- Project birdmig
- Region us-central1
10.2.2020 Single-label classification 1000 random images from the full c. 5900 image set.
- ignore: "ignore" in tagList or "distortion2" in tagList or "faded" in tagList or "high-pass" in tagList
- animal (376 images): "migrant" in tagList or "migrant-low" in tagList or "migrant-low" in tagList or "wander" in tagList or "local_individual" in tagList or "local_choir" in tagList or "owl" in tagList or "mystery" in tagList or "mammal" in tagList or "dog" in tagList or "other_animal" in tagList or "bat" in tagList:
- no-animal (624 images): the rest
Edge High-precision max 10 node hours, c. 2,5 hours used
Edge High-precision max 20 node hours, c. 2,5 hours used
Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 4076: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 5802: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 4875: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 4937: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 3005: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 4719: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 5825: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full.csv line 2921: The label is already a ground truth.
AUC c. 0.96 Precison & recall: 92.57 % Animals: c. 91.8 %
False negatives:
- Melnig's
- Scorus's
- Faint migrants
- Sounds in the beginning & end of segment
- Some local fieldfares
- Birds with other noises (single noises, rain, mechanical noises)
- Thrushes, can be mixed with human sounds?
False positives
- Loud planes
- Human sounds: coughing, footsteps
- Unforeseen mechanical noises & snaps
- Uniform background noise, which causes "light" spectrogram
- Strong wind
Exported model birdmig1_animals_full_20200212.pb
Edge High-precision max 20 node hours, 8 estimated, c. NN hours used
Operation ID: projects/825817147834/locations/us-central1/operations/ICN7374201286633193472 Error Messages: Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 4023: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 4052: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 4800: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 4862: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 5302: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 4655: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 5749: The label is already a ground truth. Error: gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/target_annotations_animals_full_20200223.csv line 5741: The label is already a ground truth.
Check what kind of sounds are problematic and add those
- grasshoppers
Heavy rain and/or wind separately -> give up on those?
Multi-classification, with heavy rain & heavy wind as separate classes -> System can give up and not report them.
Test with Juha Saari's recording
Train with Xeno-Canto, test with own recordings, or vice versa. Balance bird/non bird 50/50%.
Multi-label classification
- bird
- bird chorus
- bat
- rain & heavy rain
- wind & heavy wind
Cloud hosted / Host your model on Google Cloud for online predictions Edge / Download your model for offline/mobile use
- optimize for higher accuracy / 360ms latency for Google Pixel 2 ... Best trade-off / 150 ms latency ... Faster predictions / 56 ms latency
Specify your own TRAIN, TEST, VALIDATION split. The tool randomly assigns images, but near-duplicates may end up in TRAIN and VALIDATION which could lead to overfitting and then poor performance on the TEST set.
rule of thumb - the label with the lowest number of examples should have at least 10% of the examples as the label with the highest number of examples.
Using a somewhat novel dataset to fine-tune model structure means your model will generalize better
Single-label classification:
[set,]image_path[,label] TRAIN,gs://My_Bucket/sample1.jpg,cat TEST,gs://My_Bucket/sample2.jpg,dog
Searching files with regex/wildcard in mongodb:
{ file_id: { $in: [ /^noordwijk*/ ] } }
Create bucket:
gsutil mb -l {REGION} gs://spectro-us/
List directories in bucket:
gsutil ls gs://spectro-us/
Copy single file:
gsutil cp FILENAME gs://spectro-us/spectro-1/_data/
Copies files from current dir to bucket, but does not create folder structure:
gsutil cp -r $(find . -name "*.png") gs://spectro-us/
Rsync all subdirs, excluding mp3-files:
gsutil -m rsync -r -x ".*.mp3$" . gs://spectro-us/lepidoptera/
Move bucket ...
gsutil mb -l us-central1 gs://spectro-us/ gsutil cp -r gs://spectro-1/ gs://spectro-us/