The fcapsy
provides experimental implementations of some psychological phenomena (e.g. typicality, basic level) which appears in field of Cognitive Psychology.
Library is based on Formal Concept Analysis framework which is provided by great concepts library.
Package is avaliable in alpha version via pip
$ pip install fcapsy
Set of experiments is avaliable in fcapsy-experiments package.
Belohlavek, R., & Mikula, T. (2020). Typicality in Conceptual Structures Within the Framework of Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings of CLA 2020, 33-45.
Belohlavek, R., & Mikula, T. (2021). Typicality: A formal concept analysis account. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
Belohlavek, R., & Trnecka, M. (2020). Basic level of concepts in formal concept analysis 1: formalization and utilization. International Journal of General Systems, 1-18.
fcapsy requires: