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407 lines (259 loc) · 22.5 KB

File metadata and controls

407 lines (259 loc) · 22.5 KB


2.1.1 (2024-09-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug when Timmy::get_image() is called with null as the attachment parameter (d1d102c)

2.1.0 (2024-08-30)


  • Add img_class argument for get_timber_picture_responsive() (#84) (efcf332)
  • Remove check for attachment post type that can’t be overridden (#85) (13574be)

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent using simplexml_load_file() on missing file (#83) (f45456e)

2.0.1 (2024-07-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve compatibility with Timber v2 (7a2a2b6)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Fix JSON format for release-please-config.json (7235e7b)
  • Update release-please (ed7e1bb)

2.0.0 (2024-05-08)


  • Remove Timmy::VERSION constant
  • Add compatibility with Timber 2.x


  • Add compatibility with Timber 2.x (1687f3f)
  • Remove Timmy::VERSION constant (031548b)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Merge 1.x branch into 2.x (2ec5254)
  • Update release branches (512efea)

1.1.0 (2024-03-26)


  • Optimize filter priority for deleting and generating image sizes (2ec4013)

Bug Fixes


  • Increased minimum supported PHP version to 7.4.
  • Increased required Timber version to 1.9.
  • Added support for lazy loading with loading attribute.
  • Added width and height attributes for images by default.
  • Added support for WebP images.
  • Added support for getting Timmy image sizes with wp_get_attachment_image_src().
  • Added get_timber_image_alt() function.
  • Added get_timber_image_caption() function.
  • Added get_timber_image_description() function.
  • Added get_timber_picture_responsive() function.
  • Added get_timber_picture_fallback_image() function.
  • Added better support for SVG images.
  • Fixed a bug when Timmy tried to resize files that it shouldn’t (video files for example).
  • Fixed issue when Timmy created upscaled image files even though it shouldn’t.
  • Changed oversize configuration option naming from oversize to upscale. You can still use oversize, but it will be deprecated in the future.
  • Removed the title attribute from the <img> attributes, which was added by default with an image’s description. That approach was too opinionated and might only make sense in some use cases. If you still want to somehow use the image description, you can use the get_timber_image_description() function.
  • Improved hints about controlling image sizes for Yoast.
  • Removed deprecated get_image_attr_html(), get_timber_image_attr() and get_acf_image_attr() functions.

New API behind the scenes

  • Added a new Timmy\Image class that is used to generate the markup for an image. Most of the functionality that was in the get_timber_*() functions before now lives in that class.
  • Added a Timmy\Timmy::get_image() function to get a Timmy\Image in a way that allows developers to extend the Timmy\Image class.

Breaking changes

Changed how Timmy should be initialized.

🚫 Before

new Timmy\Timmy();

✅ After


Changed how Responsive Content Images should be initialized

🚫 Before

new Timmy\Responsive_Content_Images()

✅ After


Other breaking changes

  • Changed additional parameters that are passed to the timber/src_default filter. There is no longer an array of additional $attributes to this filter, but only an instance of Timmy\Image.
  • Removed function pluggability. This means that you can’t overwrite any Timber functions anymore. If you want a similar functionality, you can copy the functions. They have way less logic in them than before, because a lot of the logic moved to the Timmy\Image class.
  • Removed get_post_thumbnail() and get_post_thumbnail_src() functions, because they are not namespaced as the other functions and are practically the same as get_timber_image() and get_timber_image_src().


  • Added Timmy\Timmy::VERSION constant. You can use this to check Timmy’s version using version_compare():
    if ( version_compare( Timmy\Timmy::VERSION, '1.0.0', '<' ) ) {
        // Do something for Timmy versions < 1.0.0.
  • Fixed a bug when Timmy tries to resize files that it shouldn’t, like video files.
  • Updated testing suite.
  • Update

0.14.8 - 2021-07-28

  • Fixed more issues with regex for Responsive Content Images.

0.14.7 - 2021-07-01

  • Fixed regex for Responsive Content Images.
  • Fixed a bug for attachments that were deleted from the media library.

0.14.6 - 2021-03-29

  • Added content_filters argument for Responsive Content Images constructor.
  • Fixed performance when a lot of image data is requested.

0.14.5 - 2020-09-11

  • Added Block Editor support for the Responsive Content Images functionality.
  • Added new timber_image_srcset() function to get only the srcset for an image size.
  • Added support for using values like 1x and 2x in the srcset definition.
  • Fixed get_timber_image_responsive_acf() function.
  • Fixed a bug when srcset sizes weren’t generated on upload.
  • Fixed a bug when the sizes was written into the markup even though there was no srcset.
  • Deprecated function get_acf_image_attr().

0.14.4 - 2020-03-03

This release fixes a bug when low-quality image sizes were generated when using WordPress 5.3+.

Added support for scaled images

As of WordPress 5.3, images above 2560px will be scaled down to a smaller version for the full size of an image. This version will include -scaled in its filename. Because Timmy relied on wp_get_attachment_url(), smaller image sizes would be created based on this scaled version, which resulted in a very visible quality loss.

Timmy now uses the new wp_get_original_image_url() function when needed. There’s also a fallback to wp_get_attachment_url() for WordPress versions below 5.3.

Wrongly generated images will be regenerated on the fly as soon as you install this update.

Timmy now returns the scaled version of an image, when the full image size is requested. You can always get the original size of an image when using original instead of full as the size.

If you want to disable scaled images, you’ll have to use the big_image_size_threshold filter:

add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );

0.14.3 - 2020-02-20

  • Added new filter for wp_get_attachment_metadata that adds a sizes configuration for image sizes that are missing in the image meta data. This should improve compatibility when image data is requested through the WP REST API.

0.14.2 - 2019-08-09

  • Added new filter timmy/use_src_default to define whether a src attribute should be added as a fallback.
  • Added new filter timmy/src_default to define what the src attribute’s should be.
  • Added new lazy_sizes parameter to get_timber_image_responsive_src() function. This will allow you to prefix the sizes attribute with data-.
  • Improved lazy filter by adding a parameter to define which attributes should be prefixed with data-. E.g., you can now use image|get_timber_image_responsive('large')|lazy(['srcset', 'src', 'sizes']) to prefix the srcset, the src and the sizes attributes with data-.
  • Improved the default src fallback for images with . This fixes bugs in IE 11.

0.14.1 - 2019-06-19

  • Added bailout in image_downsize filter when no image size could be found.
  • Updated the order of the image attributes when using get_timber_image_responsive().
  • Fixed bug when full image size couldn’t be found when using get_timber_image().



  • Added testing setup to be able to test Timmy functionality and make it more robust.

0.14.0 - 2018-07-24

  • Introduced new function Helper::get_attribute_html() that is used to turn an associative array of HTML attributes into a string. Internally, the handling of a list of HTML attributes was improved by introducing attribute arrays that get passed around and will be turned into HTML by this new function.
  • Introduced new function get_timber_image_attributes_responsive() that can be used to get an associative array of default HTML attributes for a responsive Timber image.
  • Introduced new function get_timber_image_texts() that is used to retrieve alt and title attributes for an image.
  • Deprecated the get_image_attr_html() function in favor of Helper::get_attribute_html.
  • Deprecated the get_timber_image_attr() function in favor of get_timber_image_texts().

Improved Responsive Content Images feature

  • Introduced arguments array for Responsive_Content_Images class with new option map_sizes, that allows the usage of custom image sizes for image sizes used in the content.
  • Introduced new filter timmy/responsive_content_image/attributes to filter image attributes used for a responsive content image.
  • Introduced new filter timmy/responsive_content_image to filter the image HTML markup for a responsive content image.
  • Added filter that automatically removes any width styles from WordPress-generated <figure> tags.

Meta data for images

When an image is uploaded, Timmy now generates image metadata that is saved in the database. This improves compatibility with third party plugins that sometimes check this metadata for various reasons. For example, Yoast SEO needs this data to generate the markup for OG image tags.

To generate this data for existing images, you’d have to run Regenerate Thumbnails.

Update documentation

The README file was quite long, probably a little too long. The big part of the documentation can now be found in separate files in the docs/ folder. Use the Documentation Section in the README for an entry point.

0.13.6 - 2018-04-11

  • Escaped HTML attributes with esc_attr() for better security and to prevent errors when certain characters are used in image alt texts and titles.

0.13.5 - 2018-03-09

  • Changed how the bug that was fixed in 0.13.4 is handled. Solve it differently, so that the changes made for the timmy/resize/ignore filter in 0.13.4 could be reversed. Check the filter section in the README for how the timmy/resize/ignore filter works. Sorry!
  • Fixed a whitespace bug in get_timber_image_responsive_src() that was introduced in 0.13.3 (a17aa2e825c0b0b20e613f70d7aa735711170367).

0.13.4 - 2018-03-06

  • Fixed a bug when timmy/resize/ignore filter was ignored in the backend when attachments were queried.
  • Changed parameters passed to timmy/resize/ignore filter. Instead of the $attachment_id parameter, there’s now a $mime_type parameter. The order for the following parameters changed as well. Check the filter section in the README.

0.13.3 - 2018-02-26

0.13.2 - 2018-02-14

  • Fixed a bug when Timmy tried to convert a PDF to JPEG. Timmy now checks that a file is not a PDF before converting it to JPG.

0.13.1 - 2018-02-08

  • Fixed behavior of oversize parameter. Prior to this version, images would grow bigger than their original size even if oversize['allow'] was set to false.
  • Extended the oversize shortcut to also set the style_attr parameter. This means that you can use oversize => true or oversize => false to set all parameters directly. This change only has implications for you if you’ve used oversize => false in the past.
  • Added new filter timmy\oversize to set the default values for the oversize parameter. Read more about it in the Filters section of the README.

0.13.0 - 2018-01-18

Composer type

Changed Composer package type from wordpress-plugin to library.

With type wordpress-plugin, the package was installed into a wp-content/plugins folder, even if you used it in your theme. With type library, we follow that Timber does, and it’s still possible to define where the package should be installed. And it will not break backwards compatibility, because the default folder will still be the vendors folder.

Introducing filters

In the upcoming versions of Timmy you’ll see filters that allow you to change certain settings more easily. In this version, we introduce 3 new filters. To read more about the filters, there’s a new Filters section of the README. Here’s an overview over what these changes mean for you.


Introduced a new timmy/sizes filter to define the image sizes used in Timmy. The way to get image sizes through get_image_sizes() will be deprecated in a future version of Timmy. The reason for is that get_image_sizes() is quite a generic function name that could lead to conflicts with other plugins.

This means that instead of returning your image configuration from get_image_sizes(), you’ll use timmy/sizes:


function get_image_sizes() {
    return array(
        // Image configuration


add_filter( 'timmy/sizes', function() {
    return array(
        // Image configuration
} );


  • Introduced a timmy/resize/ignore filter to make it possible to ignore resizing of images. This filter allows you to disable the resizing based on various conditions, that you can define yourself based on the values passed to this filter.
  • Added a default filter to ignore resizing of GIF images by default. If you still want to enable resizing of GIF images, you can disable the filter by adding the following line to functions.php of your theme (after you initialized Timmy with new Timmy\Timmy()):
remove_filter( 'timmy/resize/ignore', array( 'Timmy\Timmy', 'ignore_gif' ) );


Introduced a new filter timmy/generate_srcset_sizes that filters whether srcset sizes should be generated when an image is uploaded. By default, Timmy generated sizes defined in srcset in your image configuration when you uploaded an image in the backend by default. You could disable this by using a generate_srcset_sizes in your image configuration. This behavior is now changed:

  • generate_srcset_sizes will be false by default. If you want a size to generate srcset sizes when an image is uploaded, you need to set generate_srcset_sizes for an image size to true.
  • If you want to enable generating srcset sizes for all images sizes, you can use the timmy/generate_srcset_sizes filter.
  • A value for generate_srcset_sizes set on an image size in your configuration will always overwrite values set by the filter.

