancellation after prompt rendering.");
- }
-#pragma warning restore CS0612 // Events are deprecated
// Return function result if it was set in prompt filter.
if (promptRenderingResult.FunctionResult is not null)
@@ -278,13 +271,6 @@ protected override async IAsyncEnumerable InvokeStreamingCoreAsync? asyncReference = null;
if (result.AIService is IChatCompletionService chatCompletion)
@@ -514,10 +500,6 @@ private async Task RenderPromptAsync(
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- kernel.OnPromptRendering(this, arguments);
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
var renderingContext = await kernel.OnPromptRenderAsync(this, arguments, isStreaming, async (context) =>
renderedPrompt = await this._promptTemplate.RenderAsync(kernel, context.Arguments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
@@ -541,26 +523,9 @@ private async Task RenderPromptAsync(
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- var renderedEventArgs = kernel.OnPromptRendered(this, arguments, renderedPrompt);
- if (renderedEventArgs is not null &&
- !renderedEventArgs.Cancel &&
- renderedEventArgs.RenderedPrompt != renderedPrompt)
- {
- renderedPrompt = renderedEventArgs.RenderedPrompt;
- if (this._logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
- {
- this._logger.LogTrace("Rendered prompt changed by event handler: {Prompt}", renderedEventArgs.RenderedPrompt);
- }
- }
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
return new(aiService, renderedPrompt)
ExecutionSettings = executionSettings,
- RenderedEventArgs = renderedEventArgs,
FunctionResult = renderingContext.Result
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/PromptRenderingResult.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/PromptRenderingResult.cs
index 7aee48fc130b..99a78f6a9653 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/PromptRenderingResult.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.Core/Functions/PromptRenderingResult.cs
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ internal sealed class PromptRenderingResult
public FunctionResult? FunctionResult { get; set; }
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- public PromptRenderedEventArgs? RenderedEventArgs { get; set; }
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
public PromptRenderingResult(IAIService aiService, string renderedPrompt)
this.AIService = aiService;
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/FunctionFromMethodTests.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/FunctionFromMethodTests.cs
index 445ae9304fb5..88c76b12ac2b 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/FunctionFromMethodTests.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/FunctionFromMethodTests.cs
@@ -76,94 +76,4 @@ public async Task InvokeStreamingAsyncShouldPropagateMetadataFromNonStreamingMet
Assert.Equal("value1", methodContent.Metadata["key1"]);
Assert.Equal("value2", methodContent.Metadata["key2"]);
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeStreamingAsyncOnlySupportsInvokingEventAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- var sut = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => "any");
- var invokedCalled = false;
- var invokingCalled = false;
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- invokingCalled = true;
- };
- // Invoked is not supported for streaming...
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- invokedCalled = true;
- };
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- // Act
- await foreach (var chunk in sut.InvokeStreamingAsync(kernel))
- {
- }
- // Assert
- Assert.True(invokingCalled);
- Assert.False(invokedCalled);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeStreamingAsyncInvokingCancelingShouldThrowAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- var sut = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => "any");
- bool invokingCalled = false;
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- invokingCalled = true;
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
- // Act
- IAsyncEnumerable enumerable = sut.InvokeStreamingAsync(kernel);
- IAsyncEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
- Assert.False(invokingCalled);
- var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await enumerator.MoveNextAsync());
- // Assert
- Assert.True(invokingCalled);
- Assert.Same(sut, e.Function);
- Assert.Same(kernel, e.Kernel);
- Assert.Empty(e.Arguments);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeStreamingAsyncUsingInvokedEventHasNoEffectAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- var sut = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => "any");
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- // This will have no effect on streaming
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
- var chunkCount = 0;
- // Act
- await foreach (var chunk in sut.InvokeStreamingAsync(kernel))
- {
- chunkCount++;
- }
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, chunkCount);
- }
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPromptTests.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPromptTests.cs
index d21a9394c453..ff45e19c62d7 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPromptTests.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/Functions/KernelFunctionFromPromptTests.cs
@@ -637,35 +637,6 @@ public async Task InvokeAsyncWithNestedPromptsSelectsCorrectServiceAsync()
mockTextCompletion2.Verify(m => m.GetTextContentsAsync("Prompt2 Result1", It.Is(settings => settings.MaxTokens == 2000), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once());
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncWithPromptRenderedHooksExecutesModifiedPromptAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var mockTextContent = new TextContent("Result");
- var mockTextCompletion = new Mock();
- mockTextCompletion.Setup(m => m.GetTextContentsAsync(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())).ReturnsAsync(new List { mockTextContent });
-#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- static void MyRenderedHandler(object? sender, PromptRenderedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- KernelBuilder builder = new();
- builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton("service", mockTextCompletion.Object);
- Kernel kernel = builder.Build();
- kernel.PromptRendered += MyRenderedHandler;
-#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Events are deprecated
- KernelFunction function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromPrompt("Prompt");
- // Act
- var result1 = await kernel.InvokeAsync(function);
- // Assert
- mockTextCompletion.Verify(m => m.GetTextContentsAsync("Prompt USE SHORT, CLEAR, COMPLETE SENTENCES.", It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Once());
- }
diff --git a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/KernelTests.cs b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/KernelTests.cs
index 9ca5e2d49444..b7ed4fc4a480 100644
--- a/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/KernelTests.cs
+++ b/dotnet/src/SemanticKernel.UnitTests/KernelTests.cs
@@ -96,348 +96,6 @@ public void ItAllowsToImportTheSamePluginMultipleTimes()
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPreInvocationAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- var handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- };
- // Act
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(function);
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task RunStreamingAsyncHandlesPreInvocationAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- var handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- };
- // Act
- await foreach (var chunk in kernel.InvokeStreamingAsync(function)) { }
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task RunStreamingAsyncHandlesPreInvocationWasCancelledAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- var handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Act
- IAsyncEnumerable enumerable = kernel.InvokeStreamingAsync(function);
- IAsyncEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
- var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await enumerator.MoveNextAsync());
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(0, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Same(function, e.Function);
- Assert.Same(kernel, e.Kernel);
- Assert.Empty(e.Arguments);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task RunStreamingAsyncPreInvocationCancelationDontTriggerInvokedHandlerAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- var functions = kernel.ImportPluginFromType();
- var invoked = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- invoked++;
- };
- // Act
- IAsyncEnumerable enumerable = kernel.InvokeStreamingAsync(functions["GetAnyValue"]);
- IAsyncEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
- var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await enumerator.MoveNextAsync());
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(0, invoked);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeStreamingAsyncDoesNotHandlePostInvocationAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- int handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- };
- // Act
- await foreach (var chunk in kernel.InvokeStreamingAsync(function))
- {
- }
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(0, handlerInvocations);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPreInvocationWasCancelledAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- var handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Act
- KernelFunctionCanceledException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => kernel.InvokeAsync(function));
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(0, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Same(function, ex.Function);
- Assert.Null(ex.FunctionResult?.Value);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPreInvocationCancelationDontRunSubsequentFunctionsInThePipelineAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- int handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Act
- KernelFunctionCanceledException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => kernel.InvokeAsync(function));
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(0, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Same(function, ex.Function);
- Assert.Null(ex.FunctionResult?.Value);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncPreInvocationCancelationDontTriggerInvokedHandlerAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- var functions = kernel.ImportPluginFromType();
- var invoked = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoking += (object? sender, FunctionInvokingEventArgs e) =>
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- invoked++;
- };
- // Act
- KernelFunctionCanceledException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => kernel.InvokeAsync(functions["GetAnyValue"]));
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(0, invoked);
- Assert.Same(functions["GetAnyValue"], ex.Function);
- Assert.Null(ex.FunctionResult?.Value);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPostInvocationAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- int functionInvocations = 0;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => functionInvocations++);
- int handlerInvocations = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- handlerInvocations++;
- };
- // Act
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(function);
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, functionInvocations);
- Assert.Equal(1, handlerInvocations);
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPostInvocationWithServicesAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var (mockTextResult, mockTextCompletion) = this.SetupMocks();
- IKernelBuilder builder = Kernel.CreateBuilder();
- builder.Services.AddSingleton(mockTextCompletion.Object);
- Kernel kernel = builder.Build();
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromPrompt("Write a simple phrase about UnitTests");
- var invoked = 0;
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (sender, e) =>
- {
- invoked++;
- };
- // Act
- var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(function);
- // Assert
- Assert.Equal(1, invoked);
- mockTextCompletion.Verify(m => m.GetTextContentsAsync(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Exactly(1));
- }
- [Fact]
- public async Task InvokeAsyncHandlesPostInvocationAndCancellationExceptionContainsResultAsync()
- {
- // Arrange
- var kernel = new Kernel();
- object result = 42;
- var function = KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(() => result);
- var args = new KernelArguments() { { "a", "b" } };
- kernel.FunctionInvoked += (object? sender, FunctionInvokedEventArgs e) =>
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- };
- // Act
- KernelFunctionCanceledException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => kernel.InvokeAsync(function, args));
- // Assert
- Assert.Same(kernel, ex.Kernel);
- Assert.Same(function, ex.Function);
- Assert.Same(args, ex.Arguments);
- Assert.NotNull(ex.FunctionResult);
- Assert.Same(result, ex.FunctionResult.GetValue