Gato is a way to make chatbots for urbit groups.
|install ~botter-midsum-salrux %gato
Add a command with :gato &add ['hello' [%gato %hello] !>("howdy")]
You can remove it later with :gato &remove 'hello'
The bot will respond to /hello lorem ipsum
with howdy ~sampel-palnet! You said lorem ipsum
To change the configuration, use :gato &set ['hello' [%gato %hello] !>("good morning")]
Each gato command is a thread. See the thread guide for how to write a thread, and sur/gato.hoon for argument and return types.
You can find example commands in /ted. So far these include:
- A weather lookup command with geocoding
- A stock and crypto price lookup command (the famous "Tendiebot")