0.12.2 - 2018-01-09

0.12.1 - 2017-08-17

Changed how Timmy is initialized. It now works the same as initializing Timber. You need to initialize it manually in functions.php of your theme:

new Timmy\Timmy();

You can add this right after you called new Timber\Timber();.

This change was required to make the library more compatible with environments like Bedrock, where WordPress might not have been loaded when the Composer package is initialized.

Other changes

  • Fixed missing files when Timmy is installed as a plugin.
  • Fixed leading whitespace for srcset attributes.

0.12.0 - 2017-08-03

  • Added support for responsive content images, which means that Timmy can now make images inserted in the post content via the WordPress Editor responsive.
  • Optimized image markup by using the srcset attribute only if multiple images are available. If an image has only one image in srcset, it falls back to using the src attribute instead.
  • Added src fallback attribute to all responsive images by default to fix invalid markup errors (as recommended by Picturefill).
  • Optimized performance in the backend.
    • Only thumbnails and full sizes of images are shown in the backend to prevent on-the-fly resizing of images (e.g. in the Media Grid).
    • Uses full size instead of large size if 'large' is present as a size.
  • Fixed selectable images sizes that appear in various positions in the backend.
  • Added fallback for GIFs to return full size when image metadata can’t be read.
  • Internal: Introduced new helper class for static helper functions.
  • Internal: Replaced deprecated filter get_twig with timber/twig.

0.11.0 - 2017-04-26

  • Made Timmy compatible with newest version 1.3.0 of Timber, which is now also the minimum required version.
  • Added warning when key "full" is used in image size config.
  • Added warning when an image size does not exist in the image configuration.
  • Improved how Timmy selects the correct image source internally.
  • Improved how SVG and GIF images are handled. See the FAQ section for more information.
  • Improved how Timmy handles images it can’t find. Now, it will return false for all images it can’t find. This means that it will silently fail without any error messages.

0.10.6 - 2017-02-21

  • Fixed compatibility issue with Timber 1.2.2, where Timber returned the thumbnail size of an image instead of the full size.

0.10.5 - 2017-01-03

  • Fixed notice that occurred when oversize parameter was not set in image config.

0.10.4 - 2017-01-02

  • Fixed oversize parameter and updated documentation.

0.10.3 - 2016-11-18

  • Fixed an error when Timmy blocked images showing up in the Media Grid view in the backend.

0.10.2 - 2016-10-11

  • Optimized function get_timber_image_responsive_src() to directly return the image source when the image is an SVG or a GIF.

0.10.1 - 2016-05-25

  • Added composer.json to make it possible to load Timmy through Composer.
  • Added check for valid and non-empty TimberImage. Frontend functions now return an empty string when no image was found.
  • Made sure image arrays (like used in ACF) are also converted to a TimberImage. This way, it doesn’t matter if an image ID or an array is returned by ACF, Timmy will convert it to a TimberImage.

0.10.0 - 2016-05-09

  • Changed image configuration option size to sizes to use the attribute name that is also used in the HTML markup. This means you have to update your image configuration.
  • Added functionality that prevent smaller images from being oversized. In the image configuration, there’s a new option: oversize. False per default, it can be set to true to allow images to grow bigger than their uploaded size. Otherwise, Timmy returns only sizes smaller or equal than the uploaded image size and also adds a style attribute "width" or "height", to prevent the image to autogrow in the browser.
  • Integrated Timmy’s image sizes better into default WordPress functionalities to better support other plugins like Advanced Custom Fields, Admin Columns by codepress and Yoast SEO.
  • Improved README with section about image size keys. See README.
  • Fixed call to deprecated method.
  • Fixed error when 0 was used for the width parameter.
  • Namespaced all instances of calls to Timber classes. Timber classes are namespaced since Timber v1.0.0.

0.9.3 - 2016-03-17

  • Added support for resize values of 0 for the width parameter. In Timber, a user can pass the value 0 as the width parameter. Images will then be resized proportionally based on the height parameter. This now also works in Timmy. (Thanks to @koraysels for pointing this out.)

0.9.2 - 2016-03-06

  • Improved examples in README.
  • Added support for letterbox and tojpg filters. See README for more information.
  • Made sure other plugins are loaded before plugin is initialized