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File metadata and controls

148 lines (116 loc) · 4.94 KB


This category deals with the basics of SQL. It covers select and where clauses, case expressions, unions, and a few other odds and ends. If you're already educated in SQL you will probably find these exercises fairly easy. If not, you should find them a good point to start learning for the more difficult categories ahead!

Q1: retrieve everything from a table

How can you retrieve all the infomation from the cd.facilities table? image

select * from cd.facilites;

Q2: retrieve specific columns from a table

You want to print out a list of all of the facilities and their cost to members. How would you retrieve a list of only facility names and costs? image

select name, membercost from cd.facilities;

Q3: controll witch rows are retrieved

How can you produce a list of facilities that charge a fee to members? image

select * from cd.facilities where membercost > 0;

Q4: controll witch rows are retrieved -part2

How can you produce a list of facilities that charge a fee to members, and that fee is less than 1/50th of the monthly maintenance cost? Return the facid, facility name, member cost, and monthly maintenance of the facilities in question. image

select facid, name, membercost, monthlymaintenance 
	from cd.facilities 
		membercost > 0 and 
		(membercost < monthlymaintenance/50.0);  

Q5: basic string search

How can you produce a list of all facilities with the word 'Tennis' in their name? image

select *
	from cd.facilities 
		name like '%Tennis%'; 

Q6: matching against multiple possible values

How can you retrieve the details of facilities with ID 1 and 5? Try to do it without using the OR operator. image

select *
	from cd.facilities
		facid in (1, 5);

Q7: clissify results into buckets

How can you produce a list of facilities, with each labelled as 'cheap' or 'expensive' depending on if their monthly maintenance cost is more than $100? Return the name and monthly maintenance of the facilities in question. image

select name,
	case when (monthlymaintenance > 100) then
	end	as	cost
from cd.facilities;

Q9: work with date

How can you produce a list of members who joined after the start of September 2012? Return the memid, surname, firstname, and joindate of the members in question. image

select memid, surname, firstname, joindate
	from cd.members
		joindate >= timestamp '2012-09-01';
select memid, surname, firstname, joindate
	from cd.members
		joindate >= '2012-09-01'; -- automatically cast by postgres into the full timestamp 

Q10: remove duplicates, and ordering results

How can you produce an ordered list of the first 10 surnames in the members table? The list must not contain duplicates. image

select distinct surname
	from cd.members
order by surname
limit 10;

Q11: combine results from multiple queries

You, for some reason, want a combined list of all surnames and all facility names. Yes, this is a contrived example :-). Produce that list! image

select surname
	from cd.members
select name
	from cd.facilities;

Q12: simple aggregation

You'd like to get the signup date of your last member. How can you retrieve this information? image

select max(joindate) as latest
	from cd.members;
select joindate as latest
	from cd.members
order by joindate desc
limit 1;

Q13: more aggregation:

You'd like to get the first and last name of the last member(s) who signed up - not just the date. How can you do that? image

select firstname, surname, joindate
	from cd.members
		joindate = 
			(select max(joindate)
			 	from cd.members);