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Intellisense for notebooks

Rich Chiodo edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 23 revisions

Table of Contents


Notebooks Architecture

Concatentation of the notebook cells

Finding modules

Future changes

Intellisense Overview

Intellisense in VS code works by sending LSP requests to a separate process (well in most cases, see this for more info)

Something like so:


Intellisense for notebooks

Intellisense for notebooks works pretty much the same way but with each cell of a notebook being a text document:


Concatentation of the notebook cells

This poses a problem for the language server (Pylance) because code from one cell can be referenced in another.



In that example, the pandas import crosses the cell boundary.

This means pylance cannot just analyze each cell individually.

New LSP Messages

The solution was changes to LSP:

Message When it is sent What it's for
DidOpenNotebookDocument On notebook open Let's the server know what documents are part of a notebook so that they can be concatenated together
DidChangeNotebookDocument On moving, deleting or adding cells Let's the server update its representation of the notebook cell order
DidSaveNotebookDocument On notebook save When the notebook is saved its relative path is established. This is necessary to determine location with respect to imports.
DidCloseNotebookDocument On notebook close Server can clean up in memory state about the notebook.

Pylance can now understand notebooks

These 4 new messages means that pylance knows the relative order of all of the cells in a notebook. Here's generally the sequence of events:

[sequence diagram of lsp messages]

From this pylance knows that:

  • There are 3 python documents
  • They belong to the notebook foo.ipynb
  • Their order is 3, 1, 2

So if the notebook looked like so:

[picture of notebook with 3 cells]

Internally pylance could have a concatenated document like so:

# Cell 1
import pandas as pd
# Cell 2
df = pd.read_csv('./data/test.csv')
# Cell 3

Active interpreter?

There's still one missing part in this design. How does pylance know what interpreter to use?

When Pylance is started, the Python extension tells it what the pythonPath is:

[picture of pylance and python extension]

But a notebook uses a kernel. The kernel isn't tied to the global pythonPath.

Custom API

To workaround this problem, a custom message is sent from Pylance : foobar

The Python extension handles this message and then [asks](jupyter extension location) if it knows the pythonPath for a URI.

[picture of jupyter with pylance and python]

If Jupyter has a kernel active for a notebook, it returns the known pythonPath for that kernel.


Sometimes things go wrong with intellisense. And one of the most difficult parts of diagnosing these failures is reproing the problem.

Pylance logs a lot of data about

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