Creates bundles for proton-native. It will download the latest node version and create a fully self-contained package.
At the moment, only Mac app bundles are supported. Contributions are welcome!
It can be installed globally or locally:
yarn add --dev proton-packager // or
npm install -D proton-packager
You can then use it on the cli via npx
npx proton-packager mac MyApp
or add a script to your package.json
"name": "my-proton-app",
"scripts": {
"package": "proton-packager mac MyApp -f"
Usage: proton-packager [options] [command]
mac <AppName> create a macOS .app bundle
-h, --help output usage information
-o, --out-dir <dir> output folder [build]
-s, --src <dir> source folder [src]
-m, --main <main> name of the main script inside src [index.js]
-b, --bundle <bundle> bundle identifier [my.proton.application]
-i, --icon <icon> icns file to use as app icon
-v, --version <ver> version of the app [package.json: version]
--no-transpile don't transpile source files using babel
-f, --force overwrite old package
For a project with the structure:
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
│ └── index.js
└── .babelrc
simply run
proton-packager mac MyApp
to create the app bundle
For a project with the structure:
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── application
│ └── main.js
└── .babelrc
proton-packager mac MyApp -s application -m main.js